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Subject: Stars you miss - where are they now?

Posted by: metalmad
Date: Jan 02 17

Ever wonder whatever became of certain movie or tv stars? Me, too! Give as much info as you can as to who you are wondering about, and I bet someone in our circle of FT friends will be able to tell you something! Let's join together and help each other out, you guys!

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Whatever became of Mike Myers the star of the Austin Powers series?

Reply #1. Jan 02 17, 11:54 PM
I'm going to see if I can get the ball rolling with an inquiry about a guy I've been wondering about for many years. I don't know his name, but he was the little boy in a lot of the Tarzan shows, I THINK the one's starring Ron Ely, but I'm not 100% on that.

He was also in at least one Gunsmoke episode as a young boy, and he did other things here and there when he was still pretty young. He was also one of the Pharaohs in American Graffiti, one of my favorite movies of all time. He was the little bitty guy who rode shotgun when they gave Richard Dreyfus a little ride. I don't recall ever seeing him anything at all after that. Anyone know whatever became of that guy?

Reply #2. Jan 03 17, 12:20 AM
rayven80 star

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Metalmad, if it's the one I found, his name was Manuel Padilla jr. He played mostly Hispanic or Indian kids and didn't do much after American Graffiti. He passed away in 2008.

Reply #3. Jan 03 17, 12:28 AM
Wow, you beat me to the punch there, Mask! My first customer! Actually, Mike is here at my home with me as I write this. No, seriously, my brain is still racing to try to pinpoint just when I saw that crazy clown. My memories of that guy are like butta! I think I'm getting a little vaklempt! Please tawk amongst yourselves! No, actually, Mask, that's a good one. I honestly don't know if that Austin Powers stuff was the last thing he ever did or not. I bet somebody out there knows! We'll keep our fingers crossed!

Reply #4. Jan 03 17, 12:39 AM
Hey, Rayven, thanks for jumping all over that, you are the coolest! Is that you, John? John Rambo?...... Company leader calling Rayven!.......Talk to me, Johnny! AHAW-HAWWW! 'Member in Rambo when Troutman was trying to contact that mean' ol Rambo guy who caused all that trouble in that peaceful little town? But seriously, thanks so much for that info. You definitely got the right guy. I can't believe the guy died in '08. He was just 53. You know, I saw Scarface twice and I honestly never remember seeing him or if I did I didn't recognize him. Anyway, thanks again for the input. You rock, my friend!

Reply #5. Jan 03 17, 1:10 AM
ClaudiaCat star

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What about Dennis the Menace?

Reply #6. Jan 03 17, 3:15 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Recently I looked up 3 stars of films/programmes I used to enjoy very much to find out what happened to them. Sadly they all died younger than expected from serious conditions. The were Jeremy Brett, who played Sherlock Holmes in the 1980s, David Buck, the lead in a creepy TV series called "Tales of Mystery and Imagination" in the 1960s and 70s and Jon Finch who played Macbeth in Polanksi's 1972 film of that name. The first 2 were British TV programmes and I'm not sure that they were ever aired outside of the UK. Nearly all the episodes of "Tales of Mystery and Imagination" have not survived. David Buck died of cancer, Jeremy Brett suffered from a mental illness that undermined his physical health and Jon Finch had diabetes and became a heavy drinker.

Reply #7. Jan 03 17, 3:23 AM
Yeah, Jay North. I've wondered about that guy over the years myself, Sue. We might have to go deep under cover into the darkest and most violent sections of the underworld to get information on that guy.

Reply #8. Jan 03 17, 5:13 AM
Hey Mix

Was that all from one source on those three you learned about, and if so, would you mind revealing your source to us?

Reply #9. Jan 03 17, 5:21 AM
mpkitty star

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Mask - the last time I saw Mike Myers was on a Public Television tribute to Burt Bacharach, a couple of years ago.

Reply #10. Jan 03 17, 4:23 PM
Seems like I've seen the guy host SNL or be on some kind of show right around that long ago or maybe a little longer. There should be a law that requires those celebrity people to report to the public when they are inactive from making films or public appearances.

Does anyone know if Kim Darby is even still alive? Then there's the guy who played Shooter McGavin in Happy Gilmore. I thought that guy did such an outstanding job in that film, and I had honestly never seen or heard of that crazy cat before then. As for after that, I saw him one time on some tv show where he looked at least 20 years older.

You know, it's funny how we care a lot about people we've never met, just because they entertained us for a short time. Hey, how about that adorable Tatum O'Neal? Paper Moon is such a thoroughly outstanding movie in so very many ways. To be able to take a story about a father who is exposing his little, what was she, nine or ten year old daughter to a life of crime, and yet make it into such a charming, heartwarming tale is just beyond amazing.

Anyway, I never see or hear a single thing about her until she suddenly pops up in that intense drama about the NYC Fire Department called Rescue Me. I'm really curious as to what she did between Paper Moon and Rescue Me, and what she has been up to since. Anyone have any details on that on that or anything else? They would be appreciated!

Reply #11. Jan 03 17, 10:14 PM
ClaudiaCat star

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What about Dobie Gillis? We know about Bob Denver - though lost him after Gillian's Island?

Reply #12. Jan 04 17, 2:55 AM
Yeah, good ol' Gilligan! Man I could talk about Gilligan's Island for daze! Yeah, I think it was quite a number of years after the show ended before Bob passed away. I guess Dawn and Tina are the only ones left. It's funny how much stuff they brought with them on just a three-hour tour, a three-hour tour. The professor with his tons of books and the Howell's with their suitcases full of cash and chests full of clothes and jewelry. Pa-LEEZ! So many bogus elements to the show that the audience was willing to overlook. Well, Mary Ann was certainly not a bogus element and she certainly didn't get overlooked, at least not by me! Can I get an amen on that, brothers?

Reply #13. Jan 04 17, 4:39 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Metalmad, No it wasn't all from one source. Much came from wikipedia but just by googling the names, you can get to newspaper and magazine articles, or obituaries about them. They often give details that wikipedia leaves out.

If names keep cropping up in funtrivia quizzes of actors I don't know, I love to look them up. Often I'll google their image first to see if I recognise the person (even though I didn't recognise the name). Then by clicking on selected images, I often get to newspaper or magazine articles aboout them. It builds up my knowledge of people as T.V. and celebrity quizzes are my weak points.

Reply #14. Jan 04 17, 8:54 AM
mpkitty star

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There is a site called "Dead or Alive" and it tells of famous people, dead or alive, you look up the name. (Not to e confused with some kind of video game with the same name).

Reply #15. Jan 05 17, 2:06 PM
ClaudiaCat star

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Hey Kev - he is Ted Cassidy and no longer with us...

Reply #16. Jan 06 17, 4:41 AM
Wow, Sue, you really are my Knight in shining armor coming to my emotional rescue. Would you be okay with me crowning you Queen of Bartertown? I mean, I would be glad to be prince or duke or whatever, but I'm too old to be anything but King. So if I'm King and you're Queen, you know what that means.............okay, goodnight, boys and girls! You kids run along now! No seriously, thanks for the info. Ted Cassidy. I loved how he had on that one shirt in Happy Gilmore that said "Guns don't Kill People, I kill people!"

Reply #17. Jan 06 17, 9:56 AM

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Well, well now, if it isn't my old friend metalmad. Imagine deadly renegade mercenaries like us meeting face to face! I should have known you would have somehow escaped that exploding helicopter, just like you escaped that exploding boat and that exploding train and that exploding go-kart at Family Fun World! Well, by the looks of what we have available to us, I'd say maybe we could do a duel game or two, perhaps? You know where to find me, metalmad! Mmwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-hawwww!

Reply #18. Jan 11 17, 11:14 PM

player avatar
Loving this thread already.

Reply #19. Jan 11 17, 11:38 PM

player avatar
Indeed, my good man! Well, actually, I suppose I don't have any proof what gender you are. Anyway, I hope it won't spoil the fun to reveal to you that metalmad and sadwings are one and the same guy. Long story! However, if you think that last post was funny, you should go to the general chat board from the home page, I can never remember the name of it, it's the one right above the forum chat dealy. Anyway just click on the music category and then click on the thread called "best concert ever". Come back and let me know if you got a laugh out of that!

Reply #20. Jan 12 17, 9:52 AM

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