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Subject: Craig Ferguson

Posted by: diade68
Date: Sep 18 12

when I am tired or upset I just watch a Late Late Show and have a good laugh all by myself.
Do you enjoy the show?

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The days when I could stay up that late are long gone.

It does sound like fun and I will try to watch it on Friday.

Great idea!

Reply #1. Sep 18 12, 2:28 PM

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He's the only late night host I can tolerate (unless Jimmy Fallon plays new video games in front of his audience).

And by tolerate, I mean I really enjoy Craig Ferguson-- his absurd humour is great.

Reply #2. Sep 18 12, 2:35 PM
I like the show. He's very funny and he doesn't ruin it with atrocious left-wing politics like all the others I know of do.

Reply #3. Sep 18 12, 2:42 PM

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with some guests he has a really great chemistry, and what about awkward poses and the organ-mouth and that stupid box in the head?

Reply #4. Sep 18 12, 2:55 PM
I don't watch him often, but he's always made me laugh. His monologue about Britney Spears was very touching and insightful.

Reply #5. Sep 18 12, 5:38 PM
mountaingoat star

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Jeez louise Guggly, can't you make a comment without slipping in a political jab?

Reply #6. Sep 24 12, 11:21 PM
Probably not! Do you think he should restrict his political opinions to his profile?

Reply #7. Sep 25 12, 6:19 AM
I've made plenty of comments here that have nothing to do with politics, thousands. I see you pop up every once in a while seemingly for the sole purpose of spreading your ideology. The percentages are on my side.

Reply #8. Sep 26 12, 2:31 AM
My question is...Jeez louise, can't a COMEDY show host run his show without spewing hateful, often anti-American garbage? Most of them apparently can't.

Reply #9. Sep 26 12, 2:38 AM
I'd really appreciate this thread staying put. Please don't delete it. Obviously what I said in my first post wasn't enough to kill it as it's over a week old now. Mountaingoat apparently wants the thread killed so he/she can point the finger at me. If the thread were mine, I wouldn't care but it certainly wouldn't be fair to the OP or Craig Ferguson fans to let our little spat kill it. I'm done with the politics here. I was done eight days ago. The thread might as well continue (with no more politics) because if it's wiped, I or someone else can just start a new Craig Ferguson thread.

Reply #10. Sep 26 12, 2:58 AM
What a nasty little song! I hadn't heard of the song before, but I've listened to it briefly, and looked at the lyrics. I think anyone who considers a song like that appropriate for welcoming anyone on a programme really needs to have their contract of employment re-examined. No, make that terminated.

Reply #11. Sep 26 12, 3:56 PM
I agree, Lesley. It was really low. I liked Jimmy Fallon until then.

Reply #12. Sep 26 12, 4:12 PM
Craig Ferguson became an American citizen in 2008 and he often talks about being proud and grateful for that. It's a very refreshing and increasingly rare perspective.

Reply #13. Sep 26 12, 4:15 PM
I've just realised, I know who Craig Ferguson is - I remember him on telly here. Born in Scotland, quite a good comedian.

Fallon I hadn't heard of but I've just looked at some pictures of him, and I know about not judging books by the covers and all that, but he does strike me as someone who is terminally pleased with himself and not someone I would feel safe turning my back on. Sorry if he's a wonderful person!

Reply #14. Sep 26 12, 4:36 PM
He's a funny guy and seems as if he would be a nice enough guy in person. I think he lacks confidence, sometimes coming across almost nervous or wondering if he should be doing what he's doing. He used to be on Saturday Night Live and had a reputation for not being able to get through skits keeping a straight face. He'd crack up and sometimes I think it made it funnier.

I don't know how involved he would be in deciding what music was played. Maybe not at all. I don't watch the show anymore but he might not be such a bad guy.

Reply #15. Sep 26 12, 8:17 PM
Meant to add that he does some great celebrity impressions...Neil Young, John Travolta and quite a few more.

Reply #16. Sep 26 12, 8:19 PM

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seems to me I have opened a very different debate than the one intended.I'm not even american ,I'm from Romania; I don't know who Jimmy Fallon is (sorry!), I just like C.F. show,I learned a little about him and I admire him for overcoming his drug problem and for his self-irony.

Reply #17. Sep 27 12, 6:21 PM
It did go a bit off the rails, didn't it?

I'm from England, and I don't know who Jimmy Fallon is either. (I'm not sorry!)

Yes to that - anyone who overcomes any sort of addiction, and makes a good life - which he seems to have done - deserves much admiration.

Reply #18. Sep 27 12, 8:15 PM
Craig Ferguson is very funny, and I love to watch (or listen) to his show, if I'm still awake...;)
Jimmy Fallon, I do not like. He always seems uncomfortable, and at a loss for words.

Reply #19. Sep 27 12, 9:58 PM
Thanks, VM, you found the words I couldn't. He's like a schoolboy who's been asked to step in at the last minute when all the real presenters are hiding.

Levity break - Craig Ferguson and Hugh Laurie on an American telly programme.

Reply #20. Sep 28 12, 10:43 AM

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