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Subject: Game of Thrones

Posted by: TheRambler
Date: Apr 02 15

I'm a newcomer to this terrific series. Been waiting for Virgin to get it from Sky but I don't think it's going to happen soon, so I bought the box set of the first 3 series. I watched the whole of series 1 last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. I love the direwolves and the way they protect the Stark children. The scenery is fabulous and so is the acting. Anyone else a fan?

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Aedan57 star

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Big fan of the show, Season 5 started here last week. The second episode comes on in a little bit, very much looking forward to it. Part of me wishes I'd read "A Song of Ice and Fire" first but then watching the series would might not be as interesting.

Reply #1. Apr 19 15, 6:28 PM
I think some of season 5 is going to be a new experience for everyone since it will start moving past where the books left off. I'm a fan!

Reply #2. May 09 15, 9:05 AM
tiger51 star

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I miss it! We no longer have HBO.

Reply #3. May 09 15, 10:08 PM
doglover54 star

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Yesterday all of season 7 was on and I watched all of them again. I was so upset who got killed in the last episode. Of course, I'm not saying who cause someone may have not seen it yet.
Now we have to wait a whole year for the next season.


Reply #4. Jul 12 15, 6:28 AM
Coriolanus star
I know there are huge numbers of people who are avid fans of the programme, and I must be missing something because I got bored with it about half way through series one, and although I've tried to get back into it I'm afraid it just doesn't work for me.

Reply #5. Jul 28 15, 8:25 PM
supersal1 star
I'm a latecomer to this one as well, caught up with the boxed sets on sky and I'm thoroughly hooked. I do get a bit fed up with all the gloom and doom though. I now know why my stepson and his wife called their youngest Arya:)

Rambler, the only problem with the direwolves is that apparently they've increased the popularity of the husky/malamute type dogs as pets, leaving people with high maintenance animals and not much clue of what to do with them. Also, it's incredibly upsetting when one of them dies.

I really can't wait for Cersei's revenge next season.

Reply #6. Jul 28 15, 9:52 PM
terraorca star

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I don't have the premium cable channels, so I was unable to watch Game of Thrones when it originally came out. My son is signed up with Netflix and he downloaded the entire series. He shared with me Season 1 while we vacationed in Florida a couple of weeks ago. I am hooked, I can't hardly wait for him to come over to the house and Flix some more.

Reply #7. Aug 29 15, 11:15 PM
Blackdresss star

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I'm not going to read too much of this, since I came in at the start of Season 5, which is the season that just ended, the last season, the one before the new season. There is no Season 7 yet! I swear it's true! Just 1-5. Season 6 starts this fall, I think. And I thought they were going "off-book" at the start of the new season. Was Season 5 already "off-book"?

I've been told by an Editor on the site who writes excellent GOT quizzes that I probably should have read the books first, and definitely should have watched the seasons in order, and I trust her judgment.

But, I didn't, so I'm getting ready to binge-watch Seasons 1-4, just as soon as my "slow connection" will finish the downloading to my DVR.

I read somewhere that Arya was the new most popular baby girl name, maybe after Season 1.

I wasn't happy with the death at the end of Season 5, either, but I have a theory about that -- me and millions of other people who know much more than I do! I don't want to read or give away spoilers, so I definitely won't, but I think this series is amazing. I should probably grab the books while I still have time and start reading. "Entertainment Weekly" also loves this series, which is handy for recaps.

Reply #8. Aug 30 15, 2:01 AM
Blackdresss star

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P.S. If you have DirecTV, you can download all of this series, and pretty much all of everything else, too. I don't "think" you have to have HBO, but I'm not certain, since I do have it. I can download Youtube videos! I just upgraded my DirecTV and now, it almost scares me! It's wayyyy too smart to be left unattended. If I wake up and my dishwasher is loaded and my laundry is folded, I may change my mind. Or, I may freak out more than I already am at all that it does. And if I hear my piano playing in the night...

Reply #9. Aug 30 15, 2:06 AM
terraorca star

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That's funny.

Reply #10. Sep 01 15, 8:21 PM
Blackdresss star

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If I can watch The All Blacks play Rugby, I no longer care what my new DirecTV thingie does at night, when I'm sleeping, just as long as it doesn't feed my kitties.

My slow connection finally downloaded all of everything, and last week while I was sick with this mess in my head (a mere cold would be a blessing right now,) I potatoed-out on my couch with kitties, lots of comforters, and hot tea, and I binge-watched all of it -- all 5 Seasons, all 50 episodes, all 500 hours... ALL of it! If my math is right, I should be dead right now! But, I'm not and it was a welcome distraction.

I can't get the theme song out of my head now, even when I sleep, but Arya is SO CUTE in the first few episodes! She is so tiny and feisty! "First lesson, stick 'em with the pointy end!"

I love the direwolves, too, but I know from experience that Wolf/Dog mixes are a nightmare. I think they are now illegal, at least in my home state. I'm not even sure if the Rescues are legal anymore. I do think they're all born sterile, since they're hybrids, but I don't know that for certain, either. I had a friend who was trying to raise one as a puppy, and the little darling destroyed all of his carpet one fun night. They like to dig. It also leaped up and grabbed an entire raw chicken out of my hands in the kitchen, and I'm lucky I escaped with my fingers. That little guy was dangerous. I don't know if he lived to adulthood. He was more than a handful, and my friend was a single Dad with a six-year-old son. Not a good combination.

If you became bored with this series, I really recommend starting over. There are a lot of characters to keep track of, and a lot of alliances, and a lot of enemies, and a lot of Houses, but for me, it was well worth it.

And my theory on the disastrous death at the end of Season 5, the last season, still stands! While these writers, and the author of the books, aren't afraid to "kill their darlings," I just don't think he's really dead. He might be "mostly" dead, though. But, I won't talk about my theory until and unless we all watch all of it first.

I LOVE Daenerys, I love the dragons, and I now speak fluent Valyrian and Dathraki. Binge-watching will do that to a girl.

I may watch it all over again!

Reply #11. Oct 28 15, 12:34 AM
Blackdresss star

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Okay, wait a minute...

I do love all that I said I love, but I think I may have dozed through all of Season 3. I'm rewatching all of it, all over again, beginning with Season 1, and what the serious heck??? "Heck" isn't really strong enough. HOW did I miss all the heartbreak and torture and sadness of Season 3? That's rhetorical -- obviously, I was in a cold-fueled daze. Watching it again, I cried through all of Season 3. I know I didn't do that the first time -- I was too busy being sick. I don't remember any of this, and now, I can't forget any of this. Night and day. Forget about the theme song -- that's the least of what's stuck in my head.

That was one of the most painful things I've ever watched intentionally for entertainment value. It's world-class, first-rate television -- amazing television, but it's tremendously sad and heartbreaking. I don't know if I could watch that again. I can't think of anything else to even compare it to.

I'm ready for Season 6, and I'm going to watch all of this all the way through so I'm fully-informed, but I'm not quite so cheerful this time around. They went to a very, very dark place, and I'm surprised they pulled up and sort of out of it. I realize the writing isn't "original" as far as the writers (and directors and producers) of this television series are concerned, but I still don't know how they did that for 10 episodes and 10 hours. It must have been exhausting. Many sleepless nights, would be my guess.

Wow... and Ouch...

Reply #12. Nov 03 15, 4:06 AM
I believe Season 6 starts next May.

Reply #13. Nov 07 15, 10:17 AM
supersal1 star
How are we all doing with Season 6? I found it very slow to start, far too much catching up to do, and also found the whole Jon and Sansa trying to drum up support in the North subplot rather tedious. The Arya storyline is just weird (she was stabbed a couple of times in the stomach, the knife was twisted and she fell into a canal, yet was on her feet again very shortly).

I forgive them everything after last night's superb episode. Rickon really should have zig-zagged though:(

Reply #14. Jun 21 16, 8:10 AM
supersal1 star
Ok, I'm now officially talking to myself but I thought Cersei's revenge was exquisite, especially to the awful Septa. I never thought I'd be cheering on Cersei. This series brings out the worse in me. Tommen's death was sad but we sort of knew he was doomed. I was sorry to see Marjory go.

It's all lining up nicely now and I've more of a sense of where things are going. Before everyone just seemed to be wandering around with awful things happening to them.

Reply #15. Jun 28 16, 5:36 AM
DeepHistory star

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Unfortunately, I have lost almost all interest in the TV show after they killed Stannis. Season 6 was the worst they could do. Pity, because I am very fond of George R.R. Martin's works and the first four seasons of the show had been very good.

Reply #16. Jul 04 16, 11:17 AM
Skyflyerjen star
The storylines were quite spread out this year (more attention to the Greyjoys and in Dorne early on), but I was SO pleased to see Arya at the end there! That was awesome!
I was pretty surprised how many people died in this episode. Although not too surprised, it IS Game of Thrones, after all.

Reply #17. Jul 11 16, 7:18 AM
TheRambler star

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After watching series 6, I've felt that Game of Thrones is going slightly OTT. The mass killing of certain individuals is kind of ridiculous and I've always thought that the swearing was totally uncalled for. Think I'll give series 7 a complete body swerve and stick with Outlander which is far superior in acting and story line. At least the swearing in this is natural and not gratuitous.

Reply #18. Aug 21 16, 7:50 AM
supersal1 star
There's a lot I've found gratuitous in GOT (we really, really didn't need the close up someone's wedding tackle in the last series) but I've never really noticed the swearing. Regarding people getting killed off, I feel it's streamlined it for the last couple of series.

Reply #19. Aug 21 16, 8:23 AM
Skyflyerjen star
I believe there's only 12 episodes left in the series, so you're leaving the show pretty late.
Of course, I have to agree that the sex/swearing is way over the top, but you seem to be getting offended pretty late in the show.

Reply #20. Aug 24 16, 12:56 PM

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