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Subject: Things you've learnt from television.

Posted by: ElusiveDream
Date: Oct 13 12

What are some things you've learnt from watching television?

I recently saw a show called "The True Story: Titanic" and I learnt some very interesting things:

1. Men are more susceptible to hypothermia than women.

2. The worst possible things anyone in the water could have done would have been trying to swim to a lifeboat. Instead of warming the body, swimming had the opposite effect. They would have died from hypothermia faster.

3. The ship's speed. If it had been slowed to 10 knots, the iceberg could have been completely avoided.

12 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
blindcat78 star

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I have learned from watching Hollywood Squares how to get the frizz from your hair by using a dryer sheet & rubbing it all over your hair. Also to get rid of pain from a burn, slice a piece of onion & place it onto the burn. This will kill the pain & you won't get a blister.

Reply #1. Oct 14 12, 8:28 PM
mountaingoat star

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If you are going to murder someone with a knife use your non favourite hand.

Reply #2. Oct 21 12, 7:47 PM
wyambezi star
I've learned countless things from television over the years, mostly history/news or cooking/baking info. And then there's Mythbusters! Last night I watched a fascinating Winston Churchill documentary.

Reply #3. Nov 19 12, 8:14 PM

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Most of what I know about space/stars/constellations/the universe/quantam physics etc is from the BBC's science programming. The Sky at Night or Horizon mainly. If I didn't see it there, something from there has prompted me to research. I don't know much about it! But that I can fathom any of it at all is down to the BBC.

Also from the BBC, David Attenborough and his nature programmes over the years have been revelations about the Natural World. It seems he can always find something startling to report.

Reply #4. Nov 24 12, 6:26 AM

player avatar
((If you are going to murder someone with a knife use your non favourite hand))

Good tip, thanks. lol!

Reply #5. Nov 24 12, 6:27 AM
I've learned that there are a lot of people in Hollywood that lack any moral compass and a lot of people in the media who want me to believe things that I know aren't true.

Reply #6. Nov 28 12, 6:34 PM
rayven80 star

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I've learned that the hippopotamus is the most dangerous animal in Africa, and that most 5th graders are indeed smarter than me.

Reply #7. Nov 28 12, 7:02 PM
Well, if those fifth graders don't know they're smarter than you then...

Reply #8. Nov 29 12, 7:07 AM
mpkitty star

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I've learned that most network news is biased.
Cable is a little better.

Reply #9. Nov 29 12, 9:14 AM
rschuch414 star
I learned that the Canadian weather models is generally more accurate that the US weather models for predicting snow accumulation in the US.

Reply #10. Dec 07 12, 10:12 PM
froggyx star
Mountaingoat, LOL very good!

Reply #11. Dec 11 12, 1:30 AM
paulmallon star

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On the subject of murdering someone: wear a pair of shoes at least 2-3 sizes larger than your regular ones, so when they compare latent footprints....

Reply #12. Dec 12 12, 10:10 PM

12 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
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