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Subject: Scenes You've Never Seen

Posted by: HannahConner88
Date: Aug 02 13

We all have those moments when we're watching a movie and we close or cover our eyes because the scene is to scary.

What are some scenes you've never seen or have only seen peeking through your fingers?

3 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
I was about seven years old when "Jaws" came out. I had been warned about the scene where the guy's head rolls out through a hole in the bottom of his boat so I didn't look the first time I saw the movie. I've seen it many times since and it really doesn't bother me much. Now, the scenes in "The Shining" where the two freaky little girls show up in the hallway is a different matter. That still freaks me out.

Reply #1. Aug 11 13, 7:22 AM
genoveva star
I recently saw "Mirrors" by Alexandre Aja and there's a scene where a woman in the bathtub literally tears her face apart - almost unbearable to watch ...

Reply #2. Aug 13 13, 8:15 AM

player avatar
"Misery" right when Annie was about to sledgehammer Paul's feet...

Reply #3. Aug 17 13, 1:18 PM

3 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
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