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Subject: American Film Institute 100 movie quotes

Posted by: Taltarzac
Date: Aug 27 13

American Film Institute's 100 years, 100 movie quotes:


How many of these have you seen? I have probably seen all but three or so.

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I haven't heard the list, but a few that I know from heart are:
1. You are going to need a bigger boat fromJaws
2. I'll be back from The Termianter
3. Nobody puts Baby in the corner from Dirty Dancing

Reply #1. Sep 01 13, 5:27 AM

player avatar
Critique time!

I have a major problem with the Top 100 Quotations list. I realized near the top of the list that they weren’t even explaining why the quotations were good, and that all the ones near the top (and also throughout the list) weren’t necessarily the best quotations, but the most memorable, iconic, and parodied. “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse” is great within the movie because they show us what happens when someone tries to refuse the Godfather’s offer. When constantly parodied, it loses its meaning and people simply use the line as a template for a joke, not as a serious setup, which is what the line means.

This quotation didn’t make the list, but it was in consideration from “Back to the Future”: “Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” It may be the most memorable, but is nowhere near as good as Doc’s earlier line in response to Marty asking if Doc stole the plutonium: “Of course! From a group of Libyan nationalists! They want me to build them a bomb, so I took their plutonium and in turn gave them a shoddy bomb casing full of used pinball machine parts!”

This line is excellent for at least four reasons:
1) It’s funny.
2) It shows us Doc’s character. He’s the type of guy who will do ANYTHING in the name of science, even stealing from terrorists. It shows he’s intelligent, verbose, motivated, and more than a little eccentric.
3) It answers the question of where Doc got the plutonium.
4) It sets up the problem he’s going to have with the Libyans in a few minutes.

Any line that can do four different things at once deserves to be on a Best Quotations list. However, this line never does; my guess is because it’s not so instantly memorable or quotable. However, a line doesn’t have to be instantly memorable to be an excellent example of dialogue, and this is where the AFI fails, I think.

To be a little pickier, the list should say “Quotations” and not “Quotes.” “Quote” is a verb, whereas they mean the noun, “quotation.” And I wasn’t sure what to make of including real-life quotations that were dramatized in films, such as the one from “Pride of the Yankees.” Seems to me that they shouldn’t have been eligible, as they weren’t written for film.

Thanks for bearing with me. I'm writing a blog post on this topic and this is part of it.

Reply #2. Sep 02 13, 1:47 PM
Anton star
Your BTTF example is faulty since those lines are not easily repeated, therefore it won't become iconic or memorable to the masses. In fact, I could think of a dozen lines from BTTF far more memorable and iconic than the pinball crack.

Reply #3. Sep 02 13, 3:19 PM

player avatar
I'm talking about GREATEST lines, not most memorable. It's strange, because the AFI said they were doing the greatest quotations and equated those to most memorable, which is not always the case. If their list had been explicitly the most iconic quotations ("100 Most Memorable Quotations" instead of TOP and GREATEST as their list title said), then I couldn't really complain. Then again, I have problems with the AFI lists in general, but I digress.

Actually, I think it's more interesting to go after the best examples of dialogue rather than the most memorable. That would be a very different list, and you'd have to think about what makes a line good rather than just collecting which ones are parodied and referred to the most often in popular culture. That's what I'm actually doing a blog post on--great quotations that are not on lists of best quotations because they're not easily quotable (like by BTTF example).

BTW, I'm not insulting you or your opinion at all. I just wanted to explain what I was doing in my post.

Reply #4. Sep 03 13, 7:59 AM

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