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Subject: Seth Rollins tears ACL, MCL

Posted by: sportsfanmas
Date: Nov 06 15

Because I'm no longer on my pro wrestling team thanks to the lack of activity that was in it, I wanted to post this here to see what kind of responses I got.

WWE World Champion Seth Rollins suffered a legit injury at a house show a couple nights ago. Tore his ACL, MCL, and a couple other things. He's scheduled out the next 6-9 months at least. He has to forfeit the title and a tournament will be held at Survivor Series to determine a new champ. What do you guys think about this?

I for one, feel sorry for the guy, I wouldn't wish that injury on anybody. He's a good worker and it was a freak accident. But from a wrestling standpoint, I'm not a fan of him, I hated him as champ, and I thought he was one of the worst champs ever. I'm glad he no longer has the title and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens at Survivor Series.

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wwe84 star

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sportsfanmas have you seen 2 of the best women's matches WWE has ever had with Sasha Banks vs Bayley from NXT: Brooklyn & their 30 minute Iron Man Match from NXT: Respect which made history when they became the first Divas to main event a WWE or NXT Pay Per View.

Reply #21. Nov 10 15, 1:19 PM
nasty_liar star

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The tournament for the title seems a good focus for Raw at the moment. Since the show is often three hours filled with match, match, match, match. The matches may aswell have a purpose.

Also, when I watched Raw from Monday I thought that the tournament matches all tried to incorporate some psychology. Anyone else notice that? They need to get their performers doing that more often on TV and using fewer high risk spots and stop doing all these spotfest no-selling matches.

Reply #22. Nov 14 15, 10:00 AM
wwe84 star

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Kalisto going over Ryback surprised me but you can tell that Roman Reigns is going win this tournament

Reply #23. Nov 14 15, 1:49 PM
wwe84 star

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Oh it's a good week to watch WWE Network this week in celebration of The Undertaker's 25th anniversary in WWE it's Undertaker week on WWE Network with the one show i'm going watch is Legends with JBL with Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin & Triple H.

Reply #24. Nov 14 15, 1:55 PM
13LuckyLady star

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Oh man! May I join you?

By the time I get there, it could be quite late though. Don't wait up. I'll howl when I arrive. Few people mistake me for anyone else.

Yoo hoo just makes people laugh. I gave it up years ago!

I could yell 'yo, the house' but I find buildings don't have much to say and are slow to respond.

Enjoy your viewing...count me as wishing I were there!

Reply #25. Nov 14 15, 2:25 PM

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