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Subject: Midnight, Texas

Posted by: 13LuckyLady
Date: Aug 02 17

Two episodes and I am about to throw in the towel.

The commercials are longer than the segments of show!

Great idea! A town where, if you happen to be a wereanything, it doesn't matter.

A grandmother who is always happy to help her grandson...from the other side.

The grandson? He's trying to determine how to live in a world more in line with his life instead of trying to fit in.

Pretty much like Real Life. Well, except for the Reverend who is a weretiger and hates it!

One more episode and I decide. Is the show worth my precious disks (I record it) or????

Has anyone else seen the show? What are your thoughts?

2 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
supersal1 star
I've only seen the first episode so far and enjoyed it. I read the first book in the series a while ago and was underwhelmed. With True Blood I loved the books and hated what they did to the characters and plots in the series, so I suppose not having read all the books can sometimes be an advantage.

I recorded it and ff'd through the adverts, I do that with most things.

Reply #1. Aug 02 17, 11:35 AM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
That's what keeps drawing my family back to the show! We like it!

We ff'd through just dandy until someone decided to start counting the adverts.

It weren't me, I swear!


Reply #2. Aug 02 17, 11:42 AM

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