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Subject: Seth Rollins tears ACL, MCL

Posted by: sportsfanmas
Date: Nov 06 15

Because I'm no longer on my pro wrestling team thanks to the lack of activity that was in it, I wanted to post this here to see what kind of responses I got.

WWE World Champion Seth Rollins suffered a legit injury at a house show a couple nights ago. Tore his ACL, MCL, and a couple other things. He's scheduled out the next 6-9 months at least. He has to forfeit the title and a tournament will be held at Survivor Series to determine a new champ. What do you guys think about this?

I for one, feel sorry for the guy, I wouldn't wish that injury on anybody. He's a good worker and it was a freak accident. But from a wrestling standpoint, I'm not a fan of him, I hated him as champ, and I thought he was one of the worst champs ever. I'm glad he no longer has the title and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens at Survivor Series.

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wwe84 star

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I just hope they don't put the title on Roman Reigns I want Kevin Owens or being up Finn Balor from NXT anyone but Roman Reigns

Reply #1. Nov 06 15, 10:16 AM
wwe84 star

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By the way you can't question Seth Rollins toughness he went on to finish the match with Kane at a house show where this happen with the torn ACL, MCL & Meniscus in his right knee

Reply #2. Nov 06 15, 10:19 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Novice here...why does he have to forfeit? Is it due to fans not liking him or his inability to fulfill his duties as champ?

Reply #3. Nov 06 15, 10:34 AM
wwe84 star

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13LuckyLady he can't wrestle for the next 6-9 months he's gonna miss the biggest event of the year in WWE in April 2016 that's Wrestlemania 32 that's why he was stripped of the title

Reply #4. Nov 06 15, 10:42 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Thank you for the clarification.

I've been away from the sport for quite some time.

Reply #5. Nov 06 15, 10:45 AM
nasty_liar star

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It's always a disaster when this happens because he's had a longish reign as a cowardly heel and you really want to pay it off by having someone beat him and stop him from squirming away. So now nobody gets put over by him.

I disagree with you about Rollins though sportsfanmas. He's a great worker, he has an exciting style, he is reasonable on the mic (and especially good in his weasel heel role).

The problem as always these days is the WWE itself. The writing is terrible, they have THREE hours of Raw and Two of Smackdown plus whatever other tv shows they have and they all need filling up so someone like Seth Rollins is left having to do long, long promos that aren't really his strength. It's simply a case of less is more here but the WWE machine is a bit stuck because they no doubt need to satisfy various advertisers and sponsors etc. so is reducing the content an option? Probably not.

Another problem is short sighted and short term booking and virtually no booking of Mid card feuds, the product is pretty bad at the moment and fans just have to be happy with the spotfest matches that they are served up with by wrestlers who are all incredibly skilled. But where's the stories? That's the problem and it's going to be the problem with every single champion they have until they fix it.

Reply #6. Nov 06 15, 11:38 AM
sportsfanmas star
wwe84, I would actually like to see Roman win the title. I'm a Reigns fan, but then again I'm a fan of that entire family. Always have been. However, I'd be just fine if they put the belt on Owens, Cesaro, James Storm if they called him up, and a few others. And yes, no doubt he's tough, and I can't believe people are actually blaming Kane because of this. That's crazy.

Reply #7. Nov 06 15, 1:06 PM
sportsfanmas star
nasty_liar, I'm not saying Rollins isn't a great worker. I think his mic skills are awful though, overall, but for his role they work well. I just don't care for him that much. He's good, but that doesn't mean I have to like him, and if I don't like him, I'm certainly going to think he's a terrible champ. So we can agree to disagree there.

I agree with you totally about the state of WWE though. It's terrible, and has been for a long time. IMO, WWE hasn't been truly great since the death of WCW and ECW. I don't think there will ever be a company that challenges WWE again, and Vince knows it, so he knows he can get away with putting on a subpar show. There are so many WWE loyalists that will watch no matter how bad it gets. My thing is I'm a pro wrestling fan going on almost 30 years now. I'm always going to watch no matter how bad it gets. I'm not specifically loyal to WWE, I'm loyal to pro wrestling as a whole.

I really wish TNA would have done better, they were on the right path before Dixie gave control to Hogan and Bischoff. They've struggled to recover since then, and now they are about to get cancelled on Destination America, and from what I'm hearing, it may be a long, long time before we see them on American TV again, if ever. I just think it'll be hard for them to survive.

Now, for me, Ring of Honor is where it's at. I know a lot of people call it second rate, but I love the storylines, and I love the characters and the pure wrestling they offer. Not kidding, you almost see more in-ring action of a 1 hour Ring of Honor tv show than you do in an entire 2 hour Smackdown. That's bad. But there's also rumors that they are being dropped from the Destination America line-up. To me that would be a shame.

Sorry for the long post, I'm very passionate about pro wrestling, and it kills me to see the shape that it's in, at least American pro wrestling. BTW, anybody ever watched Lucha Underground? I'd put that as #2 on my list right now, and I can't wait until they start filming the 2nd season of it.

Reply #8. Nov 06 15, 1:16 PM
wwe84 star

player avatar
I put
NXT at #1
WWE #2
ROH #3

NXT is the best thing going for WWE right now you have Finn Balor, Samoa Joe, Apollo Crews, Baron Corbin, Bayley, Asuka, Enzo & Cass, Dana Brooke, Emma, The Vaudevillians, The Mechanics & others

TNA is horrible I haven't watched that in 2 1/2 years

Reply #9. Nov 06 15, 2:13 PM
wwe84 star

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I want to know how WWE is going fill AT&T Stadium in Texas for Wrestlemania 32 they are expecting 100,000 people to attend I doubt they get that unless Vince pulls the trigger & have Brock Lesnar vs The Rock as the main event

Reply #10. Nov 06 15, 2:18 PM
nasty_liar star

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Hey, thanks for your detail in response sportsfanmas.

Yes, agree to disagree on Rollins but don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying he's a great talker, I'm just saying he's good at what he knows how to do and carrying a 15-20 minute promo segment most weeks is not and never will be his forte. You have to book him smarter than that, it doesn't mean he can't be your champ either it just means you have to create the right stories and feuds and book smarter and different segments rather than long boring promos.

I can't really comment on ROH because I have to say I've never watched it. Like most things I do, I have to pick and choose because I don't have time for it all and I choose to keep up with WWE. Tna I used to keep up with but it got so bad I had to switch off to that. NXT, I had to try out because everyone was raving about it. There are things I like about it, but it isn't amazing either it just seems good because main roster WWE is so bad right now. NXT seems to give fans all they seem to expect from pro wrestling now... Good in ring action. But it should be so much more than that. Don't you just hate it that "this is awesome" seems to get chanted at almost every single Raw and PPV and NXT these days. No, these spotfests are not necessarily awesome. Expectations have just gone so low it's all the crowds can pop for unless it's some old timer coming out.

Like you thought sportsfan, I can't help but watch. There are still enjoyable tidbits and its a hard habit to give up. I liken it to being a supporter of a sports team, you stick with them win or lose and that's how my fascination with WWE is.

Reply #11. Nov 06 15, 3:17 PM
nasty_liar star

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To go back to the original post, sorry for totally going off track (I often do), I think they should just go ahead and out the belt on Roman but they might be better having him turn heel in the process rather than trying to fight against the grain. Heel turn would be pretty straightforward, he could screw Dean Ambrose in some way.

It's sink or swim time for him either way but he'll need compelling feuds (which he won't get) and good storylines (won't get either) to get him over.... So basically he's doomed unless he somehow rises to the occasion himself and stops playing it safe. If he becomes champ he can have more latitude to try things.

Nobody else is ready and I don't want to see anyone established back in the title picture, (Cena, Orton). They need to feature the guys you mention as big time guys and soon! Owens, Cesaro, Ambrose and Ryback too.

What might happen though is Roman win the tournament and Sheamus cash in. I don't think Sheamus has worked out as well as hoped and I think the briefcase needs to be off him sooner rather than later. He could carry the belt to the rumble perhaps....

Reply #12. Nov 06 15, 3:35 PM
wwe84 star

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Nasty I think it's time to turn Ambrose heel & turn on Reigns costing him the title.

Reply #13. Nov 06 15, 3:44 PM
wwe84 star

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sportsfanmas & nasty_liar have you seen "WWE Breaking Ground" on the WWE Network 2 episodes in i'm hooked already that's one of my 4 best shows on the Network right now

My other 3 are "Table For 3", "Stone Cold Podcast" & "Unfiltered with Renee Young"

Reply #14. Nov 06 15, 4:04 PM
nasty_liar star

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Yes the Ambrose turn is the other way to do it, rather predictable though I thought and Roman is struggling (in my eyes) to convince as a main event level babyface but I bet he could do it as a heel.

I like breaking ground, enjoying it. I also like table for 3 but it's better just to listen to some Austin or Jericho podcasts to get two wrestlers shooting the breeze. At least they can swear and tell more controversial stories. I also enjoyed swerved too!

Reply #15. Nov 06 15, 4:42 PM
wwe84 star

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I like Stone Cold & Jericho's podcasts I also listen to MLW where they have all different podcasts

I stopped listening to Jim Ross podcast it seems it doesn't matter about the guests he has on it's all about him & his ego

Reply #16. Nov 06 15, 10:06 PM
nasty_liar star

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I like interviews on YouTube by the username, 'notsam', if your interested look him up.

Reply #17. Nov 07 15, 2:33 AM
wwe84 star

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You mean Sam Roberts

Reply #18. Nov 07 15, 7:01 AM
nasty_liar star

player avatar
That's him! I just remembered the YouTube name.

Reply #19. Nov 08 15, 2:29 AM
sportsfanmas star
Sorry guys, it's been a few days since I've been on. I don't really get to watch NXT much, I actually have WWE Network, but no thanks to a busy life, I don't get to watch it nearly as much as I want to. I actually had a pattern going in which I decided I would watch all the old PPVs up to the demise of WCW and ECW, and up to Survivor Series 2001 where the invasion angle ended. However, with all the new, fascinating stuff that keeps popping up on the Network, I may have to take a break from the PPV's. I'd like to see all the old RAW's, Smackdowns, Nitros, Thunders, and other shows on there, the ECW shows, the SNME, Tough Enough, WWE Countdown, just way too much stuff to watch and not enough time!

If there was a way to add about 12 hours to every day, I'd sure like to do it! As it stands, I watch what I can, when I can, but I make sure to always watch the televised wrestling.

I think at this point, especially with RAW last night, everybody is figuring Roman will somehow beat the odds that HHH is going to throw at him and somehow win the title. I just have a feeling WWE is going to throw a swerve at us. It could be the expected swerve such as Sheamus cashing in or Ambrose turning heel, or WWE could have something totally off the wall planned. They have been known to shock before, after all, Del Rio coming back and aligning himself with Zeb Colter was a total shock to me.

Reply #20. Nov 10 15, 10:38 AM

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