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Subject: Movie Countdown

Posted by: wwe84
Date: Jul 08 12

If everyone wants a real Movie Countdown then here it is

From July 8th 2012 to August 8th 2012

Just message me your Top 10 Favourite Movies(it can be under 10 Movies or over 10 Movies) of the followring 5 categories

The way it will work is the Movies with most votes will be in the Countdowns

Best Movies of the 2000s (Movies from 2000-2009)

Best Movies of the 90s (1990-1999)

Best Movies of the 80s (1980-1989)

Best Movies of the 70s (1970-1979)

Best Movies of the 1930s-1960s (Movies from 1930 to 1969)

Next Month there be a countdown on the Movies & Television Forum borad of the Followring

2000s Countdown
90s Countdown
80s Countdown
70s Countdown
1930s-1960s Countdown

By the way the countdown can include Made For TV Movies

This is just not an American Movie countdown with all American Movies it can include Worldwide Movies from Britain,Australia,New Zealand,France,Italy etc

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