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Subject: Vikings

Posted by: TheRambler
Date: Apr 18 15

I'll try again to get some interest. Anybody watching and enjoying Vikings on the History Channel. I love it and Travis Fimmel, who plays Ragnar Lothbrok is not only gorgeous but a very different, quirky actor. This authentic series is brutal but very enjoyable. Ragnar Lodbrok was a real viking and was the father of many sons who raided Britain and France. It's great to have Amazon Prime and to be able to watch all the new episodes. Does anyone else enjoy Vikings? Don't be afraid now, I won't cleave you in two!

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SisterSeagull star

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History Channel?

I don't know how they have the nerve to call it that when they broadcast this rubbish.

Reply #1. Apr 18 15, 11:37 AM
postcards2go star

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Perhaps it shouldn't be on the 'History' Channel, but it's still fun to watch :-D

Reply #2. Apr 18 15, 7:16 PM
TheRambler star

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Tell you what sister, it is history.

Reply #3. Apr 19 15, 8:33 AM
Sorry, I don't have cable! It sounds interesting, though! :)

Reply #4. Apr 19 15, 11:36 AM
rayven80 star

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Vikings is usually the only thing worth watching on the History channel. I haven't caught up with the season though. It's on the DVR.

Reply #5. Apr 19 15, 11:45 AM
shipyardbernie star

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It is an Irish-Canadian production and these sagas are usually written about 400 years after the event. It is not to be taken as actual history but at least it is slightly better than the Viking played by Tony Curtis complete with a Bronx accent in the 1958 movie "The Vikings"

Reply #6. Apr 19 15, 5:02 PM
george48 star

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I've watched it from the beginning and I love it.
It is brutal and not for the faint of heart. The body count is probably equivalent to The Game of Thrones.
Treason and betrayal and surprising alliances are what keep
me coming back for more. Those who would denigrate the show do it a disservice.
A fictional account of a real person, it is surprisingly engaging.
The characters are believable with weaknesses and frailties
common to all people, despite the times they lived in.
The death of Athelstan the priest was especially riveting

Reply #7. Apr 19 15, 6:04 PM
TheRambler star

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As I said I'm watching it on Amazon Prime on my pc and I just love it. Makes you want to run out of your house with an axe and kill some Saxons!
I love the way Ragnar does not trust the other Kings and Earls of the different clans, just like all the different clans/tribes all over the world be it in Scotland, Ireland or the Plains Indians. They make them think that they are trusted and once their betrayal is discovered, they destroy them, reminiscent of the Mafia as well. It's so well acted and the sets are so authentic, as are the ships. Great series.

Reply #8. Apr 20 15, 7:37 AM
It just seems too bloody for me. I am terrified of blood, but i am not afraid of death. Sooo.... I love doctor who. Anyway, i like some of the nature stuff on history, but i prefer National Geographic.

Reply #9. May 25 15, 10:14 AM
TheRambler star

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Vikings is on it's mid season break at the moment and I can't wait until it comes back in autumn. Ragnar's sons have grown up and as his sons were more famous than himself in the annals of history, they take over the story. Poor Ragnar, to be overshadowed by his sons, when he was the legendary scourge of England and France. There will be lots of tears I think.

Reply #10. May 22 16, 7:00 AM
briarwoodrose star

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I have watched every episode (sometimes more than once!!). I think the show is great. I have also read as much as I can about the period, and the characters. The History Channel runs shows about the actual events and how realistically "Vikings" portrays them, or not. I find it all fascinating, from the set building to whether or not shield maidens were actually real. (The experts are leaning toward "yes" on that one)
I cannot wait for the show to start up again on the fall. Meanwhile, I have seen promos for a new show "Barbarians" that will be starting very soon. Looks just as bloody and full of intrigue as "Vikings". I am sure to give it a watch! Haha!!
Favourite character on Vikings....Lagertha (hands down!)

Reply #11. May 22 16, 12:49 PM
TheRambler star

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I agree Briarwoodrose, Lagertha is some gal! Must check out Barbarians, as I am right into these types of series. Loved the new version of Conan the Barbarian, with Jason Momoa. Lucky Lisa Bonet! Also Ragnar, Travis Fimmel is coming up soon in Warcraft, looking forward to seeing him in that.

Reply #12. May 23 16, 7:13 AM

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