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Subject: Sooty is 60 years old

Posted by: satguru
Date: Jul 25 12

I have grown up with Sooty, and despite two changes of owner is still going strong pretty well the same as before and one of the few continuous links with my childhood. Since we had our new government I also noticed our business minister reminded me of someone, and then it clicked that anyone old enough to remember will see an uncanny similarity between Harry Corbett and Vince Cable. Whenever he speaks now I always expect him to say 'Oh look who's here boys and girls, it's Sooty'. What do we think?


Bye bye everybody, bye bye.

9 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1

And Nick (dead man walking) Clegg is a dead ringer for Sweep. Well, he sounds the same, anyway.


Reply #1. Jul 25 12, 6:45 PM
bloodandsand star

player avatar
I gave up with Sooty and Sweep after an episode about planting a sausage tree. It still gets me annoyed even though I can't remember all of it!

I think I'm becoming a somewhat sad and demented old woman :((

Reply #2. Jul 27 12, 12:42 PM

That's what teaching does for you, Bev.


Reply #3. Jul 27 12, 3:36 PM
Welcome to my world, Bev.

Reply #4. Jul 27 12, 4:48 PM

Reply #5. Jul 27 12, 4:50 PM
Part 2!

Reply #6. Jul 27 12, 5:00 PM
Part 3:

Reply #7. Jul 27 12, 5:08 PM
Part 4 -

Part 5 -

Part 6 -

That really is it. Sorry, I had no idea there would be so much of it!

Reply #8. Jul 27 12, 5:13 PM
bloodandsand star

player avatar
I wish I could say thankyou sincerely, Lesley!

Reply #9. Jul 28 12, 5:27 PM

9 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
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