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Subject: District 9

Posted by: squidgybop
Date: Jun 13 12

Who has seen the movie? For those who have not, it is about aliens living in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa. The reason being that these aliens are like worker bees and have lost all of their upper leadership to illness. People beg the corporation of Multi National United (MNU) to evict the aliens to a "safer and better location" 240 kilometers outside of Johannesburg. Of course the main reason is, of course, weapons.

5 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
SisterSeagull star

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I've seen it.... Quite a good premise but I do find that the 'documentary' style of filming a little off-putting!

Reply #1. Jun 13 12, 11:34 AM
boxjaw star

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I found it to be brilliant. The first third was mostly documentary style, and that was done in good taste. The film is actually quite sad in it's premise. Fitting that it was filmed in South Africa. It also screams loudly for a sequel.

Reply #2. Jun 13 12, 11:41 AM
supersal1 star
It's one of those films where I wasn't that interested at the start, but gradually got drawn into it. I started out despising the main character but in the end I was totally on his side. Agreed, it's crying out for a sequel.

Reply #3. Jun 13 12, 2:55 PM
turbotude star

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I haven't yet seen "District 9", but from your reviews, I'll have to check it out when I get back from vacation.

Reply #4. Jun 13 12, 3:30 PM
i did hear that the director was planning on making a sequel.

Reply #5. Jun 13 12, 5:36 PM

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