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Subject: Amazing

Posted by: houston1127
Date: Mar 16 13

Has anybody else noticed that you can't watch more than three minutes of television without hearing the word "amazing"? Everything from a sale on Ford Fusions to meatballs are described as "amazing". It's very aggravating. I suppose the marketing research indicated that the word has positive effects on the consumer brain. It has has the opposite effect on my brain. I hear it and it feels like some has flicked me in the frontal lobe.

4 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
Especially when I hear a grown man say it. "Amaaaay-zeeeng!" **Shudder**

Reply #1. Mar 16 13, 3:00 AM
Waldmaus star
Haha yes, I have noticed it. It's just as bad in women's magazines, with everything from sex to nail polish being described as "amazing".

Reply #2. Mar 30 13, 3:47 PM
SisterSeagull star

player avatar
'Amazing'!... That's ok

The overused and inappropriately used word for me is 'iconic'

Reply #3. Mar 30 13, 4:42 PM
jolana star

player avatar
Amazing is OK - I still hear "awesome" in the series:)

Reply #4. Mar 30 13, 7:57 PM

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