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Subject: Die Hard 5

Posted by: wwe84
Date: Oct 13 11

there is going to be a Die Hard 5 it is called Die Hard 5:A Good Day To Die Hard it's release date is February 14th 2013,this time it's about Jack McClane & His Son in Russia

15 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
Wow, didn't know Jack McClain had a son! In "Live Free or Die Hard", he has a daughter but no son! Oh well, I'm a Bruce Willis fan and have liked the "Die Hard" films so far so I will be watching this one at some point after its released.

Reply #1. Oct 13 11, 12:13 PM
daymare star

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Another one to add to the 'to see' list.

Reply #2. Oct 13 11, 12:25 PM
rayven80 star

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They want Tim Tebow to play his son. I don't know how that'll go over.

Reply #3. Oct 13 11, 12:32 PM

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That would be John McClane?

I'll watch it - when it goes to disc.

Reply #4. Oct 13 11, 12:38 PM
supersal1 star
Same here, though I'll probably regret it. They're all pretty improbable but the last one was really pushing it.

In the first film he had a young son and daughter.

Reply #5. Oct 13 11, 12:44 PM
PHEW, you can tell that it's been YEARS since I've watched the "Die Hard" movies! JOHN McClane, not Jack! Thanks for the correction, RedViking! And I haven't seen the first "Die Hard" film in a very long time so I had forgotten he had a son in that movie. Thanks, Supersal! I guess I'll have to dust off my copies of "Die Hard" and watch them again soon!

Reply #6. Oct 13 11, 2:22 PM
wwe84 star

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didn't see that i spelled his name wrong

Reply #7. Oct 13 11, 4:03 PM
wwe84 star

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Die Hard With A Vengeance is the best Die Hard movie

Reply #8. Oct 13 11, 4:04 PM
daymare star

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Tebow? I can't see it.

Reply #9. Oct 13 11, 4:35 PM
Sounds like a good sequel. The cop will raise a son this time.

Reply #10. Mar 12 12, 9:35 AM
Can't wait. My wife even likes Bruce's action films.

Reply #11. Mar 12 12, 2:51 PM
Patrick Stewart is going to be the bad guy (Yippy Ki Yay -Tea, hot, Earl Grey) (it rhymes better that way) Santa gave me the 1st three, then I bought #4. This one should be good too.

Reply #12. Jul 25 12, 3:09 PM
Actually, in this one the character's name will be John McClain. "My Russian friends.."

Reply #13. Jul 25 12, 3:26 PM
Crap! Drop the L

Reply #14. Jul 25 12, 3:27 PM
jolana star

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The name is McClane. John McClane:)

Reply #15. Jul 25 12, 4:49 PM

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