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Subject: Big Brother (USA)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 17 15

Is anyone else watching this season? If so, who do you like, dislike, etc? Note -- Do NOT read further if you don't want any spoilers that may be discussed in this thread.

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jasa9092 star

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As of now, I like JohnnyMac. I just love his personality and he cracks me up in his diary room sessions. I'm sure one of these days he is going to surprise them and not throw a BOB like they think he will do as he usually does.

Liz/Julia - They are on the fence for me. I just want to see them both get in the house and then I'm not sure how I feel. I like Liz better than Julia.

I hated Jeff and was happy to see him go. Now I am not sure who I want out next. Austin grates on my nerves. For an old guy he acts like he is middle school with his "does she like me?" and his jealousy.

Reply #1. Jul 17 15, 11:37 AM
I agree, I like Johnny Mac as well, he could be a comedian the way he talks, I love to hear him! :-)

Reply #2. Aug 12 15, 7:57 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Johnny Mac is one of my favourites too. Vanessa will probably be going home this week. She has made so many deals with everyone in the house, doesn't she realize that people talk to each other?
I also like James...he kind of grows on you.
And then there is Steve. What can I say. Johnny is trying to guide Steve through the game. Steve seems to be in a world (or maybe House) of his own...convinced he is a super threat and that Vanessa is a huge ally of his. I am curious to see just how far he will get in the game as he appears to be so disconnected from what is actually going on.

Reply #3. Aug 12 15, 10:16 PM
themonarch star
Definitely a better season then the past few, more people thinking for themselves. I don't know if anyone reads/watches the live feeds but it looks like Vanessa may survive after all this week. Even though I think she is a nut, if she manages to pull this off I see her winning it all. She has had an influence on every eviction with the exception of Jace's week 1. She has Austin, the twins, and Steve in the palm of her hand. If she does get evicted, I see Shelli, Becky, JohnnyMac, and Steve working together and clear the table with everyone else. Should be a fun double eviction come Thursday.

Reply #4. Aug 12 15, 10:47 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Vanessa must sleep with her eyes open, she is so paranoid! It certainly will be interesting to see if she survives tomorrow's eviction. Interesting also to see how the Old Sixth Sense (I think that is what it was called) will rearrange itself. The twins and Austen seemed to have been sitting back and waiting to see what happens. I am curious to see how they will vote...Vanessa or Shelli to go. (I haven't watched any live feeds, so I guess you know way more stuff about these people than I do!)

Reply #5. Aug 12 15, 11:12 PM
jasa9092 star

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Funny how my first post I said I like Liz better than Julia. Now it is the other way around. I think Liz doesn't really like Austin and just uses him. It makes her look cheap.

I was super shocked that Vanessa didn't go. Yes, I read the feeds online and watch Big Brother After Dark some, so I knew it was going to happen. That woman can talk her way out of anything. If they don't get rid of her, she will win this game.

Vanessa talks game 24/7. That irritates me. I wish she'd talk about anything else and play around and laugh like the others.

Austin/Twins- They need to get rid of them or else those three will end up final three.

I have a hunch that Meg will end up final two. She can't win anything and everyone knows they can beat her. I hate when someone like that wins money when others deserve it over them.

I still love JohnnyMac and hope they don't turn on him this week and boot him out!

Reply #6. Aug 18 15, 12:51 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Well, it is getting interesting. I can't believe that Vanessa is still there. Everyone talks about evicting her, but no one will actually do it...they all talk about "blood on their hands" if they do....but everyone seems to want her gone!!! If Johnny Mac survives this week, or Becky, I am sure they would both put her up. Johnny wants her gone(yesterday!)
Also, the twins and Austin, why are they still there? No one ever wants to see a power couple, and here we have a power trio. It is getting far too late in the game to let that stand.
It will be fun to see if and when and who gets to come back into the house.
Can't wait to see who is going tomorrow night. I like both the players so I will be happy AND disappointed at the same time!

Reply #7. Aug 19 15, 11:42 PM
themonarch star
Although the Austwins are annoyed by Vanessa they won't gun for Vanessa for two reasons. One she is a solid vote for them and more importantly they are too scared of her. Even though she'd be more annoying then she is now, I don't see any revealing secrets she could let out and even if they were everyone won't believe her or they won't care. Only JohnnyMac, signs are in favor of Becky leaving tonight, and The Goblins (James/Meg) would get rid of Vanessa. Even though it would be smarter to split up the Austwins first. Funny how most of the house knew of the twins and were willing to protect them in the game. Now weeks later they are in the best position in the house and for what?! They have just been sitting around like it's summer camp with Shelli and Vanessa doing the bulk of the alliance work and sharing the blame. The others are still willing to work with the three of them. I don't know if they are blind, dumb, or just really hate Vanessa right now.

Reply #8. Aug 20 15, 6:18 AM
briarwoodrose star

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The Austwins (hah! haven't heard that one before!). Yes, I can't believe that they have not been targeted. Twin sisters. You know they will never vote each other off...ever. So again, I just don't know why the duo(trio) has not been attacked. So Johnny Mac and Steve are allied with them now...that leaves only Vanessa (who they are afraid of, and semi-allied with) and Meg and James. So I don't know who the rest of their alliance think is going after they give James and Meg the boot.
I wonder when and who will be coming back into the game. I hope it is Becky or Jackie. I guess you can tell which side I would like to see have the winner!!

Reply #9. Aug 21 15, 6:51 AM
jasa9092 star

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It's so crazy the Austwins are still all there. With only 8 people left, they make up almost half the house! As for everyone being scared to get rid of Vanessa -- honestly, it would make more sense to get rid of Vanessa after this week. If they send her out now, she gets to compete with Shelli, Jackie, and Becky to come back.

I would love to talk about this week, but since it hasn't been aired yet I will keep quiet till then. It's nice to watch/read feeds, but it makes the week go by so slow waiting till Thursday. Nothing is left for suspense.

Reply #10. Aug 23 15, 2:32 AM
briarwoodrose star

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That is why I never read the feeds/articles etc. I just like to watch the show as it unfolds! What always makes me laugh is everyone always saying "I don't want to get blood on my hands". Well, if you are one of the 2 last people in the house, it would be difficult to get there and not have had a hand in sending someone home! If you stand back and not make the play when you have the chance (HOH or Veto holder), you will probably be the next one going home. Look at Becky. She did not nominate the twins, and made that a point in her speech , and BAM!....she is gone.

I do wonder when the player will be allowed back into the game. The players in the Jury House find out so much info from each other....alliances, back doors, etc. They really have an advantage if they can survive the first vote after they get back. Plus, they probably have formed bonds with the other ousted players, who will be voting for the winner. Has a player who has gone back in the game ever won? I know Big Brother Canada, the first season, Gary went back into the house, and almost won the whole thing. the only reason he didn't was because someone cast the wrong vote. The voter was so intent on the other person NOT winning, she put the wrong ballad in her vote box. She flipped out when the host of the show read her vote. They had to show the video close-up footage of her hand with the token. If she hadn't made the mistake , Gary would have won by one vote. It was okay, because the girl who won, really deserved to win.
Interesting twist for sure!

Reply #11. Aug 23 15, 6:37 AM
themonarch star
I will also withhold of what I know, I'll say this it is very interesting how CBS portrays certain houseguests, quite different then what they are really like and some will be in for a rude awakening when they get home if they read all of the forums that talk about them. It is common knowledge as Julie mentioned it last Thursday, a juror will come back this Thursday. If it's like last time, Becky, Jackie, Shelli, and whoever is evicted this week will either play in their own comp or play with everyone for HOH with the last juror standing being the one back in. Personally I want to see Becky or Jackie to come back because I believe they will try to break up the Austwins. Not sure about Shelli or the fourth juror doing that.

Reply #12. Aug 23 15, 10:18 AM
jasa9092 star

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I agree I'd like to see Jackie come back. The only reason I don't want Becky, because of her toe injury. Speaking of her injury, I don't think they even mentioned that on the actual show. That is something that only feeders know (I think). At least I don't recall Julie mentioning it or any tv footage of it.

The way they edit is so odd. They sure make some people look a lot better than they really are. For example, in reality James makes a lot of crude comments and is pretty much a sexist, but CBS doesn't want us to know that. I do like him anyway, because he isn't afraid to "get the blood on his hands".

I agree that "blood on their hands" is ridiculous. You are SUPPOSED to. This is a game. Honestly, if I was a juror I would want to pick the winner who was willing to do it. The winner should be able to knock out the strong players and not be afraid to do it. James is that person. I think Jackie would do it as well.

Shelli -- I'm not sure what she would do if she came back. In the jury house she sounded like she would want to get Vanessa out, because she realized how good Vanessa really is. Then again, she may think that still linking up with her may help her.

Reply #13. Aug 24 15, 12:46 PM
jasa9092 star

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Can we PLEASE have anybody other than the Austwins win HOH this week??? I'd even let Meg, lol.

Reply #14. Aug 25 15, 12:50 PM
briarwoodrose star

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yes, PLEASE! It would be great to see the power shift back to the other side for a week. I really hope that the final 3 aren't the Austwins. I think the twins need to see what it is like up on that block...together. They have no qualms about putting up 2 people who are closest allies, so I would like to see the shoe on the other foot! The Austwins are so snotty about other people NOT wanting to go up on the block. I seriously think that the girls would faint if it happened to them. The house numbers are getting smaller, so it had better be soon if someone, ANYONE, wants to make a move.

Reply #15. Aug 25 15, 4:23 PM
briarwoodrose star

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And, if Shelli comes back in, she will be back in Vanessa's/Austwins pocket in about 5 minutes, despite what she may say. She seems to be a smart player, but she does not want to play the game alone. When Clay left, she immediately sought out another guy to "protect" her. I can't wait to see who will be coming back and who wins the HOH!!!

Reply #16. Aug 25 15, 4:26 PM
jasa9092 star

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Wow, the crowd went crazy for JohnnyMac, didn't they? I love that guy. I know a lot of people don't understand why people like him. I don't know what it is... he just has something about him - character, charisma, etc. I can't put my finger on it. He's just likeable.

I know who won HOH and which jury member is coming back. I won't say though. I'm anxious to see who he/she puts up or plans to backdoor.

Reply #17. Aug 28 15, 11:58 AM
honeybee4 star

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They have to kee3p Johnny Mac. He makes the show worth watching.

Reply #18. Aug 28 15, 3:33 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Thanks for not revealing the returning houseguest and new HOH!!! I have been staying away from chat sites and feeds to avoid knowing!
I was sad to see Johnny Mac go, too. I cannot believe Vanessa and the dramatics and fits she throws when someone DARES to even make a half-hearted attempt to evict her. Honestly, is a GAME. Someone has to win. Everyone in the house hopes it will be them...and therefore not you. I have never watched her play poker, but she must keep it under control and put on some kind of poker face!
Still waiting for someone...ANYONE please, to take on the Austwins. They also need a dose of "going on the block", if only to see why the people they try to convince to go up as pawns, really, really don't want to go there. Austin still can't get over that someone actually thought about back dooring him, weeks ago. (Vanessa..haha!!)
Can't wait until Sunday night.

Reply #19. Aug 28 15, 11:40 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
I agree about Vanessa. Zingbot got it right when he told her she was playing the "crying game". I have to laugh and/or roll my eyes at some of these people. Last week the Austwins wanted Steve up as a pawn and he didn't want to do it. Then Liz said he was selfish. Excuse me... I bet SHE wouldn't want to volunteer either!

Reply #20. Aug 29 15, 1:37 AM

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