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Subject: The Book or The Movie

Posted by: HannahConner88
Date: Oct 14 11

For all the film adaptations you've seen based on books you've read; which is better: the book or the movie.

26 replies. On page 1 of 2 pages. 1 2
The Princess Bride: The book.
A Clockwork Orange: The book and the movie are even.
To Kill A Mockingbird: The book.
Of Mice and Men: The movie.
The Notebook: The movie.

Reply #1. Oct 14 11, 8:42 AM
salami_swami star
It depends. Hatchet, for instance, was a horrible movie.

Alice in Wonderland; I prefer both the movies over the book. :P

Pride and Prejudice, the book was better.

Last Song, Time Traveler's Wife, Series of Unfortunate Events, Sahara, I'm going with the books.

Usually I think the book is better; but I sometimes prefer the movie, though I can't think of any more examples right now.

Reply #2. Oct 14 11, 8:44 AM
TCEB star
Lord of The Rings - The book.
Watership Down - Both good - a tie.

Reply #3. Oct 14 11, 9:19 AM
The book:always examples:Bridges of Madison Countyand Prince of Tides
I agree Alice in Wonderland the movie is a new favorite. They nailed it beyond my wildest imagination.

Reply #4. Oct 14 11, 10:02 AM

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The only instance I can think of where the movie was better than the book was "The Godfather" - it was a great story not all that well written.

Otherwise, I always like the book better, but sometimes it's a tie - "To Kill a Mockingbird" were both good, same with "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" and "The Princess Bride".

Reply #5. Oct 15 11, 11:52 PM
Picard25 star

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I also have to say that the book is usually better, because a movie can not be as detailed or complex as a book. You cannot fit the contents of a 400 (or even more) page novel into 2 hours of film.
One thing I must say though, I don't care so much if a lot is omitted in the adaptation, when the movie is able to capture the atmosphere and spirit of the novel. One example that comes to mind for me now is "The Cider House Rules": very much of the novel is missing, but nevertheless from the first establishing shot, the film pictured exactly the atmosphere I had envisioned when I read the book.

Reply #6. Oct 16 11, 1:26 AM
blindcat78 star

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I prefer the book to the movie because the movie leaves out so much of the book & its details.

Reply #7. Oct 16 11, 1:29 PM
klinski_1987 star
Occasionally the movie is good enough (or the book bad enough) to tie. Salem's Lot was an excellent adaptation. They changed things enough in the details for me to forgive the omissions. I'd agree atmosphere is the key to an adaptation's success though.

Reply #8. Oct 16 11, 1:48 PM
AlexxSchneider star

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I prefer the book of The Exorcist to the movie. The suffering of Father Karras was only lightly touched upon in the movie, and some scenes from the book were actually scarier than those in the movie!

Same with its sequel, Legion. I greatly preferred the book. The film company forcing in a completely out-of-place exorcism scene helped, but mostly it was the omission of the character of Amfortas that let the movie down for me. I would love to see the book adapted much more faithfully, without the whole "Exorcist" tag pushed onto it.

Harry Potter, hmm, that is a tough one for me. I can't actually decide which I prefer! There are instances where I think the changes in the film are preferable to the event in the book, but overall the media are great in different ways.

I have read so many books that have been adapted into movies that I might be here all day if I recollect all of them!

Reply #9. Oct 17 11, 8:05 AM
paulmallon star

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the books are better 99% of the time-only exception I can think of where they were both great is "The Godfather"

Reply #10. Oct 17 11, 8:41 PM
Cymruambyth star

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Chalk up another one for the book over the movie. Especially when it comes to Disney movies. Disney butchered 'Winnie the Pooh', 'Alice in Winderland', 'Wind in the Willows', 'Peter Pan', 'The Sword in the Stone', and many more of my childhood favourites!

I find that the mental pictures I have of characters in books I read seldom match the same characters in the movies Based on the books.

Reply #11. Dec 09 11, 7:18 PM
turbotude star

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I agree with Paulmallon regarding the percentage of 99% where the book is better.
One movie that impressed me because it so closely followed the book was "The Other Side of Midnight".

Reply #12. Dec 10 11, 10:45 AM
izzy50 star
i read the godfather years ago and watched the film when it was released , i enjoyed them both but the film did it for me,,

Reply #13. Dec 26 11, 10:25 AM
AlexxSchneider star

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Atonement was about equal. The movie was pretty much exactly how I imagined the book :)

Reply #14. Jan 13 12, 9:37 AM
Harry Potter: the book saga
James Bond: the movies
Willard (2003): the movie

Reply #15. Mar 12 12, 9:30 AM
I prefer books because it gives more details

Reply #16. Sep 05 12, 1:13 AM
Daaanieeel star
I'd like to start by quoting Richard Adams (author of "Watership Down" and "The Plague Dogs"): "A film is not a book. They are two distinct forms of art; and people who, when asked whether they have read a particular book, reply 'No, but I saw the film' might just as sensibly answer 'No, but I had breakfast this morning'."

Now, on to the list:
"Lord of the Rings"- books. As good as the films were, they missed too much out or changed too much.
"Harry Potter"- books, but the movies were great.
"Watership Down"- loved both again, but again the book.
"Inkheart"- BOOKS, the movie was rubbish.
"Jurassic Park"- I only read a bit of the book and was a bit bored of it, so movies. "The Lost World", however, books if going by the Arthur Conan Doyle version.

Reply #17. Oct 14 12, 8:55 AM
Daaanieeel star
Another one:
"Of Mice and Men"- tight call, but I'm going to go with... The movie.

Reply #18. Oct 14 12, 8:59 AM
Always the books. The movies may be good, even great, but they can't achieve the complexity of the books and always lose part of the atmosphere.

Reply #19. Oct 17 12, 2:37 PM

player avatar
Great quote, Daniel.

I am reeling that in this thread the Alice books are being trumped by the films. Shocked. Disturbed. Disillusioned....

Reply #20. Nov 23 12, 1:31 PM

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