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Subject: Rango

Posted by: daymare
Date: Sep 11 11

Did anyone see this movie?

I didn't get past the first 15 minutes.

What is your impression of it?

3 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
johnnycat777 star

player avatar
Watched Rango with my kids about a week ago. It is slow moving, boring and has only a couple of small laughs. This movie will not hold the attention of young kids and is not worth renting, let alone buying. Thumbs down, do NOT recommend.

Reply #1. Sep 12 11, 1:44 PM

player avatar
Wow. I thought Rango was a truly impressive movie, created like a kid's movie but tackling the very deep question of the meaning of identity and making a mockery of the Greek chorus. "No man can walk out on his own story." Freaking brilliant!

Reply #2. Jan 26 14, 12:08 PM
imphic star

player avatar
I watched it and I enjoyed it. May I ask what turned you off to it?

Reply #3. Jan 26 14, 4:03 PM

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