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Subject: RIP Bill Tarmey - Jack Duckworth

Posted by: lesley153
Date: Nov 09 12

The singer and actor, synonymous with his character of Jack Duckworth, and known for singing off screen and badly in the Rovers, has died. He was 71.

7 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
Here's the episode where Vera dies.

And here are Jack's final scenes, when Vera comes back for him.

Reply #1. Nov 09 12, 9:00 AM
I guess nobody here has heard of Coronation Street, or knew that Bill Tarmey was a singer.

Reply #2. Nov 15 12, 1:37 PM

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He & Liz Dawn were great in Coronation St, gave us all a lot of chuckles. :)

Reply #3. Nov 18 12, 4:12 PM

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I can't watch those scenes - they were too well done! ;)

Reply #4. Nov 18 12, 4:13 PM
Once was enough? :)

Reply #5. Nov 18 12, 7:30 PM
Mommakat star

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We used to watch Coronation Street religiously but then they took it off and transferred it to Pay-TV and that was the end of it for us. I don't mind paying for TV but what I balk at is their contracts which are full of traps as friends of mine have found out to their sorrow and disgust.

Reply #6. Nov 18 12, 9:18 PM
There was some talk a few years ago of taking it off terrestrial here and giving it to Sky. Much as I enjoyed watching it, I wasn't prepared to run after it waving money. We weren't alone, were we?

In the end, the proposition sank without trace. Advertisers win, again.

I stopped watching a couple of years ago - just got out of the habit. And then you watch a tour de force like the episode in which "Jack" comes home to find "Vera" dead, and you understand why you did watch, and why it's still one of the best, if not the best.

Reply #7. Nov 19 12, 12:11 PM

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