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Subject: Who is watching Survivor?

Posted by: pawesome
Date: Oct 09 15

Okay, there seems to be a thread about not liking Survivor. I, for one, love Survivor! Who is with me?! And, who are you rooting for this season?

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shama10 star

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I just saw this thread. I love Survivor, this is the best season I believe. I think it has to do with all the returning players that you already know and they know how the game works. I am Team JOE all the way and very worried if he loses he will be gone, he reminds me of Ozzie. I love Ciera and Wentworth but really wish Abi was gone, bad energy like that is hard to watch. My family and I find ourselves sitting on the edge of our seats and then screaming and jumping up and down every time Joe wins immunity. I thought Abi was going to take it this time and was so relieved when she didn't, did you hear her say" no one is going to beat Joe"? I hope that is true. :)

Reply #21. Nov 20 15, 1:11 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Oh Ozzie...I loved Ozzie...he was the best player ever in terms of swimming, climbing trees and just about everything!

My family also watches it together. Now there is just my husband and youngest daughter left at home, but we have a "pool" and everyone throws in three dollars and pulls 3-4 names each (depending on the number of contestants) The person with the show winner's name gets $12 and second place gets $!! It certainly makes the show more interesting because you may have people that you really wouldn't want to win on your list...then what? Cheer for Joe anyway?? yes! hah! (BTW, I do NOT have him this time, but I do have Kelley Wentworth, who I really am cheering for ! Go Kelley!!)

Reply #22. Nov 20 15, 1:53 PM
Wow! That was my favorite episode so far! I was so afraid that Joe would go home when he didn't win immunity, but fortunately, Fishbach made a stupid mistake and split his votes. Loved it!!!

Reply #23. Nov 25 15, 9:36 PM
Buddy1 star
If you mean his advantage, even if Stephen didn't split the vote, he would still go home.
If you meant the concept in general, then ignore what I just said.

Reply #24. Nov 25 15, 9:54 PM
See you, Joe. I felt bad for him because he really did put his all into the game. Why on EARTH is Abi still in the game???

Reply #25. Dec 05 15, 10:23 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Abi is the mandatory "let's take this person to the end because NO ONE would ever vote for him/her". Joe is (was) the "let's NOT take this person to the end because he/she is way more awesome than we are and EVERYONE would vote for him/her".
Sad to see Joe go, he really played the game hard. Everyone is dancing around now, trying to figure out who to trust. Paranoia is rampant!!!

Reply #26. Dec 07 15, 11:35 PM
Exactly! I'm so happy they finally got rid of her... it was so past time. She didn't give much effort at all in challenges. Then she voted for Keith... what a crazy lady!

Reply #27. Dec 12 15, 10:45 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Abi said Tasha "should have drowned".

Reply #28. Dec 12 15, 2:02 PM
Buddy1, I think what I meant to say was that if Fish and the others that wanted Joe out at that time had not split their votes, they would have had enough to send him home. But, I guess they weren't sure about idols.

I am so glad to see Abi go. I didn't really care so much that she wasn't a good player - but it did bother me that she is a bad person. It was hard to watch at times, particularly when she was wishing harm on others. That, and her voice really grates on the nerves.

Reply #29. Dec 15 15, 9:04 PM
What did you all think of the finale? I was very happy!
I was thrilled to see Jeremy get a second chance and he used it well! I was pretty surprised it was a 10-0 clean sweep vote! I thought Spencer might've had a chance. But I'm ecstatic for Jeremy.

Reply #30. Dec 19 15, 10:01 AM
andymuenz star

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I loved the vote where both idols were played and no votes officially cast. I don't think Keith realized that if he didn't switch his vote he would be the only one eligible to draw a rock.

Reply #31. Dec 19 15, 11:26 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Good finale! I, too, was quite surprised that Spencer didn't get even one vote. I think when he went off on Jeremy in front of the jury, really threatening him as to what would happen if he didn't take him to the finale...well, I don't think that sat well with the jury. For the first thing, no one likes to see any form of threats or bullying, and he was quite aggressive. For the second thing, he said, right in front of the jury, that he would work on them until they decided not to vote for Jeremy. In other words, I will manipulate you (the jury) to vote how I want you to vote. Now that is never a good idea. You might think it, but do not say it out loud in front of the people you plan on manipulating!!!!!!! Especially on a show like Survivor where probably 100% of the jury are feeling like they are certainly smarter than the remaining contestants and that they should be in the final three. Nope, as evidenced, that was NOT the best move on Spencer's part. Anyway, was glad to see Jeremy win. I was hoping that Kelly Wentworth would make it to the final three, for sure, the voting would have been different. I don't know if Jeremy would have won or lost, but I think the vote would have been different, as there were certainly jury members that would have voted for Kelly. Anyway, I am waiting for the next Survivor! I think that Caleb from Big Brother (Beast Mode) is on next time.

Reply #32. Dec 20 15, 5:35 AM
jasa9092 star

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I don't know if any of you watch the Biggest Loser, but Richard Hatch was a contestant this season. He got eliminated a couple weeks ago or so. This year's theme is "couples" and he was paired with a stranger, which is a former contestant of "The Voice". She was talking about how much money they'd win after they take taxes out and he goes, "Who pays taxes?"... lol, gotta love that he laughs at himself. ;)

Reply #33. Feb 06 16, 10:38 PM
This latest season seems like it'll be a difficult one for the Survivors. I totally freaked out when that poor girl had that WORM in her ear! ~shiver~

Reply #34. Feb 27 16, 10:09 AM
scorpion1960 star

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I am still a fan. Tai backstabbed the guys last night. It will backfire.

Reply #35. Apr 21 16, 6:14 PM
I'm still waiting for it to backfire! They need to get Tai out yesterday!!

Reply #36. May 07 16, 7:38 AM
I am rooting for Aubry at this point. She's lost two close allies and if she makes it to the end that's a big selling point for her to win.

Reply #37. May 17 16, 7:00 AM
briarwoodrose star

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I like Aubry too. She is really playing the game well. I was just very happy to see Jason and Scott go. When they took the tools and hid them, how childish was that? The best moment of the game was when Tai shook his head "no" when they kept saying "give him (Scott) the idol" over and over.
I actually like everyone left, Cydney, Aubry, Michelle, and Tai, too. He is playing as hard as he can. Michelle has managed to hang in there and Cydney is a very smart player. The best player, though, would have to Aubry, followed by Cydney.
Can't wait for the finale!!!

Reply #38. May 17 16, 9:39 AM
~Spoiler alert if you didn't see the finale yet~

I'm shocked that she won. I don't think Michelle deserved to win. I think she got hot at the right time and won at the end. And poor Cydney didn't even get to talk in the reunion show.

Reply #39. May 23 16, 8:29 AM

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