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Subject: Big Brother 19 (USA)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 12 17

It's that time of year again! My summer tv addiction is here! Time for "friendships", "throwing people under the bus", "getting blood on their hands", and maybe a "straight shooter".

Let's see how this season unfolds! :)

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jasa9092 star

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Oh... and my son thinks that Matt is playing a good game. What??? He said that Matt has a great social game. Umm, whatever. Kevin is the one that has a great social game.

Reply #41. Aug 09 17, 11:14 AM
jasa9092 star

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I just looked at an online site about Big Brother. They have a poll where you rank each houseguest with a score of 1 to 5 stars. Kevin has the highest rating. :) Raven has the lowest.

Reply #42. Aug 09 17, 11:24 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Who?? lol! Raven, or Robin as I like to call her, mainly because I can't remember her name or what she looks like. The most I have seen of her is when she was screaming at Jessica.
Matt and Raven, to date, have done nothing except what Paul tells to to do. Won play....nothing (except to cling desperately to Paul)...

Didn't Matt say last week that his game was NOT to stand out and be a target??? Matt! It's working! You surely are NOT standing out!
I missed Sunday so I just caught up on-line. Josh is determined to get Elena out (?). Paul doesn't want her gone because he is making her into a minion. Josh says that Elena is his target. So now what happens?
Does Josh realize that he does not get a vote in the eviction? If he wants Elena gone he will have to convince the majority of people to vote for her, as Paul is going around ordering his sheeple to vote for Jess? Paul wants her gone, yesterday, as he has said that he thinks she is the only real threat to his game.
Will be interesting. I will wait and see who wins the veto tonight. Dare I say that I hope Jess wins it!

Oh, and I have just about had it with Alex going on about Jess being a "mean girl, just like high school". Alex, Alex, Alex...please take a look at your own behavior attacking Jess and Cody and explain to me how that is not acting like one of the mean girls?? Alex, ganging up on people and harassing them and laughing at their discomfort and alienating them...guess what...THAT'S BEING A MEAN GIRL. Now watch how you acted on the show when the season is over and be embarrassed.

Reply #43. Aug 09 17, 12:00 PM
jasa9092 star

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"Didn't Matt say last week that his game was NOT to stand out and be a target??? Matt! It's working! You surely are NOT standing out!"

LOL! Can you just picture him if he was in the final two? The jurors would ask him, "What did you do?" and his answer would be, "umm, nothing".

Reply #44. Aug 10 17, 11:10 AM
briarwoodrose star

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or "WHO are you?"

I would vote for Josh over him, at least he has a "game play"...such as it is...LOL! He actually tried to loosen the apron strings a tad from Paul, but Paul just reeled him back in, even tighter.

And, what is up with Christmas? She acts awfully cocky for someone who cannot even play in a lot of the comps...maybe she thinks she is wired in with Paul and Josh, and if you listen to the chats, Kevin too.
I have tuned into a few of the live feeds (mainly because I seem to have lost the ability to sleep) and Christmas and Paul are constantly telling their tales of derring-do, each trying to outdo the other. Yes, kids, we get it. You are fabulous. You are so much more than the others and their mundane lives. blah blah blah. Oh,and you are way cool too. It is so incredibly mind numbing listening to them brag (and brag and brag etc)
But, I guess you have to do something for entertainment in the house when you are not harassing other people.

I personally, cannot wait for Paul and Christmas are on the block, hopefully together...that makes me feel all warm and happy. LOL! Maybe I am a mean girl!!

Reply #45. Aug 10 17, 11:46 AM
jasa9092 star

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Lol. You mean girl ;) Shame on you for watching the feeds and/or After Dark. You always yell at me every year, lol. This year I've been a good girl and stayed away for 95% of the time. I only watch/read when a comp goes past the live show.

I agree about Josh over Matt. No matter how much I dislike him, he does have some sort of game plan and attempts to use his own brain instead of just going along with the house. I wouldn't be surprised if Matt is throwing every comp. Has he even come close to winning anything??

Reply #46. Aug 12 17, 1:41 AM
briarwoodrose star

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I don't think he has come close at all. He and Raven are very comfortable and feel very safe...but from what the other side of their alliance is saying, they are out the door right after Matt and Elena. Maybe they will wake up a bit and actually try at the comps instead of the laid back "who cares" attitude.
As for watching the live feeds...I have only done it twice for about 15 minutes. I was up at 4 a.m. and turned on the telly and there it was...oops!
Okay, one thing I must have missed or was never's my question: When Kevin was trying to get Cody to go along with a "don't put up anyone in my alliance and we will leave you alone for a couple of weeks" pitch, he stated his alliance as :Alex, Paul, Jason, and him
What about Josh and Christmas??? I am quite sure that they think of themselves as core alliance players, but they were not mentioned so obviously they are on the bottom of that side. I don't think the couples know they are being targeted by the others, but it is now too late for them to regroup, I think. Matt and Raven think they are in good with Paul and his ilk, but Paul just wants the couples gone. By the time that Matt and Raven figure that out, they will be on the block. Paul will target the guys I think and then try and make the girls feel that he has their back yada yada yada and eventually send them home, but not before he has ensured he gets their vote. Might work. However, Let Paul not forget how it worked out for him last time....(insert evil laugh) Maybe some of the girls need to call Nicole and borrow her outfit..!!...or maybe Paul should!
I really hope that Cody wins the temptation immunity...or the veto. Should be more fun watching someone else have to go on the block and FINALLY realize their place in the pecking order and that, guess get to be evicted!! Surprise! Oh well, let's just call it "taking one for the team", and by "team", I mean, of course, Paul.

Reply #47. Aug 12 17, 8:48 AM
jasa9092 star

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Man, it seems like forever since I've posted! First... Yay that Cody got the boot! :) (loved his exit... walking on the table instead of having to say goodbye to everyone, lol). Mark's exit was classy. :)

Paul is playing an excellent game! He deserves to win. His final two argument would be that he got everyone to do what he wanted. Being a vet they should have got rid of him, but instead they went along with whatever he said. His game reminds me of Derrik's in a way. Both are excellent game players.

How Matt and Raven are still there just boggles my mind. I guess the others figure they can't win anything so they're not a threat. People like that don't deserve to be there. I'd even take Cody before them. At least he played the game.

I'm really starting to like Christmas. It's a shame though that she can't participate in the physical challenges. :( I'd love to see her in the final three, but she wouldn't get to try at the endurance comp that the final three have to play.

My final three would be Paul, Christmas, and Alex. They all deserve to be there, because they play the game the best. My alternate would be Jason. How awesome was that about hearing the news of his baby?? :)

Reply #48. Aug 25 17, 12:46 PM
briarwoodrose star

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YAWN. Well, so far everyone has managed to play Paul's game for him...ticking off his list of evictees as he ordained. I am so bored with this Big Brother.
PLEASE someone, anyone...just start playing the game as you want to play it. I am so tired of all the HOHs saying "OH I am so gonna make BIG moves, I came here to play and everyone will be SO surprised...blah blah blah...what should I do Paul?" They all state that they all big players and going to shake up the house and then they all just vote off whoever Paul has next on his list. At least now I will maybe get a little bitty surprise in the nominees...maybe...hopefully.
Now they have no one to gang up on at least it will be maybe a tad more interesting.
Paul's list now is Matt, Kevin, Raven, and then I guess it will depend on who wins HOH as to which side he aligns with. It is so funny how they ragged on Mark for that and Paul has been doing it all along with his 3 alliances!
One question I have is this...apparently they are still doing have-nots and slop etc. but in the past did they not have to appoint have-nots every week, or at least the first so many people who lost the HOH comp would be have-nots? I don't believe I have really heard it mentioned at all. Also, in the past everyone named their alliances, all the time, and I have not heard one alliance name this whole game.
I always feel sorry for Julie during the live vote when she has to make a comment about each player entering the diary room to cast a vote " Here comes Josh. He had wanted Mark out but they appear to have made up. Will Josh take what Mark has said into consideration and vote against Matt?"
Um...NOPE. it is a foregone conclusion, the vote for the past 4 weeks has been a waste of time.
Please please please send anyone home but Matt. It's not that I want Matt to stay, but it is so predictable and boring. They line up like lambs to the slaughter. Sheepeople.
Paul has so dominated this game, it is laughable that no one sees what he is doing. He has managed to get his way every time and with all his alliances now, he probably won't stop. His only problem will be when the evicted guests get to the Jury House and start to talk to each other. Now THAT will be interesting as they realize that they were all played at the same time by Paul. I don't know if they will laugh that off! maybe...maybe they will say "Gosh darn, what a great game player he is, he deserves to win, NOT me!" or perhaps they will feel that Mr. Friendship has conned them out of their chance for $500,000. That remains to be seen. If they don't all share their alliances and deals that they had with Paul, he could win it, farmer's daughter outfit or not.

Reply #49. Aug 25 17, 10:09 PM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar it been this long since a post?

Well, I really have to give it up for Paul. he has completely and utterly somehow managed to get every single person to 100% believe in him and follow his every direction...throw several challenges (not only throw the challenge, but what order he wants them to drop out of each challenge!), vote this person off, put this person on the block, use/don't use the veto...etc.

I am flabbergasted with how he manages to inspire such blind trust in EVERYONE and how he has convinced each of them that he is their final two/three...that he has "got their back" just follow him and do all he says. He has actually had HOH comps thrown to have his pick be the winner. When someone does become HOH, they say, "well, I AM HOH (as if they actually earned it) and I am going to do what is best for MY game" and I get all giddy, thinking "ALL RIGHT! maybe now we have a little shake-up in the house!" but so far, no one has ever wavered one smidge from what Paul says. It is truly and really kind of creepy. It is like the entire show has been scripted.

Even Kevin last night, he almost broke free from Svengali and was actually going to try and win so he could at least get a letter from home...BUT, once again, he threw it so Paul's plan could be enacted because "Paul toll me to throw it, and he's looking out for me" and here's the funniest part of it all...he has zero idea what the plan is! NONE!...KEVIN WAKE UP...there are 5 people left. OMG...if Alex wins the veto, say "bye bye Kevin".

One tiny little glimmer of hope that something might actually happen on this season...of all people, Josh is realizing what Paul is up to. Yes, Josh. I laughed when Jason was evicted and in the final "goodbye" tapes, Paul was "oh Jason, So so sorry you are gone, nothing I could do" etc and then Josh's tape..."Jason,. I love you, I had to go along with Paul's plan, Paul and Christmas and I are in a secret alliance for the whole show"...the look on Jason's face when he heard that...good old Paul was supposed to be in an alliance with Jason and Alex...Whaa?? Anyway, I did like Jason, but again, stupid, stupid, stupid,for him to trust Paul to make it all safe for him...again, people WAKE UP. Being so completely trusting, especially to someone who has not been part of your twosome for the whole season, well, that's just how blindsides happen. The look on his face, boy, Jason was angry.

Raven, in the dairy room "Paul is smart, I am smart. Paul knows how to play the game, I know how to play the game." The crazy part is that she really believes that!!! Even when Julie was interviewing her after the eviction, Raven was dissing Kevin saying, "he didn't win anything, he didn't make any moves etc he doesn't deserve to be there"...and Julie laughs and says "Well, Raven some would say the same about won nothing, you didn't make any moves...maybe you didn't deserve to be there"...and poor wee Raven was so indignant, saying she played a great game, was so social (I must have heard most of the house guests say at one time or the other that Matt and Raven did not socialize with them and just barely spoke to anyone in passing). Matt was so angry to be evicted. He figured his "big moves" and game play were being out on the block week after week as a pawn. (and let's face it Matt, most of those times you really had no or Raven were going up)

Anyway, Now I really hope Alex wins the veto. Just maybe, maybe, maybe, Jason would put Paul up...well, it is either Paul or Christmas. Anyway, it is the one shot I am sure that they would have at Paul. If none of that happens, then I am quite sure the Bearded One will be final 2 as he will beat the rest of them hands down in the comps. I guess the only thing we may be an itty bit surprised with is who he takes to the finals. Jason or Christmas. He made sure that Christmas got the always popular "blood on her hands" and that most of the first people voted off hat Josh and his behavior toward them (encouraged greatly by Paul)

So, now we wait.


Reply #50. Sep 11 17, 12:07 PM
Creedy star

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Alas, they don't show "Big Brother" in Australia any more :(

It was fun reading the body language and trying to predict which way the housemates would react.

But it probably took time away from another endless screening of another endless Rugby game.

One of our Prime Ministers even criticised BB you know. Said it was a disgrace and shouldn't be shown, blah blah, as his spectacles quivered with righteous indignation.

Me, I think the same about the Rugby. All they seem to do is try to bash each other's brains out

Reply #51. Sep 11 17, 8:17 PM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
They started BB in Canada a few years ago and I believe it will be on again next spring. It seems to be popular so hopefully it will continue for a long time.

One season there was a girl on who went to school with my daughter so it will was fun to watch that!

BB seems to garner lots of criticism from people who think they are "above it all". Yes, there are tons of reality shows on, and yes, some of them are certainly not very good. But, there are all kinds of people with all kinds of different tastes , so if a show is not hurting anyone or in extremely bad taste, who is it harming? What bugs me is when someone on Ft will pop into a chat like this and announce that they believe the whole show is a waste of time and total dreck and they cannot believe anyone would watch/enjoy such garbage. Would that be "Reality Show Shaming"?? LOL!

AS for sports...I have suffered through my whole life with people watching every kind of sport there is on TV. I do watch a few...I can enjoy a hockey game and I do love watching the Olympics. I do have issue with people calling me an idiot for watching something like BB (usually someone who has never seen an episode), and for watching it 3 times a week for the duration of the season...and then they can sit and watch football or baseball or whatever...every single day of the week and most often, 2 or 3 games a night!!

This season of USA BB is almost over but on Sunday it was announced that they would be having a winter show. (at least I think they said "winter")...and I will be watching that too!!

Reply #52. Sep 11 17, 11:28 PM
jasa9092 star

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I agree that everyone has their favorite shows and they shouldn't get knocked for what they want to watch. I have never seen "Game of Thrones" or "The walking Dead", but I'm not going to judge anyone for wanting to watch them. Heck, I've never even seen "Harry Potter", lol. I used to be a huge NASCAR fan (rules changed and turned me off). I remember reading on here a few years ago that someone actually said something like, "I don't watch NASCAR. I have all of my teeth". I thought, "What the heck???". Excuse me, but I have all of my teeth, thank you. Ugh.

Back to Big Brother... Sorry, Rose, but I had to give in and start watching and reading spoilers. I can never resist near the end of the season. I won't spoil anything. I think it is funny how Josh seems to be the only smart one (who knew?? Mr. Circus clown with his pots and pans...) Finally someone saw how good Paul has been playing. Funny how once they are in the jury house they finally figure that out. Go Paul!!

Celebrity Big Brother this winter. I was all excited, but then figured it will probably not be actual celebrities (George Clooney, Julia Roberts, etc), but more like people hardly known like the women on the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills", etc. I tried to find out who was on it and all I saw was that Paris Hilton signed up for it. So yeah, it is probably not going to be any big celebrities. I'll be watching anyway! :)

Reply #53. Sep 12 17, 1:43 AM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
Josh is being really smart with the "good-bye" tapes...he is making sure the the evictee knows that it is not just him or Christmas doing the eviction, rather that it is Paul's grand scheme. So maybe there is a brain there behind the pots and pans.

As far as I am concerned now, all the people who are blindly led by the nose by Paul deserve what they get. If he pulls this off, he probably does deserve to win it all. My main complaint is that it is rather boring when we know the plan 5 people in advance of the order of eviction. I just keep hoping and wishing that someone, ANYONE, would stir it up. At least Paul would have to come up with a Plan B!
At this stage of the game, I still cannot believe that they all think they have a special, secret alliance with Paul. It is like they have never seen the show before, and especially that they have never seen Paul in action LAST YEAR! LOL!!

He is positioned well, the only one who would give him any competition is Alex, both in the comps and in the jury vote. I think too many people in the jury really don't like Josh due to his targeting them with his antics (Cody, Mark, Elena), plus people he "betrayed"...Jason. Also Christmas who has been running (or rather hopping) around letting all know that she doesn't mind being Lady MacBeth, getting all that blood on her hands, but that she relishes it. (never mind that she would never have had an HOH except that Paul planned and executed it) And Kevin, oh poor Kevin...I had high hopes for Kevin, but he just follows whatever Paul says for him to do without question. He is never even let in on the plan....Paul just says "Kevin, do this. Just DO what I say"...and he says "Okay Paul". Perhaps if he had played the last 2 comps instead of throwing them, the jury might have a bit more respect for his game. It is awfully hard to respect people who basically just float through, doing whatever they are told.

And as for all the BB Haters...they wouldn't dare come to this chat and be judgemental!! lol!!

Reply #54. Sep 12 17, 11:25 AM
I loved it when Paul told Josh that they were on Big Brother, not Big Baby! Josh cries all the time!

Reply #55. Sep 12 17, 7:24 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
LOL, shiningstar. I thought the same thing! One of my favorite lines of the season. :)

Rose, I think that Josh is actually helping Paul in his goodbye messages. He is making everyone think, "Wow. Paul is good. He gets everyone to believe and do what he says and that he is in an alliance with everyone". Josh may think he is helping himself by looking like he was forced to go along with Paul and hoping the jury will give him mercy, but yeah like you said, Josh has already made the jurors mad with his bullying.

Reply #56. Sep 13 17, 12:33 PM
3 house guests left, back on Thursday and Friday night, then the finale next Wednesday, the 20th!

Reply #57. Sep 13 17, 9:07 PM
My bad, 4 left, but will be 3 after tomorrow night!

Reply #58. Sep 13 17, 9:07 PM
Yes, jasa9092, now it's Paul crying! This has been a great Summer, I have watched this show for years, this has been fun.

Reply #59. Sep 13 17, 9:10 PM
jasa9092 star

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Paul may have been crying, but it looked fake to me, lol. I do think he genuinely felt bad about sending Alex to jury, but I don't think those were real tears.

Who do you all think will win America's Favorite Player? I have a feeling that Cody will. I don't like him, but at least he was wise to Paul and played the game for himself.

Reply #60. Sep 14 17, 1:54 AM

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