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Subject: Big Brother 19 (USA)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 12 17

It's that time of year again! My summer tv addiction is here! Time for "friendships", "throwing people under the bus", "getting blood on their hands", and maybe a "straight shooter".

Let's see how this season unfolds! :)

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briarwoodrose star

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Well, Paul is the HOH again. BOO!! haha!! I am firmly behind Jess at this time. She has certainly proven herself to me...much tougher than I gave her credit for and much smarter, too. Cody just needs to keep his mouth zipped and listen to her.
And now I know why I could never remember Raven/Robin and Matt/Mark and Elena...get their names straight etc...because you are right, they are just THERE. No game play, except what Paul tells them to do, and they appear to sit and wait patiently until he gives the orders to vote however he sees fit. Has there ever been 4 more boring players?? EVER??? I guess that Mark and Elena went out on a limb and voted to get rid of Josh...oh Lucy, you got some 'splaining to do! Paul will NOT be your BFF and Benevolent Leader now...LOL!

I still love Kevin. He told Jess probably because he has a houseful of daughters and he saw how she made it through in spite of all the scorn and hate lobbied at her. Just giving her a heads up. Did you catch the audio after the eviction? Remember Josh saying he was going to "blow up" and go on a rant at Cody and Jess and be his usual weird and unbelievably annoying, strange, smug, hateful, self? I just heard Kevin saying something along the line of "hey, don't be saying anything bad, someone just left, show a little respect here". Good for him. Temper tantrums are not very attractive at any age, but after say 3 years old, please just don't.

I do think it was a good move for Jess to say that about having the last temptation. Now they all have to wonder what it is. She just said "it will keep Cody and me safe for the next few weeks." Let Paul sweat this one out wondering what it is. If I were Jess, I would lie my face off and say that it was "the crown of replacement" and that I got to replace the 2 nominees with ANYONE I WANTED. ...after the veto ceremony , just before the vote...BAHAHAHA!! Then wait and see what hits the fan!!!

I wonder who will go for the temptation safety game? It will show who thinks they are safe. If anyone, say Alex, thinks she will do it to block anyone else from getting it...she could lose and then automatically be a third nom. You would be taking a chance, because the comps are sure to be a mixture, maybe physical, endurance, memory...etc and some of the weaker endurance players may have absolutely fabulous memories.
I wonder if Cody or Jess will try. Cody will for sure want to, but I think that they will give the impression of having a REALLY strong Temptation Power if they sit this one out. It will look like they really don't care and I have a feeling that Paul would NOT put them up because he does not know what the power is and it could possibly negate his HOH choices. I think he will maybe go for Mark and Raven (Robin) as they BETRAYED HIM....ohhhh noooooo!
Anyway, I have rambled on quite enough, have to wait till Sunday night now.

PS What is Josh's problem...besides anger management issues? He is so nasty and loud and just goes on and on and on with all the insults and rude remarks...and then says "but you are good people, I hope we can be good friends after the show" WHAT??? LOL! Don't be waiting for Cody to give you a call! ( or anyone else for that matter!)

Reply #21. Jul 29 17, 12:57 AM
jasa9092 star

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LOL rose, I don't remember a season where you and I felt differently about the houseguests. I love Paul and would love to see him win it this year (he got robbed last year). If only he would tone it down and quit being bossy. Cody/Jessica -- Well, I do respect Jessica. Cody on the other hand... yikes. I just wish he'd go. One thing I will say is that at the beginning of the season I thought he was so boring and had nothing to offer the game. But now he has changed a lot and actually gives us something to watch.

As for Josh. I'm wondering if production got involved. Maybe they told him to stop crying and use that energy to stir things up. I have to admit I am finding him a little entertaining now and anyone that has the guts to yell at Cody is ok in my book. ;)

If I was Paul, I would go ahead and nominate Jessica and Cody even knowing that they are safe. Then he won't tick anyone else off and then nobody else will go home. It will just be a "freebie week". Oh, and forcing her to use it now ensures that her reward is done and they can focus on getting one of them out next week.

I love Kevin! He has a lot of class and teaches the kids how to be more mature and have manners. If the show is only allowing one older houseguest (sigh), then at least it is nice to see one like him. In the past they either had the older person be beautiful or so much in bad shape that they didn't have a chance to make it past the first round. (Glen)

Reply #22. Jul 29 17, 11:18 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Ah, yes...but Paul does not know exactly what the temptation is...after all he had 3 nomination free weeks. Jess could have something very similar for all he knows. He will be extremely upset with Mark and Elena for not voting as he told them. I think he may go after them, or put one of them against Cody or Jess, forcing her to expose what advantage she has.
Jess is turning out to be a really good player. She just has to stop listening to Cody, because other than not trusting anyone except her (wise decision on his part), he does not seem to be reading people or game well. She should have listened to her instinct and used the veto on Ramses.
Is the temptation game going to be tonight? It will be very interesting to see who decides to go for it. I guess that will tell where people really think they stand in the house and just how safe they feel. I really think Jess and Cody should just exude confidence and sit it out, it will make Paul worry that much more about the advantage they have. However, knowing Cody, he will just barge in and play. I'm guessing that Mark and Elena (Mena? Elark?) will go for it.
I wonder if Kevin will spill the beans. He plays every thing pretty close, knowing how to keep his lips zippered, so I am dying to see if he leaks it. He is the only person who knows about it, so as he said, if everyone knows then it would have been him who spilled it.
Jeez, Josh...did you see him right after the HOH comp? he was standing there looking the very essence of evil, just gloating and smirking at Jess/Cody...really super creepy!
As for Old Paul being robbed...come on now Jasa...he had to compete against Nicole in the "Naughty Farmer's Daughter" outfit! Who could win against that?? lol!!! That still makes me laugh every time I think of it...where would someone even buy that?
Can't wait for tonight!
Oh yes, do Matt and Raven ever move? Whenever I see them they are lounging around with each other, staring into space. I think they only move when Paul tells to move. Ditto Mark and Elena...but they must move a bit because they managed to talk to Jess and Cody enough to pledge undying allegiance...well, at least for one or 2 days!

Reply #23. Jul 30 17, 11:35 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Remember , Paul doesn't know it's a "freebie week"...that no one would go home, so he has to really think if Jess or Cody don't go, who will he send home??? My bet, Mark and Elena .

Reply #24. Jul 30 17, 11:38 AM
jasa9092 star

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LOL about Nicole's farmer girl outfit! What was she thinking? ;)

I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I still think that production "fixed" it so that Nicole would win. Dominique was so set against to not vote for "the snake". I'm guessing she was paid off. Then bringing back Paul this season might have been their way of making them feel less guilty for robbing him.

Reply #25. Aug 01 17, 8:28 AM
jasa9092 star

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Matt or Raven need to get HOH and make their own moves for me to start respecting them. For now the only thing they have done is doing what others tell them to. Didn't Matt say he was trying to stay low and off the radar? There is a fine line from laying low and just sitting there to have a paid vacation.

Reply #26. Aug 01 17, 8:32 AM
jasa9092 star

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Geesh, even Kevin (who has never even seen the show) is making an effort. He pretty much votes how he wants and he is more sociable. He shouldn't have spilled the beans to Jessica, but at least he made some sort of game play (getting Jessica on his side and keeping him safe... after all, Jessica and Cody both are good at comps).

Reply #27. Aug 01 17, 8:34 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Well, Sunday night was interesting...
Paul put Jess and Cody up because he said he doesn't think they have the temptation...and now he is sure of it because there were no bells and whistles and eerie noises to indicate that the temptation was in play when he put them up. My question is this...they all know someone has the temptation because it was accepted. If Paul is so sure of his massive group of groupies, who has it and is not telling him??? He has not addressed that at all. All he has said was that he did not believe that Jess had it, that she was bluffing.
I would think he would be frantic trying to figure out who has it and if it would impact his game at all. I have seen zero concern. I do not watch the after hours shows so he could be acting like a paranoid idiot about it during those shows!
How big is Pauls's Picks? Is there 8 or 9 in it? I never understand why people just don't seem to get the fact that they are probably on the bottom and once the couple of "enemies" are gone, who will be next...and that the best chance they would have had was with the "enemies"!!! Maybe they don't realize that all 8/9 of them are not going to the finals with Paul.
I really don't think production paid off one could keep a secret like that for long...someone would tell someone etc etc etc and it would (it always does) come out eventually. That would shred any reputation that the show has. Would it be worth it?

So Jess allowed to keep the temptation secret until the last, last second...after the vote but before the results? That would be the most dramatic scene for sure. I am not sure how long she has to activate it!

I really hope that Jess and Cody don't go...then it will just be Paul ordering everyone to "be a pawn" or "take one for the team" or "it's your time to go now" or "do not win the VETO" and everything else...and they will all be drinking the Koolaid and it will be so boring!!! He may as well post a list of the order of evictees so everyone will know when it is their turn to leave. YAWN!!!

Anyway, tonight is the veto comp. See what happens then. I imagine Jason will be trying for it pretty hard.

Reply #28. Aug 02 17, 1:56 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Last night was interesting. They didn't even get around to showing the veto ceremony. Lots of drama. I'm hoping Jessica doesn't use the hex and that Cody leaves tonight. Please, Lord, please!

Reply #29. Aug 03 17, 8:22 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Wow! Was it cabin fever or something else which resulted in the house guests having to be sent to opposite corners of the house?

I can understand Jessica's point of view about Cody always reacting rather than responding (or walking away). Perhaps this will be a turning point where Jessica does what is best for HER and not Cody!

The guys know how to irritate Cody. He makes it obvious!

Reply #30. Aug 03 17, 8:35 AM
briarwoodrose star

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I know...I wondered if they have ever given any one the boot for violence? I haven't been watching BB since its inception, so I am not sure.
I guess that people must be (or should be) screened for behavioral traits, but Josh, I think, would drive me bonkers. He obviously is driving Mark around the bend, but let's face it, banging on the pots and hollering etc. constantly, that would drive any of them crazy.
Cody just can't keep his mouth zippered and let Jess do the negotiating and or talking. I really wonder what she will do tonight. I am sure he is telling her to let him go because it is ruining her game and he feels he has no game left. After that nugget that Paul dropped on her about Cody saying that someone else would have to evict Jess when the time came, boy oh boy, she must be steaming. Paul certainly waited till the right time to do that.
Anyway, if Jess believes that Paul will keep his word about getting Alex out...think again. I guess people really do want to trust other people and believe they are being told the truth.
Now I am to the point that I want Kevin to win the whole thing!

Reply #31. Aug 03 17, 10:35 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Kevin may have a game plan we aren't aware of at the moment.

Time will tell....

Reply #32. Aug 03 17, 10:54 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Perhaps Josh needs a bit of his own style of annoyance.

Pot and pan music would serve him well!

Reply #33. Aug 03 17, 11:00 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Hah! You got that right! If I were a house guest being tortured by P&P music, I would probably get up at 4 a.m. and let loose with the cookware band...standing directly in front of his bed.
He is some kind of nasty, isn't he? Anyway, he will probably make it to the end because Paul thinks no one would ever vote for Josh to win. (I would, just for laughs and to cause Paul a fit!! lol!)
After Cody, Jess and Mark are gone, Josh will be enraged when he gets put up and then will go after whoever does it. As he always goes on about his "game play" and how is going to "get" whomever...and has not been able to even come remotely close to winning anything, I guess the only way he can show how powerful he is, is to mentally attack people. At least it will liven up the house because when the 3 of them are gone it will simply be a matter of Paul picking off the rest one by one for real or imagined slights, because he always needs to state his reason (real or imagined) I had to laugh when he was going on about someone winning the original $25,000 and how he was sure about it and that's why they had to go (I can't remember who he was blabbing on about) ...and here is Kevin standing looking innocent as can be...he cracks me up!!
I don't think he has a game plan, just making it up as he goes. Whatever, it seems to be working ok for now. : )
Yay Kevin!

Reply #34. Aug 03 17, 1:27 PM

player avatar
"I know...I wondered if they have ever given any one the boot for violence? I haven't been watching BB since its inception, so I am not sure."

The one I remember is Willie in BB14 (though I had to look it up to recall the season).

Reply #35. Aug 03 17, 1:40 PM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
Okay, I guess they eject the violent ones! I was surprised to see that it was a "Hantz". If you ever watch "Survivor". the Hantz family has had 2 people on that, and they are pretty volatile.
As for tonight on BB...boy, that was just UGLY. It really is sad to watch adults act like that. Jasa, you suggested that the producers may have instructed Josh to act like that instead of crying, but after tonight, I do believe it was Paul who suggested that Josh act like he does. When Paul went into the room where they all were, he instructed Josh to go to "Level 3" and Josh knew what he meant. This suggests that they have a schedule of harassment according to the intensity of the attack.
I think Paul is just so incredibly full of himself...he was in the diary room complaining that Jess gave her word to NOT use the hex, and then went back on it and he was incensed that she was going to do so. Wait a second here, Paul...did you not promise Jess that you would get Alex put up, that it was a done deal...and even told the whole side of the house that you control, what the plan was...lie to Jess and give her your word???...and LAUGH about it in the diary room , how easy it was ..blah blah hahaha??? hmmmm...I do believe the word for that is HYPOCRITE.
I cannot believe the level they stooped to tonight. It was mean and showed true colours. Like sharks in the water. Mob mentality. Mass bullying, not so pretty. Although, it did not go over well with everyone. Matt and Mark seemed pretty disgusted by it, and I am guessing that Kevin did too.
Now Josh is HOH. OMG. I guess he finally gets to put "his game plan" in place...I mean, Paul's game plan. Whatever Paul says, Josh will do. "Josh, get out there, Level 3, harass Jess and Cody....etc." "Yes Paul, right away Paul, Did I do good Paul?" "Josh, sit, heel, bark" Oh well, it will be sweet to watch them all get voted off...because, after all, that is the game.

Reply #36. Aug 03 17, 9:25 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Hi LuckyLady and Liz. :)

Rose, I do believe that at least two people got booted. One was a guy that either hit someone or shoved him really hard. He had a temper. Another was a lady, but I don't remember what the reason was. Might have been violence or racist talk? Then again, there have been plenty of times that people talk racist and never get kicked out. Oh wait... she might have refused to eat slop. They kicked her out for not obeying the rules (I think).

Yay for Josh winning HOH!! I don't like him, but this ensures that Jessica or Cody will go home! Yay! :) Last night I couldn't sleep, because in bed I kept hearing that circus song. Da-da-da-da-da-da... lol (annoying yet entertaining having someone do SOMETHING in the house!)

Oh, I have been wanting to ask, but kept forgetting... Why does Jessica hate Alex so much? Jealousy or what?

Reply #37. Aug 05 17, 12:53 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
I love Kevin! My dream top two would be him and Paul.

Who is everyone's favorite? I have been waiting to ask that until we got to know all of the houseguests pretty well.

Reply #38. Aug 05 17, 12:57 AM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
Are there people on slop this season? usually they make a big deal out of being a "have-not" and always show the "have-not" room, and it is usually horrible. I can't remember seeing the appointing of Have Nots for the week or slop being made etc.

Yes, there has certainly been a lot of racist talk over the past few seasons,, and I have never seen anyone removed from the show because of it. I think when the people who are making the comments leave the house they realize the impact of what they have media is not kind to them.

I just went on the "Entertainment" website and was reading the recap and the comments. I am glad to see that everyone (who commented, obviously) feels the same way about the "attack" on Jess and Cody. I guess for sure now one of the 2 people who are not "sheeples" will be going home and the game will certainly become way more boring.
As to who my favourite players are, well, there is not much to pick from at this point. I just can't go along with the harassment, and the people who are participating and laughing and gloating about it. Having witnessed an attack on a dear friend of mine when we were 16, it makes me sick to watch it.
I have lost all respect for a great many of the players, Alex (who used to be one of my fav's) included. So I think I am down to Kevin and Jess as my favourite players. I think they may be the only 2 players who see what is going on. Kevin may not say much, and goes along with the play in motion, but I do not think he is being controlled by Paul like the others are.
So it all!! Better yet, beat the Bearded One at his own game. : )

Reply #39. Aug 05 17, 5:21 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
My son feels the same way about the treatment Josh gives Jessica and Cody (and did to Mark). Jacob thinks it is straight up bullying. I see it more like what Evil Dick did when he went around banging the pots and pans. But then again, Dick did it just to annoy ALL the houseguests and wasn't targeting any single houseguest. Hopefully Josh will quit doing that now. Production should set him aside and tell him to stop and that he is crossing the line.

Reply #40. Aug 09 17, 11:11 AM

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