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Subject: Big Brother 18 (US)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jun 18 16

The new season starts Wednesday the 22nd! :)

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briarwoodrose star

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Well, SkyFlyer, I just came here to post some thoughts about the finals and the whole season. I agree fully with your sum-up. I was so underwhelmed with the season this time. For the most part it was boring, no big surprises, lackluster houseguests, etc.
Paul really did play hard to get to the end. Everyone is saying what a GREAT social game he played, but, I don't think so. He seems to have insulted the women of the house far too many times. Paul could be and certainly was very, very rude and insulting. He was so over-the-top all the time, he must have driven people nuts...remember they were locked in a house with him 24 hours a day. (YIKES!) On the plus side, he also was funny and entertaining, but I usually find people who have two modes...loud and louder, tend to grate on the nerves after awhile.
Nicole, well, she did align with top players, and managed to get them to do her bidding (Corey at least!). If I had to actually vote myself, it would have been Nicole. I was so surprised to see some of the people vote for her, like D'a. And of course, she really went gangbusters at the end in the comps and POV. I also saw lots of feeds with her constantly memorizing dates and stats etc, going over and over the figures, to be prepared for the comps that featured those things.
So all in all, it was a blah season. The two shows that were "specials" were so exceedingly dull...scripted and stilted. BB, let's lose that feature next year....please!
I still liked James, I just wanted him to win something. But, he did indeed seem to lose any enthusiasm for the game, like he lost heart and gave up, and just wanted to go home. Anyway, just the fact that he was respectful and never seemed to purposely cruel as so many of the others were, makes me wish he came away with a little cash.
Another comment, and I hate to judge anyone on appearance, but I am making an exception this time! What was Nicole wearing for the finale??? It looked like a bad "Farmer's Daughter" joke. Was she responsible for her own wardrobe?

I really wished the last 3 weeks that the show was called "The Jury House", and focused on whatever the heck was going on in there. WOW! It looked far more interesting than the BB House.
OKay, last comment...when Paul said to James that he was dumping him in favour of Nicole, he said (please correct me if I misheard) that he did it because James had "betrayed" him, making a deal with Nicole. He said Nicole told him everything and therefore he could not take James because he valued loyalty so much, and Nicole proved her loyalty to him. OH COME ON...the final 3 always makes deals with each other, covering all the bases. I do seem to recall Paul in the Diary Room stating that he wasn't worried because he had final 2 deals with both James and Nicole. Loyalty Paul?? Please. It was unnecessary to make James feel like he blew the game because he wasn't "loyal" and to make yourself look like a stand-up loyal only guy, when you did the exact same thing (as did Nicole). Just say it...I think I can win against Nicole, and maybe not you James, because you were not an insulting, rude creep to most of the women.
Anyway, guys, comments??

BriarwoodRose, signing off....remember ...........


Reply #81. Sep 24 16, 10:31 AM
jasa9092 star

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Jen- That would have been great to hear who the non-jurors would have voted for. What a great idea! I don't recall them ever asking those houseguests that in past seasons, but it would be great if they started doing that. I was also underwhelmed with this season. It started off really strong, but somewhere down the road it just fell flat. I loved the Roadkill and I hope they have it again next season. Care Packages... not so much. I hope they don't have that again.

Rose- "What was Nicole wearing for the finale??? It looked like a bad "Farmer's Daughter" joke." I literally LOL'd at that! Too funny. :) I still wish I could watch Canada's version. It's a shame we can't watch them online here in the U.S.

I agree with both of you that James was a great guy. He was by far the most respectful male on the show and he was nice to everyone. It's hard to say if he would have won if Paul took him to the Final 2 instead of Nicole. That panel seemed to be voting emotionally this year instead of actual game play. Da'Vonne's vote shocked me the most. Either she really wanted a woman to win or she couldn't stand the thought of Paul winning, because of his comments to the women.

Next summer will be Big Brother 19, because the "pay-per-view" is called Over The Top (something like that). I read on a feed site that they didn't announce that they were looking for people to audition for next season. I didn't catch that. I record and fast forward, so I may have missed it. Anyway, someone mentioned that since they didn't ask for auditions that maybe next summer will be All-Stars. Could be possible.

Reply #82. Sep 25 16, 1:45 AM
jasa9092 star

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Oh yeah, I meant to tell you, briarwoodrose, that I agree that the rest of the show would have much more entertaining if it was the Jury house. The only drawback would be having to watch Paulie again, but it is nice watching the women tell him off, lol.

And as you said... "Friendship!". (I loved Paul's catchphrase and also his Pablo duckie) :)

Reply #83. Sep 25 16, 1:49 AM
Skyflyerjen star
Paul definitely irked people, but I did think he’d win based on gameplay. I wasn’t sure who Michelle would vote for, since she got called that word by him and kept drawing Nicole-headed snakes!
Good for Nicole for really getting into the game like that and working hard. That’s good to hear how much she studied. I was blown away that D’a voted for her!
A while ago, I loved how briarwoodrose stated how the “special” episode went (“let’s stand over here and reminisce”) and I definitely think the jury house would’ve been more entertaining to watch for the viewers.
Despite being disappointed in the way James ended the season, I do agree, he seems like a good guy. I felt bad for him when Natalie got mad at him and it looked like she slapped him in the face. I think he’s chivalrous too, and would treat a girl nicely.
So I’m not the only one who couldn’t stand Nicole’s outfit! It’s arguably the most-watched episode of the season and you’re wearing a tablecloth! Did she think people were going to have a picnic on top of her? Okay, sorry, I’ll stop now :)
That was really hypocritical of Paul to say that to James. That’s Big Brother 101 to try your best to ensure that you’ll make it to the end and say whatever it takes to get there. That’s exactly why he chose Nicole, he thought he could beat her… we all see how that worked out for him.
I’m glad this Over the Top season won’t be “counted” in the numbers. I expect an all-star season soon!

Reply #84. Sep 27 16, 2:24 PM

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