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Subject: Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X

Posted by: 13LuckyLady
Date: Nov 04 16

Voting off the person who is the core in winning games, gaining awards and strategizing doesn't seem the best idea so early in the game!

Michaela was voted off by everyone save Hannah, who was equally surprised at the vote.

I believe it was foolish of Michaela to share her complete strategy so early but understand her desire to fortify her team. A team is only as strong as its' weakest link.

The coming weeks will prove if voting Michaela off was a foolish or wise decision.

Michaela said "when you make a decision, stick with it". She said it during the immunity challenge...which they lost. My opinion is they lost due to expecting Michaela to handle everything. She stated she didn't want the team depending entirely on her. That appears to be what happened in the long run.

Now they don't have Michaela to depend upon and the fun is just starting...

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13LuckyLady star

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I'll try to describe Michaela's departure, and hope to do it justice...

Shock, disbelief, confusion, disappointment, self-reflection, disbelief again and, finally, the determination she demonstrated in the challenges appeared.

She zeroed in on one person and asked if he were behind it. It was Justin. He admitted it and Michaela spoke her mind.

Reply #1. Nov 04 16, 7:59 AM
andymuenz star

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Given that the scenes from next week indicated a merge, they may have done the right thing. Should be interesting to see what a merged tribe does since the team with the original majority in each of the three tribes lost a member.

Reply #2. Nov 04 16, 10:15 AM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
In the same preview, Hannah is spreading the news regarding Michaela. Michaela made a fire after the others gave up.

I suspect her removal will not be well received by all players.

Reply #3. Nov 04 16, 11:08 AM
Skyflyerjen star
If they don't wise up and vote out Adam, he's going to win... and I'd be happy with that. He has lied a lot and has gotten away wit it, somehow! I root for him.
I feel like Ken messed up badly by "testing" Will last week, but I really like him: he seems calm and genuine.

Reply #4. Dec 08 16, 8:36 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Are there still immunity idols out there? I thought when someone used one that it was once again hidden. I haven't seen, or they have not shown, anyone in quite a while searching for one. I think I would make that a top priority! lol! The remaining players are all contenders, I think.
I am leaning toward David or Ken...although I must agree that Ken marching off and confronting Zeke and the other side about what Wil told him went way beyond stupid! I thought for sure he would be going after that.
Jay certainly has a good chance of winning. He did play his idol, but he is such a good challenge competitor that he may well be able to keep himself around till the end.
I can't wait till Wednesday and the finale. Time to buy a big bag of chips and maybe some choclate and a large pot of tea....Survivor Party! Yahoo!!

Reply #5. Dec 09 16, 12:07 AM

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