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Subject: Smash

Posted by: bionic4ever
Date: Apr 05 12

Is anyone else watching this show? I love it! Have my dvr set to record the entire series!

3 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
Waldmaus star
Isn't it a show about a reality show? Don't we have more than enough reality shows, without having shows about them?

Reply #1. Apr 10 12, 1:21 PM
bionic4ever star
No - not a show about a reality show. It's a show about a fictitious Broadway show, from conception to curtain.

Reply #2. Apr 10 12, 2:15 PM
I started to watch Smash, but haven't been keeping up with the episodes. I've missed some!

Reply #3. Apr 19 12, 12:26 PM

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