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Subject: Les Miserables

Posted by: Professer
Date: Jan 11 13

What a great film has certainly done the musical justice, Hugh Jackman was outstanding as Jean Valjean, Samantha Barks as eponine was great as was eddie as marius, Sasha baron cpohen and Helena Bonham Carter were great as the Thenardiers although my personel choice would been Alun Armstrong, and Sue Tanner.
Go see it folks

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kaddarsgirl star

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Already seen it! I thought it was incredible :D Eddie and Samantha were definitely the strongest singers in the cast, but the emotion of Anne Hathaway in "I Dreamed a Dream" brought me to tears. Hugh Jackman was a great acting Valjean but I was worried he wouldn't make the high notes in "Bring Him Home", kind of rough. Still bawled my eyes out at the end though...and during "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" - my favorite song from the musical.

I've seen it twice already, once two days after Christmas and then a second time a week later (I talked my best friend into going so I could see it a second time :D ). I liked the new song and all the stuff they brought from the book, as well as the re-ordering of "I Dreamed a Dream" and "On My Own".

They did cut lyrics out of "A Little Fall of Rain" and "Drink With Me" which was a little disappointing, but Gavroche delivering the letter to Valjean, Marius threatening to blow up the barricade, and the way they handled the death of Enjolras/Grantaire made up for it. I was very very pleased with the movie :D And we see Marius's apartment! ...which was sorely lacking in the stage musical.

Reply #1. Jan 11 13, 10:54 AM
Professer star
The highlight for me was seeing Colm Wilkinson the original Jean Valjean as the Bishop of Digne.

Reply #2. Jan 11 13, 12:55 PM
kaddarsgirl star

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Very exciting indeed! The Bishop is one of my favorite characters from the novel/musical :D

Oh, and the original London/Broadway Eponine, Frances Ruffelle was one of the whores in movie too! And like half of the students have been Marius at one point or other on the West End.

Reply #3. Jan 11 13, 1:26 PM
Professer star
Since i saw the movie on Friday was annoying myself as i knew the face of the lad plating Gavroche, Daniel Huttlestone it finaly came to me he played a minor role in the 2011 production of Oliver in the west end. Was the impish grin Daniel Huttlestone has that had me pondering, a future major star i am sure, one of Les Mis most tear jerking moments is when Javert (Crowe) removes a medal from his uniform and places it on the lifeless body of Gavroche (Huttlestone) laying with eyes open and a smile.

Benn lucky enough to be given a media copy of the film on DVD only bug bear is message saying such but it does not distract or spoil this magnificent movie. With the Globes being awarded tonite i would love to see Jackman and Hathaway pick up awards but then the awards being american it will not happen. Paint drying slowly will win a few Awards that being Lincoln.

But Les Miserables deserves some awards as it is unique costumes great songs magnificent and the acting very good and to think not a lot of dialogue, as most of it is sung.

Reply #4. Jan 13 13, 12:05 PM
I think I'll pass! Not into musicals at all!

Reply #5. Jan 13 13, 2:05 PM
george48 star

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I went into this knowing very little about the story, having neither read it or seen a stage production of it.
It should have come with a three hanky warning, seriously, i don't think i've cried at a movie since 'The Colour Purple'.
The story blows me away and is probably the most aptly named 'Les Miserables', because with the exception of 'Master of The House', there is absolutely no levity at all. I didn't recognize Sacha Baron Cohen at first.
Anne Hathaway's version of 'I Dreamed A Dream, nailed it. Young Cosette singing 'Castles In The Air', man i was a blubbering idiot by then.
Russell Crowe singing 'Stars' as Javert and Marois singing 'Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, Wow!
I did not see Javert's ending coming, i basically said to myself, what gives,?, makes sense when i think about it.
Who knew that Hugh Jackman could sing,? not I.
All in all, Loved it and will see it again.
Went to Itunes and downloaded the whole movie soundtrack.
One question, is Gavroche, the Thernardier's son?

Reply #6. Jan 13 13, 4:05 PM
kaddarsgirl star

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Yes, Gavroche is the son of the Thenardiers. He has two sisters, Azelma (not seen in the movie), and Eponine (dies at the barricade). He also as two little brothers (not seen in the movie or musical), who in the novel are not even given names, and it is assumed that they starve on the streets.

Reply #7. Jan 13 13, 4:30 PM
Professer star
Glad you liked it George i have been transfixed and a admirer for 27 years of Les Miserables, yes i knew Hugh Jackman could sing did Oklahoma on stage few years back and the Boy from Oz.

I good to see the globe comittee award Anne Hathaway their deserved awards.

Reply #8. Jan 14 13, 4:28 AM
Professer star
George one suggestion you either buy or download the 10th Annversery concert and come back and tell me then you think Crowe nailed Stars, Philip Quast another aussie is by most Miz fans the ultimate and outstanding versions of Stars.

Have now seen the movie 10 times in 3 days costing me a fortune but i simply love the show, seen it on the west end stage and other theatres.

Reply #9. Jan 14 13, 4:33 AM
Professer star
George save you some time heres vidoe of how stars should be sung.

As for the tissue warning i agree should be one even if you get the chance to see it on stage you will be saying the same thing.

As for Javert (crowe ) killing himself Valjean (jackman) made him realise that his duty as he saw it was wrong and he should not have been the way his was, so could not live with his shame and the fact he had also failed in his duty to aprehend Valjean.

Reply #10. Jan 14 13, 4:49 AM
demurechicky star
Blimey Professer, 10 times in 3 days! Was that at the cinema? It will have cost a fortune, you must be a real fan!

Reply #11. Jan 14 13, 9:29 AM
Professer star
well worth the admission Chicky, Would be far more expensive to see it at the theatre, can get special rate due to being disabled. Has only cost me the admisson for seeinng it once in the west end.

Reply #12. Jan 14 13, 11:28 AM
kaddarsgirl star

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"Glad you liked it George i have been transfixed and a admirer for 27 years of Les Miserables, yes i knew Hugh Jackman could sing did Oklahoma on stage few years back and the Boy from Oz.

I good to see the globe comittee award Anne Hathaway their deserved awards."

Did you really doubt that Hugh and Anne would win? As I see it, they were locks. And I knew Hugh Jackman could sing as well...he won a Tony for his role as Gaston in "Beauty and the Beast" on Broadway. Also, nationality has nothing to do with whether or not you win a Golden Globe/Oscar. If is Aussie is the best, they win. Who really cares? It's not like Americans hate Australians.

Reply #13. Jan 14 13, 11:39 AM
TheRambler star

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Sorry I'm not into musicals at all and the thought of perpetual singing with no spoken words would make me cringe.

Reply #14. Jan 16 13, 8:19 AM
Professer star
Rambler each to their own as they say, But give it a go you may change your mind.

Someone else said the say to me and went to see the film, she called to see me after the event and said you bastard you could have warned me to take tissues, i have never cried so much since my mum died and this was a film, so beautiful to see songs sung well the story great said she was going back to see it again

Reply #15. Jan 16 13, 9:00 AM
TheRambler star

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I suppose it must be good Prof. with Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe in it but it's just not my bag. My pal is into musicals so she might ask me along and if she does, I'll try to keep an open mind!

Reply #16. Jan 19 13, 7:58 AM
Professer star
You certainly should Rambler, a friend on facebook went to see it afer my praising of the movie hates musicals with a passion but loves this film.

Reply #17. Jan 19 13, 9:48 AM
alexis722 star

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I never cared for musicals either - till I saw Jesus Christ Superstar, in two different films, in two different live plays, and bought the DVDs so I can watch it anytime. West Side Story, Hair and Guys and Dolls are the only other musicals I've liked. After hearing about Les Mis, I'm definitely going to see it, with tissues.

Reply #18. Jan 19 13, 12:05 PM
Professer star
Nice one Alexis recommend a king size box of tisues lol :)

Reply #19. Jan 19 13, 1:48 PM
Professer star
anne hathaway wins best supporting actress in London critics awards, Les mis cd tops charts and anne hathaway is 22 in singles chart great showing

Reply #20. Jan 21 13, 3:01 AM

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