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Subject: Big Brother 19 (USA)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 12 17

It's that time of year again! My summer tv addiction is here! Time for "friendships", "throwing people under the bus", "getting blood on their hands", and maybe a "straight shooter".

Let's see how this season unfolds! :)

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briarwoodrose star

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Jasa, I had the exact same reaction to the Tears of Paul. I thought maybe he was going for an Emmy or something along those lines. They really, really looked staged and faked, along with the "boohoo,, I am such a nice guy, but i had to do it...I HAD TO!!!!"

Poor little Alex, taken in by Paul right to the bitter end. Boy, she was P.Oed, bigtime. Now maybe she realizes how everyone else felt that he treated to some of the same.

So, I guess Kevin goes tonight? I had such high hopes for him, but that ship sailed awhile ago. He has done nothing, won nothing, said nothing, doesn't even really understand what is going on. It would be funny to see him win the veto tonight, but I highly doubt it. I guess Kevin and Josh (maybe) will go up. I think Paul may actually like to get rid of Josh because he will whittle it down to who he thinks he can absolutely beat...and Josh appears to have some friends.

What I would LOVE to see is inside that jury house, and the talking going on there.

Last night I woke up at 4 (asleep on the sofa again!) and the TV was on and it was the "afterdark show'. Basically it was Paul, alone, in that room with the blue sofas, going on and on and on, talking to the camera about how he was forced to do all the things he did, the betrayals, the lies...yada yada yada. I listened to his soliloquy for as long as I could stand it.

So I better had scoot...the show starts in 3 minutes!

Reply #61. Sep 14 17, 6:57 PM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
I hope Cody wins ...or Jessica...she played so hard and they were the only 2 who actually saw what Paul was up to and could not convince the others what was going to happen. They should get some points for that!!
Probably will go to maybe Jason though. He seemed like he would have a fan club on the outside!

Reply #62. Sep 14 17, 7:00 PM
I hope Paul wins the whole game, he has played an awesome Summer. Or Christmas, even after breaking her foot, she managed to compete as she did. Cody was so mean, he really seems to be a dangerous individual. I am assuming you mean who will win the $25,000 at the end of the show. I hope Raven would because of her medical condition and she's adorable! We shall see very soon!

Reply #63. Sep 14 17, 7:01 PM
Well, after reading this, guess I'm out of the loop, sorry guys and by the way, I do believe Paul was crying authentic tears, he is human.

Reply #64. Sep 14 17, 7:02 PM
jasa9092 star

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Star, I agree about Christmas. Who knew that someone with a broken foot could manage getting to the top 3? And she did get out some big players. She would be my 2nd place finisher.

Wow, those jurors are bitter!! Geez people... it is just a game! They are just mad that they were stupid and listened to Paul. Their own faults. And oh my goodness how Raven thought she was a puppet master, ROFL!! I almost choked from laughing. Favorite line of the night is when she said she, Matt, and Paul were in alliance and someone (Mark?) said, "Why are you here then?" lol.

Watching Cody tonight reminded me why I can't stand him. There are a ton of people who wanted to be on the show and there he is not even wanting to participate. He doesn't deserve to get Fan Favorite... he is so ungrateful. Didn't win so he is going to sulk and act like a three year old who didn't get his way. I would like to see Kevin get it (yeah, he hasn't done anything, but he is such a classy gentleman). If not Kevin, I would choose Christmas. Of course this is if Paul doesn't get in the top two.

Reply #65. Sep 15 17, 2:02 AM
jasa9092 star

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Oh yeah... and I also loved Cody's line, "I love the exit", when he was commenting on Jason's eviction. He actually said something. I'm in shock, lol.

I forgot about Jason. He is another Fan Favorite contender. I just know that Cody will get it. He seems loved on the spoiler feeds. I have no idea why. He is ungrateful and mean to everyone (except Jessica of course). His comment on saying Matt was a (bleep) was VERY uncalled for.

Reply #66. Sep 15 17, 2:07 AM
jasa9092 star

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I would have loved to have seen the jury house tonight. I feel like tonight's episode was a waste. We already had a "recap" episode when Derrick came and visited.

Reply #67. Sep 16 17, 2:44 AM
Just one more show, 2 hour finale on the 20th, will be a nail biter!

Reply #68. Sep 16 17, 7:00 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Did you watch the show on Friday night? It was the "Do you remember..." show. I have to say it was more entertaining than last year's show featuring Nicole and James etc. That was so stilted and obviously scripted. Friday night's show , well, it is obvious that the 3 were told to discuss certain events...fights, arguments, couples, etc., but it wasn't as uncomfortably stilted as last year.

I may be just dense here, but I was surprised to see that Christmas has a major crush on Paul. I wonder if it is reciprocated. Ah, little tattooed babies in the future????

It will certainly be interesting to see who takes whom to the final 2. I think Paul will probably win the final HOH. He is extremely good in comps, just laid back the rest of the season and let other people win. I think he will win all the comps he is in from now on. It would be nice to see someone else win at least one from him! A little suspense!
Who would/will he take? Who does he think he can beat? He made sure that Josh was hated by at least a few of the jury by encouraging his "pots and pans" attacks. He also made sure that Christmas dropped a few votes by having 2 comps thrown to her so she could (sigh...don't believe I have to say this line yet again...please someone, think of a new description for evicting people!) get blood on her hands. So who does he think he can beat????

Thursday night was interesting. Kevin was nominated and evicted. Poor Kevin, he really thought he had a final 2 with Paul and that Paul would save him with the Veto. I don't know how Paul has convinced so many people (well, pretty much everyone in the entire house!) that he has a "secret" final 2 with them. These people, even in the jury house, still believe that he really had their backs. Even Jason...OMG, he actually believed that his closest ally, Alex, back doored him!!! When he realized the truth, he was shocked.
Of course Raven still thinks that she and Matt were the only "true and secret" alliance with Paul, and that she, Raven, was a "puppet master". Even when faced with all the evidence to the contrary, she refused to acknowledge the possibility that she had been played and was merely a pawn. I think she will be in for a fairly strong shock when she watches the episodes after the season is over. Paul said some very uncomplimentary things about her, that she was a compulsive liar, always making things up about herself and her family etc. and that how he would keep her till he no longer needed her, how he played her and Matt etc.

As for Cody, and why he appears to have so much fan support, he is who he is and you certainly know where you stand with him. His main driving force seems to be loyalty, and he feels betrayed by just about every single person who entered the house...and, let's face it, they did betray him, Matt, Raven, Mark, Elena. And yes, it is a game and all those things happen all throughout the game. He just has never learned to do the "nice face" when speaking to people you do not like. Did you watch his face light up when he was telling Jess about his daughter? So, yes, he is human and does have people who love him. And, yes, he certainly has a surly face that apparently can wear for days and days and days AND days...non stop. As for mean, well, did he ever chase people throughout the house and yard, screaming at them and banging kitchenware in their faces? Nope. He simply stated that he did not like them and never wanted to interact with them again. When they would persist, he would react, telling them to GO AWAY...eventually yelling it to get his point across. Personally, I do not think this is "mean". (Not the most polite way of going about things for sure) I think the mob attacks on one or 2 people trying to incite them to react (physically) is repugnant, and not at all funny. This, to me, falls under "mean". But, we all are entitled to our opinions, so I guess people will vote for the House Guest Award (oops, I forgot what it is called!) as their own opinion dictates.

All this being said...cannot wait for tonight...Unicorn flatulence and all! lol!

Reply #69. Sep 17 17, 8:11 AM
jasa9092 star

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There is no show until Wednesday, which is the finale. I know who won the first two parts. I won't spoil it though.

Reply #70. Sep 17 17, 1:22 PM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
lol! Jasa, I realized that last night as I sat waiting patiently for the show to start. duh!

Okay, so now I will wait (maybe not patiently) for Wednesday night, and try not to read the feeds!

Reply #71. Sep 18 17, 9:35 AM
jasa9092 star

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Feels like a long time until Wednesday. Hurry up! lol

Reply #72. Sep 19 17, 12:59 AM
briarwoodrose star

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I KNOW!!!!

One more sleep!

I am trying my hardest to not see any feeds, but they are everywhere.

Is there any more info out on the Celebrity BB? I don't want to google because I will for sure pull up a current feed and I have lasted this long, I can do one more day without succumbing!

Reply #73. Sep 19 17, 3:46 AM
jasa9092 star

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I just did a search on the celebrities edition and I still don't see a list of who will appear. However, I did see that they won't be nominating who will be evicted -- America chooses. So apparently this is going to be a popularity contest. Ugh

Reply #74. Sep 20 17, 1:03 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
I've been watching Big Brother After Dark. The other night they had to answer viewer's questions. That was pretty interesting. Last night Paul did some card tricks. He's got some mad skills! Impressive. I had to laugh, because Josh had the best reaction. He was running around the kitchen screaming, "How did you do that?!? Who are you??". He asked Paul to teach him and Paul said that he can't because it is magic, lol.

Reply #75. Sep 20 17, 1:10 AM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
I wonder if the "celebrities" will be a "c" list of so-called stars. If they are going to be evicted by audience vote, they will be playing full-time to the cameras. I guess we will have to wait and see.

Jasa, in the "After Dark" have you seen anything else regarding Paul and Christmas? I mentioned before that I watched a few minutes one night and she was watching Paul on camera (from the HOH room) and talking and talking about her feelings for him, how she usually didn't fall for anyone like that and how it took her by surprise etc. I had no idea that anything was going on, although they did seem to be snuggled up a lot in the show. I guess I am surprised because it seems that production would be all over that if there was any teeny hint at a romance between the 2 of them.
If anyone has more of a clue than I do (probably everyone lol!) please enlighten me!

Paul has now (almost) completed 2 seasons of BB and has never had a romantic interest in anyone. He seems too dedicated to the game to get involved in a showmance.

Oh, speaking of show/ro it true that Nicole and Victor are now dating? What?? She must have dug out her farmer's Daughter Outfit again!

I can't believe that tonight is the finale...where did the entire summer go?

Reply #76. Sep 20 17, 8:34 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
You have GOT to be freaking kidding me!!

I will write more tomorrow sometime. I need sleep...

Reply #77. Sep 21 17, 6:27 AM
jasa9092 star

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I forgot to come back, lol. First off -- Rose, I didn't watch enough of BBAD to notice anything about Christmas having feelings for Paul. I was shocked too when they showed that on the show. I was also surprised to hear about Nicole and Victor dating. Interesting.

I can't believe Paul got robbed two years in a row. What a bitter jury! I can't believe they would rather vote for a guy who bullied them then to vote for the best player. Ugh. Where did they find these players?? They are the worst jury in the history of the show. Even Jessica said she would have voted for Paul, because she knew Paul deserves it. She actually knows how the game is played.

I knew Cody would get the AFP, but he didn't deserve it. Once he got out of the house, he didn't even want to be there. Even he said, "This doesn't make sense". Jessica would have been better than him. I would have loved to have seen Kevin get it. He is a classy guy and he understands it is just a game. Jason would be my second choice.

Online I watched most of the post-show backyard interviews. Jeff usually does the interviewing, but for some reason he had to cancel last minute. They had Dr Will take his place. He told Paul that he talked to several past winners and they all thought Paul should have won. Dr Will said that he may not have won the game, but he won the respect of other winners.

Reply #78. Sep 25 17, 11:53 AM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
Where would one view the backyard interviews? I had heard of them and would like to see them.

Well Jasa, you know how I felt about how Paul played the game. I am certainly not Josh's biggest fan either! What I did find karmic was the final vote tallied being Cody's vote...and the look on Paul's face when he realized the score was 4-4 and Cody's vote was going to be the deciding factor. (I do believe Paul's last words to Christmas as he hugged her good-bye, were "Can you throw your crutch at Cody?" )

When Cody cast his vote he said (something along these lines) "I am just keeping my word". I cannot remember if he had promised Paul that he would not vote for him...probably.

Also Christmas cast her vote for Paul, saying, "It's just a game move"...which is exactly what Josh said to her as he voted her out. Little bit of bitterness there? She seemed very resigned at the final eviction so I imagine that Josh must have told her he was keeping Paul.

As for the rest of the jurors...Matt and Raven...??????? I think they are operating at about the age level of 14. Making fun of mark and trying to stick him (on national TV ) with a derogatory nickname...I am guessing they have no idea how ridiculous they sound. I wonder if they have watched the entire season yet and if it has sunk in that they were also played by Paul, just like everyone else on the jury, except Cody. I wonder if they will ever accept that fact. Everyone else did, and dealt with it as they saw fit...either voting for Paul or taking their one shot at letting him know how they felt about that.

I personally am glad that Cody won the people's choice money. However he acted, or whatever he said, at least he was honest about it all. say the least! lol!

I finally allowed myself to read chats and the like about the show. I was certainly surprised to see so many people in support of Cody. I was also quite surprised to see that many people did not care for Paul and the game he played. (for awhile there, I thought it was just me as I am in the minority on this chat, for sure!) Although he certainly played an insane game of convincing EVERYONE that he was their true ally ...and quickly dispensing with those he felt he could not control, and actually managed to maintain all these relationships separately and intensely, he didn't count on the jury. These people all felt betrayed big-time and reacted accordingly. People are people...they have feelings which quite often dictates how they will respond. They don't care that it is just a game (at least not when they are the ones being voted off..hah!!) Apparently, when you are winning, it's "just a game'...when you are being evicted, it is not so much fun.

This whole season would have been a totally different game if one thing had been different. Cody knew that Paul would take over and right away tried to put him on the block and get rid of him. If Paul did not have the 3 eviction exemption, I do believe he would have been gone. The 3 weeks gave him time to rally everyone behind him and change the whole direction of the game. I certainly give him an "A" for effort!

So, I guess now we wait for Celebrity BB. As for me, "Survivor" is starting on Wednesday. I wish that was on 3 days a week!

Reply #79. Sep 25 17, 1:31 PM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
I don't think we are allowed to post links to sites. I will PM you. By the way, I will read/reply to this later.

Reply #80. Sep 25 17, 11:53 PM

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