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Subject: Fear Factor

Posted by: 3:21
Date: Nov 07 11

Anyone like the show? New season coming out.

8 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
boxjaw star

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I can't wait. Hopefully they won't change the format too drastically.

Reply #1. Nov 08 11, 1:02 PM
dg_dave star

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I saw a few episodes, and while I can handle some of the stunts, others I'd rather pass on even watching.

Reply #2. Nov 09 11, 4:48 PM
postal315 star

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I think the gross eating is the worst.

However, picking up and throwing dead rats (using only your mouth) was pretty disgusting, too.

I'll probably watch it, just to see how it holds up.

Reply #3. Nov 13 11, 10:41 AM
Skyflyerjen star
I’d like to think that they’ll have come up with some great new stunts. My favorite part is the disgusting stuff, so hopefully those will be good too!

Reply #4. Nov 14 11, 10:44 PM
Hineboxing star
I'm really not impressed with the catty, snotty and disrespectful comments the contestants feel they have to exchange. It just confirms my low opinion of people in general.

Reply #5. Dec 15 11, 6:39 AM
salami_swami star
Yep, nothing has changed from the original run of the series. These contestants are still are rude, evil, and just plain annoying as ever.

My favorite contestant, back in the day, was the guy with a toe missing and he was old and hill-billy-ish, and he was on the blind date episode and was paired with a good-looking young girl, who actually tried to find the good in him. I often quote him..... "HYAAAAH!"

Reply #6. Dec 15 11, 12:34 PM
I don't think I could have eaten those 5 scorpions. Yuk!

Reply #7. Dec 15 11, 1:22 PM
I don't watch this show because I get grossed out.

Reply #8. Mar 09 12, 10:01 AM

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