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Subject: Big Brother 19 (USA)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 12 17

It's that time of year again! My summer tv addiction is here! Time for "friendships", "throwing people under the bus", "getting blood on their hands", and maybe a "straight shooter".

Let's see how this season unfolds! :)

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jasa9092 star

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I'm not a fan of vets coming back to the game, but I have to say that I am THRILLED that Paul is here! Yay! I'm sure he won't last most of the season, but he will make it interesting until he leaves. He was very lucky to get that three week safety. He definitely needed it.

Who do you all like so far? Other than Paul, I would say Matt is my favorite. He's nice to look at ;) and he seems like a nice guy.

I'm trying so hard this year to not watch the feeds or read spoiler sites. I'll admit I have watched Big Brother After Dark a little bit, but only to see who won competitions that were still going after the show ended. I also had to see the toad outfits, lol.

Reply #1. Jul 12 17, 12:39 AM
jasa9092 star

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Oh, I have to mention the showmances.... three? Really? That has to be a record. I have a feeling Jessica just chose Cody because he was the HOH. I mean geesh, that guy is dullsville.

I like Alex, but how dumb was she when she actually told Cody that she would come after all of the showmances? Really girl? You shouldn't have been that stupid.

Reply #2. Jul 12 17, 12:44 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Hi Jasa!
Yes, it's that time again...summer madness.

It has been interesting so far. Paul is back. I think that he is VERY lucky to have won that return position and even more lucky to have been offered the safety for 3 evictions.
I do still find it hilarious that last season he was "we have to get rid of the returnees ASAP...they had their chance, now it is OURS!"....and now, "I am so going to win because I am a veteran"! Oh Paul, I can still see the same traits that felled you last time. Let's see, they are...EGO EGO EGO. He was so shocked when Corey tried to nominate him. Paul just cannot seem to grasp that some people do not buy his stream of BS. Anyway, he is safe for now and working at making everyone, except "The Others" of course, his new besties. You can only make deals with so many people before they start to talk to each other. It will be interesting to see how he manages this. As for his "team" he is amassing...did they not watch the show last year???? "Oh, I am so glad Paul is here and cares about my feelings and safety and I will just let him protect me because he is such a nice, loyal guy". I guess he must really be a smooth talker, I don't watch the "at night" show so I must miss all that.
I also could not believe the 3 showmances already, from about 10 minutes after they arrived at the house. All the pretty people linked up immediately. Corey recruited the 3 biggest guys and then said "now for the babes" OMG really? I guess if you are not a BABE you do not qualify for the top team. So therefore I am HOPING that all the non-pretty people make it far while the young and beautiful lounge around groping each other and complementing each other on their good fortune to be so gosh darn attractive. One of them, Elena, made a comment at some point about how attractive she was. LOL!
I do like the young girl, Alex (I think her name is?) but she should never have told Corey about her plan to go after him. Somehow though, he seems to really like her and wants to keep her around. She is playing a cautious game with Paul, readily agreeing to be a pawn because her side of the house is dwindling pretty fast.
Kevin, he cracks me up. He is under that radar and seems to keep his opinions more to himself and lies pretty well too! It would seem he did not watch last season or perhaps any seasons? As he is so nondescript right now, I think he will go far, maybe not till the end, but he should do okay.

Favourites so far...hmmm...Alex, and....I am still deciding about the rest of them. If Corey goes this week I am cracking to see what Jessica does...will she try and get back into the pretty people or try and attach herself to "the Others"...or try and poach one of the pretty guys for herself? Oh the possibilities!!!

Anyway, Jasa, glad to be chatting with you again for a few months! Hope you are having a great summer. : )

Reply #3. Jul 12 17, 8:50 AM
jasa9092 star

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I like chatting with you too, Rose! It's a highlight of my summer. :)

I like Kevin too. In his pre-interview with Jeff, I believe he said he had never watched the show but that his daughters are huge fans. They gave him a lot of advice of what to do and not do. I think he was smart to take that 25,000 temptation, because the older players never seem to make it that far. At least this way he will make some money.

I agree about the pretty people! It sort of felt like high school when Cody was wanting to pick the babes and decided the rest weren't good enough to be in the "popular crowd". Whatever. He may have a nice body, but he has ZERO personality. I'm rooting for the "others"... at least they have personality and aren't there to hook up with someone. This is Big Brother, not the Bachelor.

Oh, and gotta mention how much of a crybaby Josh is. Oh my goodness, I think he has cried since day one and he is the biggest guy in the house, lol.

Reply #4. Jul 12 17, 12:38 PM
briarwoodrose star

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I forgot about Josh too. Wow, he is certainly emotional, not to mention paranoid..."I know everyone is out to get me...blah blah blah". It IS Big Brother...everyone is always out for themselves, that is why it is called a game.
I really don't know what happened to Meghan. All of a sudden everyone hates her and totally ostracized her. She just had almost a breakdown. I felt terrible for her. Boy, they certainly were calloused about it all.

Can't wait for tonight. Will Corey get backdoored? Guess it depends on who is playing in the Veto, what the comp is, and who wins it.
I had to laugh at Paul after he won HOH...he was so proud of himself and gloating. Ahem, Paul...with all the tickets that mostly everyone was handing to you, you should have won. Everyone else had to hunt and search for the tickets and you got to just practice, practice, practice with the ton of shots that you had, not by any endeavour on your part!

Anyway, stayed tuned for tonight!

Reply #5. Jul 12 17, 3:21 PM
jasa9092 star

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Bye bye, Cody! :) (unless something stupid happens before tomorrow). That veto competition looked like fun!

I keep thinking that something must have happened with Megan that we weren't shown. It didn't look like she did anything that terrible. She heard "panda" instead of "pow-pow" and she went and told Alex. Other than that I don't know what she did. Surely something went on before the feeds started playing. I'd love to know what happened.

Reply #6. Jul 13 17, 1:08 AM
briarwoodrose star

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OMG I've been calling him Corey..oops! Sorry old sport! It certainly looks like it is the end for him. I do not know if I have ever seen anyone quite as intense as he is, not on BB anyway.
Josh kind....well...???? His "Save Me" speech...hmmm..."I want you to know I love everyone and you are all good people. YOU ARE A SNAKE AND A RAT AND I KNOW YOU ARE GOING HOME AND AND AND...!!!" what? Except for the first line that sounded like something his Mom must have told him to say to people, everything thing else was a totally inappropriate rant. Dude, not the time or the place.
I cannot figure him out. He was ranting in the diary room too about he was taking Cody out of the game (what? he was a pawn, that is all) because Cody was interfering with his game play etc. What game play? If by Game Play you mean having crying jags, hissy fits, going off on people for seemingly no reason, and acting like an all-round paranoid, delusional, rather unstable person...then I guess you do have one. (was that too harsh??)
The only chance Cody has is if Paul decides to take out the little guy first because he did not do EXACTLY what Paul said, so now he is a SNAKE and cannot be trusted. Everyone sits around and nods in agreement with Paul because, you know, he can be trusted. (until he stabs you in the back).
I wonder if they are counting the numbers on "their" side. Let's see...after Paul disposes of Cody, Jessica, Ramses, Jason and Alex...which won't take that long...then who goes?
Where exactly do you and your showmance stand with Paul. Anyone who sits back and takes a snooze around Paul doesn't deserve to win.
I am waiting to see who figures that out first. I am also waiting to see who Jessica tries to align herself with after Cody goes.
If Cody goes home tomorrow, will he be wearing his frog suit at the eviction?? I can only imagine what he will do with it if he is wearing it. Oh yes, with the suit cane the instructions for them to HOP EVERYWHERE and I noticed that after the first while they were walking. Honestly, if I ended up with that, I would somehow manage to HOP right into Christmas and break/tear something else, especially since she was so malicious about it all and smirking. (boy, oh boy, I hate smug and I hate smirking, a lot)

Doing something for fun is one thing, doing something to humiliate as much as possible, well, that's a whole other thing.

But usually Karma gets everyone in the end.

Reply #7. Jul 13 17, 2:34 AM
jasa9092 star

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I can see how you were calling Cody "Corey", because last year we heard Nicole whine his name a lot. "Corrrey!". ;) Yes, he will have to have his frog costume on if he leaves. There have been quite a few that have left with those punishment outfits. In fact, they used to say it was a curse because of the number of people that left with them. I think Paul will still want to evict Cody, because this may be the only chance anyone can. He will probably put the fear into Ramses though. Make the kid squirm -- He deserves that, because with that score it does not look like he threw it.

LOL about Josh's "game play". Exactly! What game play does he have? Just sitting around crying and hoping nobody puts him on the block. Maybe he and Jessica can team up and be called the "crying alliance" now that her showmance may be gone. ;) If she was smart, she should have a secret final two with Alex. Nobody would suspect them working together, because Jessica acts so jealous of her.

Reply #8. Jul 13 17, 11:56 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Yes, I think he will get rid of Cody. #1 Cody would be much, much harder to evict than Ramses. #2 His newfound best buddies a.k.a the Pretty Party would be upset and scared to death if Cody stayed in the house #3 God only knows what Josh would do if Cody stayed, because, you know, he is messing with Josh's game play #4 if anyone but Ramses, Alex and probably Jessica won the HOH, Paul would simply tell them to put up Ramses.
I am really hoping that someone other than the Pretty Party gets a "temptation" this week...whatever it is...The Halting Hex, or something along that line (I have zero idea what it does)
I don't think I am allowed to vote as I am an "OUTSIDER"!!!!

Reply #9. Jul 13 17, 12:32 PM
themonarch star

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I can't resist the feeds, you know how these people truly are compared to how they are portrayed on TV, but I won't spoil anything here. I will say that the Halting Hex will allow the temptation holder to stop any live eviction in the next 4 weeks making it a non-eviction week. I'm afraid if Cody goes this will turn into the Paul show and even though I kind of like the guy I'm sick of returning players coming back having production rigging it for them. If you want vets go all vets and have all stars and no Ariana Grande's disgusting half brother is not an all star. I also noticed that there is a scheduled Friday episode next week I think it might be a buy-back from the evicted houseguests so Cody may come back and make this game somewhat interesting. If tonight's evicted houseguest does not recieve any goodbye messages this would support my theory, Jillian didn't get any last week. There is still potential for this season to be great we just need more thinking and less rigging.

Reply #10. Jul 13 17, 1:00 PM
jasa9092 star

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I just realized that Cody didn't have his frog costume on during the eviction episode. I think that might have been the first time that the leotards or whatever didn't get worn during the live shows.

I forgot all about the prior evicted guests getting their shot to fight back in the game until Julie told Cody. I was like, "NO!!". If they use the same game that they have done the last two years, Cody is pretty much guaranteed back in. That competition was the endurance comp of standing on to the thing going around like a carousel. You need to be strong for that. If they use that, we may as well just expect him to return. :(

Reply #11. Jul 16 17, 7:21 PM
jasa9092 star

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Monarch, I agree that this is starting off to be a good season. Then again, I thought that last year too, lol. Let's just cross our fingers that it stays that way. One improvement is that it seems everyone has seen the show (unlike previous years where they got pretty people off of Tender). Except for Kevin of course, but his daughters are huge fans and filled him in on what to do or not do.

Reply #12. Jul 16 17, 7:25 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Okay...well then. Let's see...2 things re: Christmas #1 Has anyone ever been out that long and then re-entered the game where they left off? I have seen people given medical evaluations and/or being bandaged, but I cannot remember anyone actually leaving and having an operation and then coming back. #2 She voted NOT to evict Cody? Did I see that right? What happened there? Was it the hospital drugs?

I, for one, (SORRY JASA!!!!!) would like to see Cody come back. Keeps things a tad more lively, I would say. I gotta say, I am feeling a wee bit sorry for Jessica these days, even though she could have been a whole lot nicer when was #2 in THE power duo. I think it was the no-one inviting her to have birthday cake and she was so sad about it. I know, I know, but it is the Mom in nice and all that.

Okay, so good for Alex! Now she is in some sort of alliance with Paul (all hush-hush). I wonder if he will stick to that. Paul likes people he can control. I think he realizes that the 2 couples will not vote against each other, so eventually they would send him packing, so he is trying to rile that sector up. Is there any truth to the rumor that Paul is circulating regarding Mark and Dom being shady? If so, I either missed it or completely forgot it.

I think I really like Kevin. He is so funny, just laid back and taking it all in. He has to deal with a houseful of daughters at home, so I am quite sure that nothing would shock him or rile him up. I also love the fact that he just votes how he wants, I think maybe to throw doubt on other players. LOL! When he was "tutoring" Ramses, I was cracking up...telling him what end of a pool cue to whack someone with to do the most damage or when to pass counterfeit money (just before closing, of course!)

Anyway, now we wait for the veto comp. The "Halting Hex", which is apparently the last"temptation" offered this season, is a major advantage. I wonder who will get that one??!!

I do hope Cody wins the return just to see the look on the faces of the pretty party...hah! I don't think any of the other evictees would give them any concern.

Reply #13. Jul 17 17, 11:01 AM
jasa9092 star

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I'm surprised they let Christmas come back since she won't be able to compete in physical competitions. I agree about her vote. What happened there? Big shock to me. I was afraid that if she decided to go home that nobody would get evicted and Cody got to stay. (sorry Rose, lol) He sort of had a look on his face that he thought he'd get to stay too.

I don't know about Dom and Mark either. I totally missed them being the two that knew all of Cody's decisions (if that was true or maybe he was just stirring the pot). I would think that if anyone knew his decisions it would be Jessica. But then again, he is tight with Mark and supposedly Mark is close to Dom... Which by the way, what is up with their friendship? I have never noticed Mark and Dom being close before. He sure had a lot of tears over her possibly leaving. (what is up with this show and all of the big guys crying? lol)

I love Kevin too! He's a great source of entertainment. He cracked me up in the veto competition. I felt sorry for him, but it was making me laugh too. Gotta love his cash prize -- a whole whopping $27! haha! But he was doing so poorly that he may as well took that money. Hey, that is $27 more than he came in the game with. ;)

Paul cracks me up!! His snake outfit and him taking his hands and "slithering" was priceless! I think he or Kevin may get the Favorite Houseguest this year.

Reply #14. Jul 20 17, 11:26 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Yes, what is up with Mark and Dom???? Isn't he all tight with Robin? He was sobbing about Dom going home, saying she was his BEST friend in the house. Where does that leave his BB Main Squeeze?
I wonder if Dom will go home tonight. She is praying enough and if God cares about whether or not she wins BB, then I guess she will stay.
She did figure out Paul though. And that, my friend, ticked him off, big time. Paul does not like to be called out on everything he does or has done. I think he is a laugh when he justifies it all, to others and most of all, to himself. He sure is proud of being "the puppet master". I don't know who will come back this week. If Dom goes she will be competition for the return spot. I don't think the others voted off will put up much of a fight, but you never know. I can't wait to see Paul's face when they walk in. I wonder if he will say "Hey, NO FAIR...they had their chance, no coming back on the show!" Probably, and will not get the irony of the whole situation. I think Cody and Dom would put up a good fight when returned so it should keep the show interesting.
Is Christmas still in cahoots with Paul? I don't think they showed them talking at all last night. Is she still valuable to him now that she cannot compete in any of the physical challenges?

Kevin winning the $27.00...too funny. Everyone not knowing that he just added it to $25,000...even funnier!

Elena demanding that Alex not put up SIX PEOPLE...yes, SIX! Holy cow! half the cast! Usually people will say, "don't put up me or my best friend/showmance"...but six? LOL! I almost choked laughing! I would put her up just for that alone!!

Will Mark actually do what he promised and vote Dom off the show....stayed tuned!!

Reply #15. Jul 20 17, 3:03 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Okay...whoops again. Mark and Elena, not Robin. In fact, not Robin at all but Raven, although she looks way more like a Robin than a Raven!
I know, Jasa, that you must be starting to think that Rose sits around all day drinking mint juleps and dabbling on Fun Trivia, because I have never mixed up so very many names and cast members and showmances!
Alas, I think that it is just old age coming to meet me. I'll try to keep everyone straight from now on!

Reply #16. Jul 20 17, 9:15 PM
jasa9092 star

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LOL, yeah I thought, "who's Robin?". Then I wondered if maybe their was a past Canadian BB that was named Robin and you mixed them up.

Well, Cody came back. No surprise there. I was rooting for Cameron. That poor guy never even got to sleep one night there. He literally had his, "fifteen minutes of fame" (pretty much), lol.

I love Paul, but he is starting to irritate me with how he is telling everyone what to do and expects them all to do what he says. I love his Diary Room sessions though.

What do you think of Jessica winning HOH tonight? Cody will be safe for at least two weeks now. Ugh. I guess I should give him a break. This time around he might be better. Josh isn't the brightest crayon in the box. I mean geesh, didn't he think that Jessica or Cody could win this thing and put him on the block?? Even if they didn't, they would put him up as soon as they could. He's an idiot.

Reply #17. Jul 23 17, 11:44 PM
jasa9092 star

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Lol, yeah Elena expecting Alex to keep all six of her friends safe was ridiculous. That practically left only Alex's friends to go up on the block. Win the HOH yourself Elena.

Reply #18. Jul 23 17, 11:47 PM
Woo hoo, wondering who will be evicted tonight! I missed the POV last night, figured I would catch up tonight, looking forward to this! :-)

Reply #19. Jul 27 17, 6:35 PM
jasa9092 star

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Hi shiningstar. :)

What the heck was Kevin thinking telling Jessica about the house wanting to blindside her? It would have been awesome to see her and Cody's looks on their faces when Josh got to stay. Jessica was stupid to listen to Cody when he told her not to use the veto. Why listen to him? He got evicted once before, so he isn't exactly the best person to ask for advice, lol.

Yay for Paul on his HOH win!! The show would be boring if he wasn't there. Matt, Raven, Elena, and Mark are pretty much "there". They don't really do much. Kevin cracks me up and Paul keeps things entertaining (especially in the Diary Room), yet he still irritates me some with constantly telling the others what to do. Josh may be a crybaby, but at least he gives the viewers something to watch. I like Christmas. I feel really sorry for her not being able to participate 100%. You gotta give the girl props for giving it all she's got.

Reply #20. Jul 28 17, 1:18 AM

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