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Subject: Big Brother (USA)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 17 15

Is anyone else watching this season? If so, who do you like, dislike, etc? Note -- Do NOT read further if you don't want any spoilers that may be discussed in this thread.

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briarwoodrose star

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I know, that cracks me up! "We just want you as a pawn...I can't believe you are being so selfish!! What??? me go up instead as the pawn? Never ever ever ever!!" Put both the twins up, It would be hysterical. Or Austin + a twin. Imagine.
But it would seem everyone is terrified to do it. So, I suppose one of them will win the game. I wonder if Austin thinks Meg will take him to the final 2, over Julia?
It certainly is getting interesting now. I do believe that at the end of the Thursday show, Meg and Julia were both out of the challenge, and Austin was not eligible to play. If that is the case...NOW would be the time!

Reply #21. Aug 29 15, 6:54 AM
jasa9092 star

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I agree. I would put Liz and Austin up with the hopes of Liz going. That would break up a showmance and a sisterhood all in one shot. Plus, if Liz left, Austin would probably beg everyone to let him go so he could be with Liz in the jury house, lol.

Reply #22. Aug 29 15, 10:06 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Jeez...I just realized that I was calling Liz, "Meg"...whoops! I guess there is also a double eviction on Thursday and that should shake it up a lot more, as the choices for the block and eviction are getting much, much smaller. Now the alliances have to turn inward and start to eat each other. I am getting the popcorn ready to watch this!

Reply #23. Aug 29 15, 10:41 PM
jasa9092 star

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Me too! I'll take some of that popcorn. ;)

Reply #24. Aug 31 15, 12:22 PM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar we go again. Now we will get rid of Meg and James. YAWN. It looks like the Austwins are safe yet again, without, yet again, having to do anything to be safe. Well, at least Thursday will be a double eviction, and, dare I hope, Austwins will be on the block...if only for a few , short, sweet moments. One can only dream.

Reply #25. Aug 31 15, 3:44 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
I'm hoping that Vanessa will wise up and see that staying the bottom of her "Austin's Angels" alliance is not a good thing. I'm crossing my fingers that something exciting actually happens this week. (but I doubt it *sigh*)

Reply #26. Sep 01 15, 1:47 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
I can't wait till Thursday! Double evictions are the best! I almost wish that the season started with more people and just had double evictions every week. The players seem to make bolder moves on double eviction nights.

Reply #27. Sep 01 15, 1:49 AM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
Yes, It would be nice to see Vanessa make a big move. She is always saying "If Austen has told me a lie he is GONE"....blah blah blah (Let's forget the fact that she lies to everyone constantly) The Austwins are always pretending for the interviews that they are BOLD and they are certainly going to make a big move, and Vanessa better watch out....and then they don't nominate her, or her nominate them. It is always the predictable play. They could just phone it in.
If Vanessa thinks that Austen will side with her in the end...has she not seen him with Liz??? If it is between her and Liz, does she think he will stick with her. Ditto with Julia...she will never go against Liz..therefore Austen will never go against Julia (except if it came to pick someone for the final two between her and Liz)...because Liz would be more than pissed at him!!! Girlfriend GONE. I don't know why Johnny Mac and Steve have decided that it is a better bet to stick with everyone's friend and favourite ally, Vanessa, then to strike up a deal with Meg and James.

I am feeling that double eviction night will see the end of James and Meg in the house, unless the remaining one wins the HOH. As they seem to be targeting James this week and he will probably go unless he wins The Veto, that would leave Meg. I don't think Meg has won anything, she always seems to be among the first to drop out, or the last to finish!
So perhaps, Thursday will be the end of everyone who is not in the "Austen's Angels" (If I see them pose with pretend guns again I made throw up a little)...or the "Scamper Something or Other"....
At least finally then, someone will have to nominate SOMEBODY who is in those alliances. Finally. Popcorn time.

Reply #28. Sep 01 15, 11:00 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
(If I see them pose with pretend guns again I made throw up a little) -- That made me almost spit my drink out, lol. I agree totally. I'm sick of those four.

I agree that if JohnnyMac, Steve, and the remaining Meg/James would team up that those three could give the Austwins a run for their money. JohnnyMac has won the veto comp several times and has come in second for HOH on at least two, Steve has won HOH (and I think maybe a veto?), and James has won a couple HOH's, Meg has won one thing - the BOB where they had to match clothes... so that group has the skill to beat the Austwins. Julia has won absolutely nothing, Austin won only once I think, and Liz would only be their real competition. Those three could just take out Liz first and they'd have a real shot at making the top three. As for Vanessa - well, just get her out of there. I've had enough of her crying and bullying.

Reply #29. Sep 01 15, 12:15 PM
jasa9092 star

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And after getting sent home last week, why can't Steve see that they are more than willing to get rid of him??

Reply #30. Sep 01 15, 12:18 PM
jasa9092 star

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Oops, I meant to say "After ALMOST getting sent home..."

Reply #31. Sep 02 15, 2:32 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Well, I guess we find out tonight who wins the Veto. Anyone but Meg or James and it stays the same. I wonder if they would use it on each other?
Vanessa is starting to firm up her alliance with Steve and Johnny Mac. Thank God they do not have a cutesy name attached to it yet...or do they? (I tend to plug my ears in self defense when the name picking process is going on)
If Vanessa is thinking clearly, she will realize that Liz is the one who has to go. Liz is the glue that holds the Austwins together. Julia and Austen do not seem to like each other very much and it their connection to Liz that keeps the alliance unbreakable. If she goes, they will start scrambling and I believe will be open to other connections. I am quite sure that Vanessa will have already spoken in depth to Johnny Mac and Steve about the double eviction. question: do they know any time in advance about the double??? Or do they just find out immediately after the weekly eviction?
If they have advance warning, then she will certainly try to get them to put up someone from her "Austen's Angels" (it hurts even to write that, I keep getting the visuals). That way she can claim innocence when they get voted off..."OMG there was NOTHING I could do about it"...yadda yadda yadda....."So bye bye, and don't forget to vote for ME, Vanessa, your dear friend and alliance member".
It would surely be a better move for her then trying to oust Meg immediately. I hope so anyway.
She will be chatting up her pocket puppets, Steve and Johnny, as to suggestions about just who should be exiting. I really hope that Meg/James stays and has a real shot at winning.
So tonight I hope it's a good Veto battle. Fingers crossed!!!!

Reply #32. Sep 02 15, 5:43 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
No, Vanessa/JohnnyMac/Steve don't have a stupid alliance name (that I'm aware of). Every year I hate 99% of those names they come up with.

No, they aren't told in advance about the double eviction. They get told live on Thursday. However, they do speculate. Steve told them that it will probably be next week, but said it could be tomorrow. Right now, it sounds like the players all think it will be next week.

I can't wait till tomorrow! I am hoping that the house flips and takes Julia out. I wish people would wise up. James, Steve, and JohnnyMac should team up! They would only have to compete against Liz and Austin for HOH if they took out Julia. Vanessa can't play.

Reply #33. Sep 02 15, 11:58 PM
jasa9092 star

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Oops, make that James, Steve, JohnnyMac, and Meg if they took out Julia. They'd have four players playing against two. Pretty good odds if they'd think about it.

Reply #34. Sep 03 15, 12:00 AM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
My thoughts exactly. This is the time. There won't be any better chance to break up the trio. Tonight, probably for the last time, they have the numbers. I mean really, Johnny Mac and Steve, albeit dorky, are smart, guys. They must realize that they are number 5 and 6 on the alliance of that side of the house. That they will never, ever, break up the Austwins. If Meg goes tonight, followed by James...who do they think will be next?? That Austin will put up Liz?
This could be their lucky break. Vanessa cannot vote, Julia cannot vote...that leaves only 2 votes on that side of the house. OMG...don't be stupid. Johnny is always talking in the interviews about how Vanessa lies to EVERYONE. He seems to be well aware that she is incredibly manipulative and always dictates who goes up, and who goes home.
I think this is the only hope for him and Steve. But however, I think can be very easily swayed by Vanessa. The last time when he sent home Jackie, he was fed lies by Austin right before the eviction and therefore went right for Jackie.
Anyway, maybe Johnny can reassure him, rein him in and they can stuff their fingers in their ears and sing "La La La...I can't hear you" when Vanessa approaches them.
One can hope.

Reply #35. Sep 03 15, 8:22 AM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
If they do what Vanessa wants tonight, I have a suggestion for their alliance name. Call it "The Marionettes" and their hand signal, which for some reason seems to be an absolutely essential requirement, can be a hand waggling fingers and pulling strings. Vanessa's hand, of course.
Or perhaps a somewhat longer, but accurate "We Could Have Taken Control of the Game But Did Not and Now We Are Going To Be Going Home" alliance. Hand signal could be a hand waving good-bye.

Reply #36. Sep 03 15, 8:30 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
LOL at "the Marionettes". Actually I read last night that they came up with a name: "Revenge of the nerds". Geesh.

I'm praying that James and Johnny go ahead and vote out Julia and then Austin votes Julia out too so he can blame it on Steve. Then they have the three votes. I can dream...

Reply #37. Sep 03 15, 12:11 PM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
We will just have to click our heels together and chant "There's no place like home, there's no place like home...."
Oh wait, wrong show! I was confused...thought it was the Emerald City and the wizard (Vanessa) was pulling the strings. hah!
Maybe click our heels together and chant "Julia go home, Julia go home"?

Reply #38. Sep 03 15, 1:13 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Well, I guess that Johnny and Steve should learn the waving good-bye hand gesture for their alliance unless they win the HOH on Sunday. They had their shot to flip it, and yet again, no one was brave enough to go for it. So they can sit in Jury without a spot of "blood on their hands" and watch someone with bloody fingers walk away with the money.

Reply #39. Sep 03 15, 8:43 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
I was so bummed to see James go in the Double Eviction. It's down to the final 6 now and somehow the trio of Austwins managed to be in that. How on earth they'd let them become half of the house is beyond me.

I had to find out who won the second HOH. I don't have the restraint to wait patiently till Sunday's show. I won't spoil it for you though. (My son is like you and likes to find out stuff during the show and not through feeds or Big Brother After Dark).

Reply #40. Sep 04 15, 2:15 AM

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