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Subject: Hansel and Gretel witch hunters

Posted by: Professer
Date: Mar 07 13

What next from the sick minded current film makers, they have taken a gentle fairy tale and turned it into a murserous blood fest horror flick, With Jack the giantkiller out now, will we be seeing snow white and the 7 paedophiles?

Some films should be not made this for me is one of them.

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bob114 star

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Until your post, I had never heard of this movie. Just watched a few trailers of it and no way would I go and see it.

Plain and simple, just not my "Cup of Tea."

Reply #1. Mar 07 13, 8:45 PM
Anton star
Gentle fairy tale? I suppose you think abandonment, kidnapping, child slave labor, and murder is gentle. No wonder you liken the seven dwarves to pedophiles.

Reply #2. Mar 07 13, 9:35 PM
I agree, Professer! They seem to be running out of ideas for movies these days so anything is fair game as far as they're concerned! They also butcher a lot of movies by doing all of these remakes.

Reply #3. Mar 07 13, 9:58 PM
daver852 star

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I've always thought it would be a much better idea to do remakes of really bad movies and get them right the second time around, instead of taking a great movie and making a sequel. Who wants to see a remake of "Citizen Kane" or "Psycho?" You know the remake won't be as good as the original, so why go see it? On the other hand, if they redo "Ishtar" or "Leonard Part 6," it's bound to be better.

Reply #4. Mar 07 13, 11:50 PM

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At first I thought this was an adaptation of the recent kids book "A Tale Dark and Grimm" and I thought, I'm in! It takes Hansel and Gretel on an gruesome "adventure" through other Grimm tales and Grimm-like tales, because those Grimm stories are pretty...eek. It's funny and gross and creepy. The author breaks the fourth wall all the time, telling you to not go on if you're squeamish, and warning you that scary things are coming. I would love to see a movie version of that book, because the tone is perfectly balanced between humor and horror.

But I lost interest when I saw what the movie was really about.

Reply #5. Mar 08 13, 6:20 PM
MarchHare007 star

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Well from my perspective - the Grimm Brothers wrote Grim Tales and there was never anything gentle about them.
Popping an evil witch into an oven may have been poetic justice but not at all fairy tale like.

But then I was an 'evil child' that enjoyed dark tales and
grew into an adult that still enjoys twisted fantasy. :)

SO I'll probably be on my own here, saying I enjoyed this.
Not quite as much as Snow White and the Huntsman but I did enjoy it. :)

Reply #6. Mar 09 13, 5:28 AM
Jabberwok star
I'm with MarchHare and Anton, as a folklorist, the tales collected by the Grimm brothers have very little of the gentle or childish about them. I have the complete version, and many are completely unsuitable for young children.
I rather enjoy endless reworkings of stories, from fairy and folk tales to Shakespeare. The original will continue to exist and the interpretations will entertain many.

Reply #7. Mar 09 13, 7:05 AM
Jabberwok star
'Gentle fairy tale? I suppose you think abandonment, kidnapping, child slave labor, and murder is gentle.'

And let us not forget cannibalism, or at the very least eating children if you don't consider the witch to be human.

Reply #8. Mar 09 13, 7:08 AM
13LuckyLady star

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I, too, am with Anton in his opinions.

If you wish beautiful fairy tales, I suggest ones from Russia such as "Beautiful Vassilisa".

I enjoyed Snow White and the Huntsman and part 2 is in the works.

Reply #9. Mar 11 13, 9:19 AM
TheRambler star

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I loved Snow White and the Huntsman and I'm looking forward to seeing Hansel & Gretel. Yes The Grimm fairy tales were all based on horrible stories of wickedness and horror. Bring it on! You should always read film reviews before you watch a movie, I think and then you won't be so shocked if it turns out to be a blood fest.

Reply #10. Mar 16 13, 9:24 AM
TheRambler star

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I watched this movie a couple of weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. It definitely was a kickass type of movie and I watched it with that in mind. The humour was dark and the storyline darker but the Grimm Brothers were seriously dark storytellers.

Reply #11. Jul 13 13, 5:59 AM

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