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Subject: Big Brother 19 (USA)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 12 17

It's that time of year again! My summer tv addiction is here! Time for "friendships", "throwing people under the bus", "getting blood on their hands", and maybe a "straight shooter".

Let's see how this season unfolds! :)

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briarwoodrose star

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I just watched all the backyard interviews...2 + hours!

I did not watch BB for quite a few years so I do not know who Dr. Will is, or many of the others they mention. Maybe someday, when I have a ton of free time (2 weeks worth lol!) I will go back and watch some of the old seasons. Apparently on season one, the viewers got to vote the house guests out...but they changed it for season 2. I wonder what else has changed over the years.

Reply #81. Sep 26 17, 4:14 PM
jasa9092 star

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Oh my gosh... If you watch only one season, you must watch the season with Dr Will and Mike Boogie where they do fake phone calls in the diary room. I think it is Season 7. I'll send you a link to a youtube full of their phone calls. They are hilarious! Very entertaining. :)

Dr. Will is considered the original Puppet Master. In my opinion he is the best player ever. Like I said, it is just my opinion.

Cody's comment while voting, "Keeping my word", I felt was a signal to the jurors to let them know how he was voting.

Reply #82. Sep 27 17, 1:36 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Oh yeah... the 2+ hours of interviews... now you know why I didn't watch them all, lol.

Reply #83. Sep 27 17, 1:37 AM
Yes, I am SO late to this, but... oh well. No one I know watches BB and I wanted to just let my feelings out.

Briarwoodrose, I think I can recall past BB seasons and agreeing with almost everything you mentioned. That didn't change this season either! I too thought I was in the minority about disliking Paul's play and being pleasantly surprised at Cody winning AFP.

What I liked about Cody was that he never really acted fake. How many times do we see houseguests jump up and down and be hyper and stuff in games and the DR? Whereas there's Cody, stonefaced and solemn. He was so unique compared to almost all of the other houseguests.

Paul played an amazing game this year. Yet... I found I did not want him to win. I hated (HATED) how everyone just bowed to him ("I trust Paul" "I'll throw this for/to him or to someone he has appointed"). Part of me feels ripped off for some of those challenges. Like early on during that candy challenge when everyone gave their items to Paul. Or the racing challenge (Ready Set GO). These people!!! Like Jessica said... and I loved it... they shouldn't have come.

Paul this year reminded me of Dan Geesling. A vet I liked in his first season who kinda became... evil? On finale night when Ian, in shock, told everyone Dan had made him a promise on I think his grandfather's watch, thus exposing Dan, showing how he had made deals with too many people. I don't get the missing anger from 19's guests. Mainly Kevin/Matt/Raven. Paul had too many final 2/3 deals.

Sure, that's one way to play. It got him so far! Ultimately, though, it cost him. He made too many people mad. I really disliked Josh. Mark's story about being bullied touched me and I'm glad he stood up to Josh during one of his pot-banging tantrums. Yet despite his behavior, I think I might have voted for him. I mean, that should resonate deeply with Paul... Mark voted FOR the guy who did all of that to him.

I admit I was not a fan of this season. I liked the temptations but once again, these houseguests squandered many chances. Christmas' power would have been great... any other year. The apple tree was wasted almost completely. I don't like how one person had that much power over everyone.

Reply #84. Oct 06 17, 10:23 AM

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