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Subject: Notable Performance in a Bad Film

Posted by: pjpop
Date: Dec 26 13

Care to share your nominations for a "diamond in rough"?

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pjpop star
I watched "Restoration" a few months ago. I had not read or heard anything about it before hand. It stars Robert Downey Jr and is a adaptation of the novel of the same name.
It started out well, Downey kept my interest enough to see the film through but after about the half way mark I was bored!
I enjoy period dramas, I thought Downey was brilliant but it was a just a shame that the film seemed to sputter out.
(Worst casting could also go to Meg Ryan in this as an Irish mental patient. I felt embaressed for her, but then I remembered she's a millionaire.)

Reply #1. Dec 27 13, 7:54 PM
daver852 star

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I thought "Restoration" was okay. It did drag on a bit. As for casting, Sam Neill as Charles II?!

Reply #2. Dec 27 13, 8:53 PM
Chavs star

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I'd like to nominate Al Pacino for his hilarious portrayal of himself in the godawful "comedy" by Adam Sandler, "Jack and Jill". I've stoically endured the dreadful film a few times now just to enjoy some of Pacino's moments. And I really do enjoy them.

Reply #3. Jan 15 14, 1:36 PM

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