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Subject: Project Runway

Posted by: MiraJane
Date: Oct 07 16

Anyone else watch this show?

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llkk star

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I love Project Runway. I don't usually watch reality TV shows, but I really like the artistic creativity(or lack of) shown on this program. Also, of course, I love Tim Gunn!

Reply #1. Oct 07 16, 12:03 PM
MiraJane star

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Tim is the best part of the show, isn't he?

How long have you watched it?

Reply #2. Oct 12 16, 7:08 PM
llkk star

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I've watched it since the beginning, and I think I have watched all the spin-offs too. What did you think of this week's show? I agreed with the team that won, but not the designer that went home. I was hoping that Tim would use his save, but I don't think he likes to use it too early in the season.

Reply #3. Oct 15 16, 7:17 PM
MiraJane star

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I agree the designer that went home probably had a lot of good dresses in him. However, that grey dress looked like it was made out of a garbage bag.

I've watched since the beginning too & all the spinoffs. If Laura somehow manages to be sent home, Tim will save her.

Reply #4. Oct 15 16, 7:54 PM
tiger51 star

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I have watched every season. I love Tim and Heidi. I also watch Project Runway All Stars.

Reply #5. Oct 15 16, 8:00 PM
MiraJane star

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Laura? Geez, she was in season 3 I think. I meant Erin for the comment above.

Okay, since we all watch it ... What was your favorite dress this week? Did the right designer go home? I don't know because I missed it. Ah, well, in a few hours I can watch it on Lifetime on Demand.

Reply #6. Oct 21 16, 2:47 AM

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