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Subject: Netflix

Posted by: suntzu
Date: Sep 23 13

I've caved and signed up for it, so at the moment I'm like a kid in a sweet shop, I'm staring at everything trying to decide what I want to watch and failing miserably so I'm looking for recommendations. Any thoughts?

12 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
What kind of movies/tv shows do you like? It's kind of hard to give recommendations if no one knows what you are interested in, given the wide selection/variety.

Reply #1. Sep 23 13, 6:44 PM
suntzu star

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My comfort box set is Band of Brothers but I'm obsessed with Game of Thrones, True Blood and Sherlock.

I like sci-fi, I don't mind period dramas but I can't cope with Downton Abbey, I like the idea of some comedy recommendations, as they are always handy for the odd spare half hour and I can watch the IT Crowd on a loop.

Oh and my first netflix watch is Breaking Bad which I'm rather enjoying!

Reply #2. Sep 24 13, 2:12 AM
postcards2go star

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'The Big Bang Theory' is a very funny half-hour comedy, without the usual requisite 3.5 children.

Reply #3. Sep 24 13, 6:38 AM
suntzu star

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The Big Bang Theory is awesome every time I see Sheldon in the ball-pool I crack up that's the type of US comedy I like.

Reply #4. Sep 24 13, 8:12 AM
I'm not sure if all of these are available on Netflix, but anywho:

Based on your like of BBT, you might want to check out "Chuck".

I'm a huge Breaking Bad fan. Give "Dexter" a try...seasons 1, 2 and 4 are particularly great. Another one to try is "The Wire". "Homeland" is a hit here right now too.

As for 30min comedies...I find that it varies greatly by person. There aren't really any that are like BBT, in my opinion. Maybe others have better suggestions but I like "The New Girl", "Modern Family", "The Middle".

Reply #5. Sep 24 13, 4:51 PM
daver852 star

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"Arrested Development." Funniest show since "Married With Children."

Reply #6. Sep 24 13, 5:51 PM
Wait until you've had Netflix as long as I have! The novelty wears off after awhile & you'll start to see just how much garbage is on there! :P

Reply #7. Sep 24 13, 10:32 PM
suntzu star

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I think I'll add Dexter and Arrested Development as stuff to check out and I think netflex will end up where I watch old episodes of Star Trek.....Just like Sky now!

Reply #8. Sep 25 13, 8:46 AM
Since you are a sci-fi fan, I'm going to assume you've already seen the "Firefly" series? And corresponding movie "Serenity"?

Reply #9. Sep 25 13, 4:58 PM
I've been watching Breaking Bad and Little Britain.

Little Britain cracks this American up:

Reply #10. Sep 25 13, 6:08 PM
blindcat78 star

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Since I can't see, Netflix doesn't work for me. However, if I could use it, I watch the cartoons & tv shows that I grew up with.

Reply #11. Sep 29 13, 7:07 AM
suntzu star

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pyonir: I've seen them both, I used to love Jayne. I still don't know why Adam Baldwin isn't bigger than he is...I think he's the reason I'll give Chuck a go.

blinkcat78: I'm a little worried about going back to the shows I watched as a kid, I did that with Monkey. I loved it as a child then watched it as an adult and couldn't making head nor tail of it!

Reply #12. Sep 29 13, 10:20 AM

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