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Subject: Big Brother (USA)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 17 15

Is anyone else watching this season? If so, who do you like, dislike, etc? Note -- Do NOT read further if you don't want any spoilers that may be discussed in this thread.

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briarwoodrose star

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I'm so torn between...."TELL ME!!!!" and "DON'T TELL ME!!!" I will try to wait patiently till Sunday. If it is Steve or Johnny, they will finally have to nominate one/two of the Austwins. There is no one else. So, The time will have come. If whomever they nominate wins the Veto (or another Austwin wins it and takes them off), then Vanessa will have to go up. (I am assuming here that Steve and Johnny will stay true to each other...but Vanessa can always do her earworm thing and convince one or the other to NOT put her up)
Vanessa can't play...too bad, I would love to see which side of the fence she would be forced to land on. Of course if the Austwins win, Steve and Johnny are going up, with Vanessa as a replacement if one of them wins the Veto.
It is so predictable now, as it has been for the last while. As I said before, they could phone it in. I wouldn't even need to watch to know what had happened. Too bad. There was such an opportunity to flip the house and take control of it, but that ship has sailed.
As you stated, I too, cannot understand how the house let the Austwins remain to this point, where they are half of the house, and will never split up till the bitter end. Traditionally, couples are targeted, and this is a rock-solid TRIO!!!!
I suppose the only suspense left is what person Liz would take...Julia or Austin, to the final 2. Even that , I am fairly certain would be Julia. Julia would take Liz. Austin would take Liz. Vanessa, who knows. It wouldn't really matter, one twin or the other....same difference. Austin , maybe...more people seem to dislike him than the twins.
So, for me, about 95% of the suspense has left the game.
Anyway, If Steve or Johnny do not win the HOH, one is gone...followed by the next one next week, if again he does not win. It is their own fault. Opportunity knocked and they did not answer.
I am quite sure that their families and friends were sitting at home, screaming at the TV when they voted Meg I was!!!!!!
So, I will continue to watch...just to see an Austwin go home. I don't really care which one. Any of the three will do. One will have to...eventually...RIGHT???

Reply #41. Sep 04 15, 5:36 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
No, Vanessa can play this HOH. Liz won the Double Eviction HOH. Liz is the one that can't play. I got to thinking - I don't recall Vanessa ever really stating one way or the other even in the diary room. I don't think she has told even the viewers which side she is definitely with. I think she doesn't even know - She will just choose whichever side is winning at the time. Then if she wins, by gum by golly we would finally get to see her be forced to choose. I think she is/was planning to throw the HOH so that she doesn't have to choose a side once and for all, but the competition could be one of those "chance" comps where you can't throw it if you tried. Some comps are just a fluke. I like those. I hate people throwing them.

By the way, the above does not state one way or the other if she won HOH. I tried my best to set it up as if she won it or not. ;)

Yep, statistically they always make sure showmances, etc are eliminated way before this point. They split up Clay and Shelli early on. Why can't they see that a trio is even worse than a duo? I swear this group can be dumber than a bag of rocks sometimes.

I'm not going to post until at least Monday morning so that I won't be tempted to reveal anything (or let it slip). The nominations are today and Veto gets played tomorrow. I wish I could let myself wait till the show to find this stuff out. It is way more fun that way!

Reply #42. Sep 04 15, 12:03 PM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
Ah, you are correct! I had totally forgotten that Liz won the HOH...It would be really good to see Vanessa have to come right out in the open and choose a side...and be directly up front and responsible for sending someone home this time. She has weaseled around for so long, a voice in everyone's ear, deniability always at its best. Now, it has to be out there. If she did throw it, then she is taking a really big chance. She would be the replacement nominee for sure, as the Austwins would not nominate each other as replacement and if Steve and Johnny stick together, neither would they do so.
I am sure she realizes that she has a better chance with Steve and Johnny, as she can probably bend Steve's ear in the end to go with her. (note, he was almost physically ill at the thought of sending Meg home and not taking the chance to flip the house, but listened to Vanessa anyway).
I don't think she can wedge herself into the Austwins.
So, the plot thickens. Or, someone will have to stir the pot...or whatever idiom you prefer!
As you so perfectly put it..."they are as dumb as a bag of rocks". That about sums it up. See you Sunday!

Reply #43. Sep 04 15, 4:23 PM
Johnny Mac is hanging in there! :-)

Reply #44. Sep 05 15, 8:00 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
So... What do you think of Steve winning HOH? I am so happy!! Goodbye Austwins! Finally breaking you up. Booyah! I would have loved to have seen Vanessa have to make a decision on who she was going to go with, but I'm just glad the Austwins aren't still in power. I would bet every dime Vanessa has that she threw that competition. I am betting she will throw this week's also. They will be down to two vs two and she is sitting pretty smack dab in the middle. She doesn't want to pick a side.

Reply #45. Sep 07 15, 11:15 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Oh my gosh... I just read an article on Entertainment Weekly that cracked me up:

I especially loved this: "Austin and the twins on one side, Steve and Johnny Mac on the other, with Vanessa running back and forth so much her tears must be from exhaustion, not emotion."


Reply #46. Sep 07 15, 11:31 AM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
Hah! great article...and spot on!
It was a relief to see Steve win HOH. I cannot imagine who Austin thinks he is , or where he is, or what he is playing, that he would even consider throwing the comp. Hello? Train to Reality time! I agree that Vanessa does not want to win until the chips are down (pun intended!)
She wants to assure herself of the remaining players votes by convincing each side that she is truly working only with them. This could and probably will blow up in her face as the remaining people are sent to jury and start to compare notes. They will soon realize that she was playing everyone one of them to her advantage, Nothing ticks off someone more than that...being played.

If Julia wins Veto, Liz is coming off the block. (sidebar here) Putting Liz up there was hilarious...her reaction...crying, running out of the room. Oh please girls...maybe every other person in the house wasn't thrilled either at going on the block, but they cowboyed up and stayed for the entire ceremony. OMG...she and Julia said "Why WHY would Steve do that, when we have been so nice to him" ????? Maybe because it is a game and he would like to win just as much as they want to win? I guess they (The Austwins) figured that everyone was playing for the the good of their (Austwins) game. Naive much? Wake up Austwins!

If Austin wins, he is going to take himself off the block.
Either of these scenarios would be great, because Steve would have to put up Vanessa. At least I would hope so. Honestly, if he lets Vanessa in his head to put up Johnny instead, he deserves to lose!
I imagine that if Vanessa wins Veto, both Austin and Liz would expect her to use it on them. (meaning Julia goes up) I cannot imagine what speech Vanessa could come up to show why she will not use it. (Only Julia would approve!)
I seriously hopes this happens. It will be good TV watching for sure.
As the article" Vanessa and the 637 times she did NOT use her poker sentiments exactly. I don't think I have ever seen anyone throw so many conniptions, ever. Well , not since my kids were 2...and they behave much better than that!
I will have to wait and see Wednesday night how this plays out. One thing for sure...someone is going to be ever so angry at having to leave. Hope it's not Johnny M.

Reply #47. Sep 07 15, 1:11 PM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
Do you think Vanessa will throw the Veto comp? If any of the Austwins win, the nominations will change and chances are she will be put up, albeit as a pawn...but still. This close to the end that is not where you want to be.
If Steve or Johnny win, she will be okay, nominations will stay the same.
Big chance to take, to throw it. Even if winning it means she has to suck it up and break up with the Austwins.
Should be major tears there....and accusations and finger pointing.
(hee hee hee)

Reply #48. Sep 07 15, 1:18 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
I think Vanessa would be less likely to throw a Veto, because she would have a chance at getting up on the block if she lost. If she won, instead of "getting blood on her hands" she would just say that she wants to just honor the HOH's wishes and leave the nominations the same.

However, I do know who won the Veto and if it was used or not. It's hard to have a conversation here and try to not spoil anything, lol. All I will say is the house got a bit interesting after Liz and Austin got up on the block. She cried forever and broke up with him. I think yesterday they got back together though. I'm hoping we get to see some of that drama Wednesday or Thursday night.

Reply #49. Sep 08 15, 1:49 AM
jasa9092 star

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Oh yeah, and after Liz got nominated she told someone (maybe Julia) something like, "I would have never put him up, EVER!". Yeah right Liz... Let's see here... If you had won HOH, you wouldn't put up Austin or Julia. That leaves Steve, Vanessa, and Johnny Mac. Ok, so you are telling me that you'd put up Vanessa and Johnny Mac? No way in heck she would put up Vanessa and leave Steve off.

Reply #50. Sep 08 15, 1:53 AM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
I think you hit the nail on the head with Vanessa ...the old "I have to honour the nominations" line, that does sound exactly what she would say.
Sounds like the showmance is coming apart at the seams.
Couldn't see that one coming at all. Duh.
I can't get my head around the Austwins though. Do they really expect that they would never go on the block, like everyone else has? Really? What if they were the last 3? Do they think they would all win the money?
They sat back the entire game, in their own little world, and decided who should go home, who they liked and didn't like, who it would advantageous to keep around to benefit them etc etc. How can they not realize that other people are playing their OWN games???
I dunno, just can't understand it.
Should be interesting (to say the least) to see the hysterics and tears....finally from someone other than Vanessa.
Can't wait till tonight!

Reply #51. Sep 08 15, 11:17 AM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
Okay, so let's compile a list of the Rules of Engagement for Big Brother. These would start with the mandatory statements that one must speak at least 10 times during each season.

#1 I don't want to get blood on my hands.

#2 I am not afraid of getting blood on my hands.

#3 I have to honour the nominations of the house.

#4 I have to vote with the house.

#5 I am putting you up, but you are strictly a pawn. I


#6 We need to think of a name for our alliance.

#7 I have to do what is best for my game.

#8 I am afraid to win and show them what a physical threat

that I am.

#9 I came here to win the money.

#10 This is the most important Veto battle of the season.

#11 I don't want to go home tonight.

#12 There's possibly a chance I am going home tonight.

#13 Pawns go home.

#14 I am alone in this game.

#15 I think he is coming after me next week.

#16 You and I should have a secret alliance.

#17 You and I should have a really secret alliance.

#18 You and I should have a really really REALLY secret

alliance, no one will suspect because we hate each


#19 I could flip the house.

#20 Hi Julie, this has been an AMAZING experience.

(Can you think of anymore????)

Reply #52. Sep 08 15, 11:29 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
LOL! I don't know if I can come up with any more. You pretty much covered them all. Let me try... (forgive me if I accidentally mention something you didn't)

1. He/she is playing both sides of the house.

2. He/she has a final 2 deal with everyone.

3. Do you think he/she threw that competition?

4. (Concerning the Austwins) This is not the week to take them out. (as if there is ever a time, geesh)

5. You HAVE to win the next HOH! (or VETO)

6. If you win the VETO, leave the noms the same.

7. If I don't win this VETO, I'm going up.

8. Vanessa saying, "This is what we should do and I'll tell you why".

I know you mentioned it, but hands down, the most over-used phrase this season is anything dealing with, "blood on my hands". That could be a drinking game, lol.

Reply #53. Sep 09 15, 12:01 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Oops, I meant "accidently mention something you already did" (not didn't), lol.

Reply #54. Sep 09 15, 12:03 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Before it was time for jury, everyone kept saying, "I just want to get to jury. Don't evict me till then". Hello??? Don't they want to win??

Reply #55. Sep 09 15, 12:06 PM
Good show tonight, looking forward to Thursday night to see who goes to jury! :-)

Reply #56. Sep 09 15, 8:33 PM
Hope Johnny Mac wins HOH! Love him! :-)

Reply #57. Sep 09 15, 8:34 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Me too, shiningstar! I'm more excited to see who wins HOH. I want Johnny Mac to win it soooo bad!

Reply #58. Sep 09 15, 11:29 PM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
Well, that was interesting!
I could not believe that Julia listened to Vanessa during the Veto competition!!! Wha???? And that Vanessa actually talked her way out of it with the twins and Austin/Judas.
Are all her tears an act?? When she is being ever so earnest to the twins "I could dump so much information on you...I was just trying to save you...I have always looked out for you...don't trust hoo boo hoo....look at my sad, sad face and listen to my barrage of words...and don't think for will all be okay" And they FALL for it yet again.
I was getting a little worried there when Steve said if Julia won, he would have to decide between Johnny and Vanessa. Please Steve, don't side with Vanessa!!! Think about it, please. Put cotton balls in your ears when Vanessa heads in your direction.

So, I am assuming that Julia is going home because I don't think Austin would send Liz home, and Vanessa, in the spirit of "I'm 100% with you Austin...I got you covered" will no doubt vote with him.
Johnny Mac seems to be the only one who is clued into Vanessa. He just sits back and watches it and doesn't let her know that he is taking in her every move. Just be careful Johnny, if she catches on...suddenly you will develop a very bad case of the "I must be sent to Jury NOW" itis.
I am waiting to see who wins HOH...If Austin and the remaining twin win, Steve and Johnny are going up. If Johnny wins, I am guessing Austin and Liz are up. If Vanessa wins...who knows. She will have to come right out and pick a side, you know, "she has to do what is best for her game".
Oh yes, and Austin told Johnny if he let him get the Veto, he would be SAFE this week. Interesting. That leaves Vanessa to go up with Steve. Interesting, indeed.

Oh,, I love your additions to the Big Brother Manual!!
I swear, what we wrote comprises about 80% of the dialogue in the house. There certainly needs to be a drinking game for these would help ease the pain whenever someone says one of those (Extremely) overused lines.

Reply #59. Sep 10 15, 7:28 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
I agree that I think Vanessa's tears are fake. "boo hoo, I didn't mean to do anything wrong... feel sorry for me". I just thought of another phrase: Vanessa constantly saying "100%". She doesn't say it as much as she used to, but for the majority of the game I got so sick of hearing her say that.

I LOVED that the twins drooled over Jesse. Hmm, Austin, jealous much? haha

Even though I read the feeds, I am not completely sure which twin is going home. They are letting the twins decide. Since when do the nominees get to decide?? The girls are going back and forth. I think they have finally made up their minds, but it could change before the show. I'm hoping Liz goes so that she and Austin will get split up, but as long as the twins get split up it doesn't really matter to me.

Johnny is much smarter than he lets on. They all think he is clueless (we all know from his Diary Room sessions that he is probably the smartest when it comes to knowing who is playing who, etc). He was saying A LONG TIME AGO that "Vanessa is good. We need to get her out", but the others are JUST NOW starting to realize it. Stupid people. They think he can't win anything unless it is thrown to him (look how many times he has thrown things to others and could have definitely won). I think when it comes to "do or die" he will show them. I think this week is his week. I can only hope.

Reply #60. Sep 10 15, 11:23 AM

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