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Subject: The Golden Gongs

Posted by: TheRambler
Date: Jan 15 13

I'm a bit puzzled by the trophies that are being given out at present. I'd never heard of Lincoln, Django Unchained or Life of Pi until a few weeks ago. What about all the other movies in 2012? Prometheus & Snow White & The Huntsman?

2 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
daBomb619 star
I'm not sure what you mean by "trophies" or "Golden Gongs", but I imagine there wasn't much publicity in the UK for Lincoln or Django Unchained, both being very American-centric films. Also, Prometheus and Snow White and the Huntsman both blew and are not really worthy of any awards anyway.

Reply #1. Jan 15 13, 2:45 PM
TheRambler star

player avatar
I'm talking about The Golden Globes & The Baftas. I thought both these films were brilliant, so there's no accounting for taste.

Reply #2. Jan 16 13, 6:21 AM

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