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Subject: Game of Thrones

Posted by: TheRambler
Date: Apr 02 15

I'm a newcomer to this terrific series. Been waiting for Virgin to get it from Sky but I don't think it's going to happen soon, so I bought the box set of the first 3 series. I watched the whole of series 1 last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. I love the direwolves and the way they protect the Stark children. The scenery is fabulous and so is the acting. Anyone else a fan?

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LillaVanilla star

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I've never seen the show but was wondering: is this something more for the under-30 crowd, or would a "mature" person like myself enjoy it?

Reply #21. Jan 10 17, 4:23 PM
MarchHare007 star

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Lilla, I've dodged the show, but loved reading the books.
I guess I'd add myself to the grandmother era *cringe*

Now if only The Books could have a satisfactory round up.

Reply #22. Jan 10 17, 6:30 PM
Blackdresss star

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One more thing...

I binge-watched all of Game of Thrones, the first five seasons, I think, when I was home and too sick to think.

Then I watched all of it again when I was well and could actually think and comprehend.

I watch all of all of it again before a new season starts.

I didn't pick up the books, "A Song Of Ice And Fire," until I was bracing for a huge move, and I needed something to take my mind off how mind-numbing all that packing can be, so I read all five books, one after the other, over 5,000 pages, and they filled that time perfectly. These aren't an easy read, and I'm personally glad I had watched the series first or I would have gotten lost in all the characters, even though there are extensive character and "house" cast lists for everyone, to include sigils and mottos.

Much like "Outlander," I think the casting is spot on. The only thing I can think of that wasn't completely accurate were the color of Daenerys Targaryen's eyes. In the books, all Targaryen eyes are various shades of purple, to include a dark purple, violet, and indigo. Daenerys' eyes are

In the show, her eyes usually look brown to me, and sometimes they look hazel, but never do they look like any shade of violet, or even blue. And with her icy white Targaryen hair, for some reason, she has very thick, dark eyebrows.

Other than that, if I had read the books first, everyone would be precisely as I had imagined them when I switched to the TV series.

I also just changed my mind. While I do love "Outlander," "Game of Thrones" is my favorite TV series.

Reply #23. Feb 27 17, 12:51 AM
JonPunk star

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My favourite current TV programme - GOT - casting is brilliant as is the plot and all sub plots . Getting to the stage now where only a few of the major plots to be resolved . The main one being white walkers and Daenyrs ......white walkers were virtually forgotten in the last series ( 6 I think or was it 5 ? ) . The baddies .....brilliant again and you always want to see them get their come uppance .......disappointed Joffrey didn't meet a nastier end , though Ramsey Bolton got his just rewards .
Brilliant .... only series I rate as highly is Band of Brothers.

Reply #24. Apr 04 17, 8:17 AM
supersal1 star
I enjoyed Ramsey Bolton's death as well....GOT brings out the worst in me!

Reply #25. Apr 04 17, 2:03 PM
supersal1 star
I'm beginning to get slightly bored with Danerys and finding myself cheering on Cersei, which is worrying. Episode 3 with great, Tyrion back on witty form, Cersei getting rid of two very annoying characters (boy, she's really got revenge down to a fine art).

I can't really take to Euron Greyjoy though; is anyone else reminded of Lord Flasheart from 'Blackadder'?

Reply #26. Aug 03 17, 4:18 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Has everyone seen this - Jon Snow is invited to a dinner party? I've just come across it - every funny

Reply #27. Oct 28 17, 3:07 AM

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