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Subject: Life

Posted by: TheRambler
Date: Nov 10 13

I recently discovered this program on cable tv and I'm hooked. It stars the incredibly handsome and quirky British actor, Damian Lewis. It's an American cop series but one with a difference because he was set up by assailants unknown and put away for 12 years in prison, where he was beat up regularly because he was a cop. They discovered through DNA that it wasn't him who did the deed and he got a pay out of 50 million dollars. He rejoins the police force and in between solving murders with his beautiful partner Sarah Shahi, he is trying to find out who set him up. It's on every night and it's brill. Anybody else watching?
PS: His American accent is flawless!

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I was watching this for awhile til my work schedule changed. Great premise. I do recall all the photos and evidence he's got posted up as he tries to find out who set him up?
Damien Lewis is currently starring in the series 'Homeland' with Claire Danes.

Reply #1. Nov 12 13, 12:32 AM
TheRambler star

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I wish I had started to watch Homeland but missed the first one. I will have to catch up on demand. I've like Damian Lewis, since I saw him in Dreamcatcher. His quirky smile when the alien took him over was so funny.

Reply #2. Nov 13 13, 7:14 AM
He plays Jennifer Lopez's abusive boyfriend in 'An Unfinished Life' with Robert Redford. Good thing about On Demand and Blockbuster, etc we can catch up on shows we like. I never watched 'Everybody Loves Raymond' during its initial run but watched all 9 seasons via Blockbuster!
I'll have to check out 'Dreamcatcher.' ;)

Reply #3. Nov 13 13, 1:22 PM

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