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Subject: Worst sitcoms of all time

Posted by: Coriolanus
Date: Jul 25 15

Welcome Back Kotter. How that piece of junk ever ran for more than a few episodes is beyond my comprehension.
I caught up with one episode on the retro channel we have which plays programmes from the sixties to the eighties. A masterclass of bad, over the top acting and poor writing which is certainly not made any funnier by most of the cast shouting their lines. I read somewhere that the lead 'actor' never worked in television again following the cancellation of the series. One can only thank Heaven for small mercies.

24 replies. On page 2 of 2 pages. 1 2
C30 star

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What REALLY motivates me to operate the "off" switch, is canned laughter, for which "Will and Grace" is a prime example.

I can appreciate laughter at times, but after EVERY utterance by the characters, comes canned laughter!

Reply #21. Feb 24 17, 1:24 AM
duranhos star

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As to, do the brits and americans have different tastes when it comes to comedy? I find a lot of your shows very funny: big bang,cheers,raymond.kings .Here in the uk there is nothing to touch your comedy at the moment unless you count errrrr "not going out" sadly.

Reply #22. Feb 24 17, 2:24 AM
supersal1 star
Some sitcoms start out well but the production company just doesn't know when to let go and let them run a couple of seasons past their due date. I'm thinking Friends and The Big Bang Theory in particular. Sadly, the once excellent Modern Family seems to be going the same way. Wrap it up people, always leave 'em wanting more!

Reply #23. Feb 24 17, 4:34 AM

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Wholeheartedly agree with SuperSal on Friends and Big Bang Theory i.e they should have stopped when they were still good.

Reply #24. Feb 24 17, 7:10 AM

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