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Subject: Golden Girls-favs?

Posted by: sestovall
Date: May 18 12

Favorite quotes and/or scene from an episode?

My favorite quotes would have to be

Dorothy: You'll have to excuse my mother. She suffered a slight stroke a few years ago which rendered her totally annoying.

Dorothy: You couldn't sleep either, huh?
Sophia: No, I'm sleeping so good I thought I'd come try it in the sink.

Blanche: [to Sophia] My mistake. I thought since you look like Yoda you were also wise.

4 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
blindcat78 star

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I loved it whenever Sofea said "picture it".

Reply #1. May 20 12, 2:11 PM
tigasrule star

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I'll never forget the scene when Dorothy mentions meeting her mother at the race tracks. One of the girls asks if Sophia bets, and Dorothy answers "No, she's a dog jockey"!

Reply #2. May 23 12, 8:24 AM
I loved when, in the library, Dorothy’s library card had apparently expired and she cried, “Who are you to JUDGE me?!?” In the same episode when Sophie pretends to be Blanche’s mom, I love when she squeaks out in a fake accent, “We was poor.”

Reply #3. Jul 10 12, 1:23 PM
My favorite was when the girls were talking about menopause Sophia~ I got it no one told me, I didnt get it no one told me. I thought this is life and went back to my meatballs!

Reply #4. Oct 24 12, 10:03 AM

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