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Subject: Big Brother (USA)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 17 15

Is anyone else watching this season? If so, who do you like, dislike, etc? Note -- Do NOT read further if you don't want any spoilers that may be discussed in this thread.

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briarwoodrose star

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I can't imagine what it is like in the house. When Liz said to Vanessa.."Oh My Gawd....where are we all gonna sleep??"...the look on Vanessa's face! I could just see her thought process....who should I sleep beside?? Liz or Steve?? Who do I need to work on the most??? If I sleep with Steve, Liz will wonder what we are talking about....if I sleep with Liz, Steve will be suspicious. Maybe I can run back and forth from room to room and bed to bed all night. I cannot leave them alone together, either. I must stalk them at all times and make sure they never talk alone. Everyone has to be on the same page! The vote for Vanessa page!!
And I agree...I would love to see a feed from the jury house!!!!
I am dying to know who won the challenges 1 and 2, but I can torture myself and wait. I's better not be disappointed!! LOL!!!

Reply #101. Sep 22 15, 3:36 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
I meant to tell you yesterday that on one of my Word Wizard games one of the words was "straight shooter" lol! Is Vanessa making that game? Haha!

Reply #102. Sep 23 15, 1:50 PM
briarwoodrose star

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100 percent...

Reply #103. Sep 23 15, 9:53 PM
jasa9092 star

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I hope everyone watched the finale by now. I was waiting to talk about it...

Yay!!!! I'm not gonna lie, I cried when Steve won the Part 3 HOH, lol. I thought for sure Steve got Shelli's answer wrong, but I'm glad he was right! When Vanessa got evicted, her face was priceless! It was worth the whole season, lol. I'm sure Austin was doing backflips in his mind also.

I knew it was going to be close between James and JMac for the Favorite Player. I was good with either of those winning, but I would have rather have seen Johnny win. I was shocked Jason was in the top three. He was a little entertaining though, with his "Oh Mylanta!" comments and the way he said "squerril" instead of "squirrel", lol.

I know there is more I wanted to say, but I can't remember now. Maybe I need to rewatch it and refresh my memory...

Reply #104. Sep 24 15, 12:18 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Oh Dear GOD....I just typed a gigantic response and when I was finished I hit something accidentally...and is gone. GONE. I will have to wait till tomorrow to try and redo it. AARRGGGGGGGH

Reply #105. Sep 24 15, 6:44 PM
I must say I was SO happy when Steve won and evicted Vanessa, finally! Waited all Summer for that, she has millions anyway, he can do a lot with that money for college or whatever, also, wish Johnny Mac had won Favourite Player, but James was fun during the season too, he made me laugh scaring people all the time! Woo Hoo! So very happy how things turned out! :-)

Reply #106. Sep 24 15, 10:55 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Yeah, and James has a daughter too, so that will be nice for him.

Sorry, rose. I'd smack your computer for you, but I don't want blood on my hands. ;)

Reply #107. Sep 25 15, 2:07 AM
jasa9092 star

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I loved how when the jurors were being introduced Austin barely got any applause. That is almost as bad as being booed, lol. Gotta love Davonne for calling him out about Judas too, lol. Also, when Vanessa told everyone about her being a professional poker player, they didn't seem to really care, lol. They were more shocked last year when Derrick told them he was an undercover cop.

I have Survivor recorded and am going to try to watch it tonight.

Reply #108. Sep 27 15, 11:49 AM
briarwoodrose star

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I'm back!
Okay, so the final show....Steve won!! Yay! When he sent Vanessa packing, great was that! As you said, the look on her face. She thought ONE HUNDRED PERCENT that she had Steve's vote in her pocket. I am so glad he did what he had to do, because, really, it won him the game.
I found it a bit strange when Vanessa had an announcement to make to the jury. She sat there and told them she was a pro poker player and had made millions. In fact she stated the amount $4,500,000.00 at least twice. What was that all about? Was that an "in your face" in, "I am pretty darn rich, so I didn't need this money at all anyway..HAH"??
Also, didn't anyone in the house recognize her? I didn't know who she was, but my husband, who occasionally watches poker on TV, walked into the room while the show was on and said "What's Vanessa doing on this show?". Apparently she is quite well-known and is on TV all the time. I would have thought that at least one of the house guests would have known who she was. I was super surprised at the "announcement".
Anyway, I am so thrilled to Steve win the money. He certainly played a different game to Vanessa's and everyone just kind of put him to the side...yeah, we'll put him in our alliance, on the bottom, keep him around for an extra vote...yada yada yada...and had his own plan all along. Kudos to him! Everyone keeps talking about what a fabulous game Vanessa played, how she manipulated and lied and lied and bullied and screamed, and made it all work. I don't know, but since when are all these things desirable? I realize that it is for sure, a game. But still, we are human, and do form attachments and bonds with people, even in games like this. It's the playing with peoples' heads that gets to me. I don't like it. I must be too old school I know, things like honesty and respect and friendships mean a lot to me. As I said, yes, it is a game and there is a certain amount of lying and back stabbing that has to go on, a person would never make it to the end if they did not. But, boy oh boy, she seemed to enjoy it far too much . (I didn't believe those tears for an second) As it states in her wiki page, ", she began to prefer poker, which incorporated human psychology that allows for inferior hands to win."
All that being what it is...a music geek bested her!!!!
Liz was lucky to walk off with second prize. She definitely looked shocked that Steve was taking her to the final two. Wise choice. She spent the entire game cocooned in the Austwins alliance, with 2 people she could count on, and no real worries. If she had said "I came into this game with a huge target on my back"..."the whole game I had a huge target on my back"..."I always had a huge target on my back" more time during the jury questions...everyone has a target on their back, Liz. Only one can win. Right up to the end she listened to whatever Vanessa told her..."drop off the apple Liz, jut let go"...and she did. In the race to be last HOH, why would anyone listen to someone else? Wouldn't you hang on for as long as possible?
Anyway, the show is over and life goes on.
Did you watch Survivor? if you want to start a chat about it, I am in ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. hee hee!
Had a blast with this chat the last few months!!

Oh, better post this because I took a passage from it (above)


Reply #109. Sep 30 15, 11:32 AM
jasa9092 star

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I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I was wanting to watch the Survivor episodes first. I still haven't. :( I started watching the other night after my husband went to bed, because he doesn't like reality shows. Well, I wasn't much into it and he woke up and decided to stay up a bit. I never got back to it. After this week, I will now have three episodes to watch. Oh Mylanta! ;) I will try though. I may just scrap it. If I watch, I will start a thread (unless you want to).

I agree that Liz did not deserve that and did everything Vanessa told her. Remember how Julia played against Austin just because Vanessa told her to? I know that wasn't Liz, but still. Those two pretty much shared a brain, lol. I'm still a little disappointed at Vanessa for voting for Liz to win. Bitter, much?? Steve was on "The Talk" the next day and he told Julie that he would have voted for Vanessa.

If I don't watch Survivor, I'll see you next season. Maybe even Canada's version! I had fun! :)

Reply #110. Oct 07 15, 12:18 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Oh mylanta, indeed! Yes, I thought the same thing when Vanessa did not vote for Steve...I thought maybe she did not like being played by Steve, as she really figured she had him doing her bidding. Shoe on the other foot, and all that, it did certainly seem to reek of "bitter".
I have been watching Survivor faithfully! There seems to be only one thread about it, titled "I Hate Survivor" or some such thing...not one for me to join, as "I Like Survivor"...I checked it out and it is just people going on about how much they #1 HATE the show (simple solution, change the channel,no one is forcing you to watch it)...or #2 I only ever watched one episode and I HATED it (see above) or #3 I only ever watched 15 minutes of one show, and I HATED it. ( again, see above), if you don't like it, change the channel. If you have never seen an episode, or even watched a whole episode, then you really do not know what is going on, how the game is played, etc.
To be honest, I never "got Big Brother until I actually watched a season of it from start to finish. I had only ever seen parts of episodes and hadn't a clue what was happening. Once I actually gave it a season, I enjoyed it!
Anyway, I do hope you watch Survivor if you can get caught up. If not, we will have to do this again when BB comes on ...I will let you know when the Canadian one is coming on so we can discuss all the house guests and the plays!!!
Take's been a blast!
If you do decide to watch Survivor (and NOT join the "I HATE Survivor" group..haha!!...let me know, maybe we can do another chat for it. : )

Reply #111. Oct 09 15, 10:36 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Oh, just found a new chat called "Who is watching survivor", so if you decide to watch it, join in! (The person who started the chat loves the show, and there was only one comment and it was "I hate survivor"....sigh...then just stay off the chat because obviously it is not for you.)

Reply #112. Oct 10 15, 12:17 AM

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