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Subject: Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?

Posted by: wweking134
Date: May 02 04

Wrestling is real for me.

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I mean how can you fake landing on somebody from a turnbuckle???

Reply #1. May 02 04, 2:56 PM
Well the choreography is clearly rehearsed to make it look real for the kids but safe for the "competitors". From what I have seen, their acrobatics often outweighs their acting skills and despite the rehearsals accidents do happen.

Reply #2. May 02 04, 9:33 PM
By the way, obviously proper wrestling, such as the Greco-Roman style wrestling seen at the Olympics is not fake and would therefore come under the domain of the Sports chatboard. The likes of WWE, however, is Entertainment, not sport and records for it used to appear in the "Guinness Book of Records" in the Theatre section (before the book went downmarket).
Like ballet, WWE wrestling is still physicall demanding though and, if you think about it, sport is a branch of sow business.

Reply #3. May 02 04, 9:44 PM
Wrestling is fake to the extent that it is rehersed and the people are not monsters back from the dead or are turning good or evil. BUT! People do get hurt and that is real, although sometimes it is hard to tell when an accident has been set up or real. I think of it as a soap opera.

Reply #4. May 03 04, 2:17 PM
Wrestling is "fixed" as I like to call it. the match outcomes are predetermined but sometimes mistakes are made and people get hurt. Sometiimes they play up the pain and sometimes they play down the pain. So, technically its not fake, but its not real. Its acting.

Reply #5. May 04 04, 1:10 PM

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>>>>I mean how can you fake landing on somebody from a turnbuckle???>>>>>>

I believe it is called practice.

>>>>>Wrestling is "fixed" as I like to call it. the match outcomes are predetermined but sometimes mistakes are made and people get hurt. Sometiimes they play up the pain and sometimes they play down the pain. So, technically its not fake, but its not real. Its acting.>>>>>>

I suggest you read "It's True, It's True" by Kurt Angle. In the book he goes into details about title changes and such. He also tells how the wrestlers themselves know who will win which match but that the referee does not. That is an attempt to at least keep some element of surprise in the match.

Sometimes if you look at the matches themselves (forget about the audience and concentrate on the wrestlers in the ring), sometimes you can see when one wrestler tries to outdo another. My theory is that no one really likes to lose, but one has to for the sake of the show. And there are times when you can see that the wrestler that lost, that shouldn't have, is shocked beyond belief.

Reply #6. May 05 04, 2:48 AM

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Professional Wrestling is "real" wrestling, however, the moves are choreographed to provide the audience with thrills, and to ensure that the wrestlers will not get seriously hurt.

The wrestlers know the outcome of the match, except for the referees, however, there are times when a wrestler who is supposed to win actually loses the match because the other wrestler didn't follow the choreography.

Just like the NFL choreographs their moves (and they do), so does professional wrestling. What makes professional wrestling not be considered a sport is the fact that there is acting involved and gimmicks. If there were no acting involved and no gimmicks, professional wrestling would be considered a sport.

Reply #7. May 05 04, 4:50 AM

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Continued from above:

Vince McMahon made it this way, because, as he said, the world of professional sports (i.e., football, boxing, etc.) is too strict. He says he likes the fact that his organization doesn't have to follow strict city to city by-laws for professional sporting events, as his organization is billed as "entertainment."

Reply #8. May 05 04, 4:55 AM
Well if you read The Rock- Know your role or whatever its called, Kurt Angle- Its true its true, Hardy Boyz- Xist 2 inspire and Lita- A less travelled road you will knpow that wretling is not fake. Its predetermined but they do hurt each other but not as hard as they could. PS Stacy Kiebler loves her caravan members.

Reply #9. May 05 04, 4:57 AM
I was lucky enough to be in the business and can only say that it's a job.To answer the"fake"question,I'll just say that it was a job.If you think a man can be"beat" like that 3to5 days a week,well I've got a bridge to sell you.I would also like to say Vince Mcmahon did not start this.The show has been working since the 30's&40's.

Reply #10. May 05 04, 9:49 AM
Fact is the human body is very frail.

Drop a 300 lb. man on his head, the odds are very high that his spine will snap a la Christpher Reeve.
Kick anyone, and there will be bruising.
I once jumped on my brother's chest and took the fun out of fighting him.

Not that wrestlers are tremendous athletes. The often short careers they have is testiment to the strain it puts on their bodies. I heard Mick Foley was in so much pain, he couldn't crawl on the carpet and wrestle his kids.

If you do the stuff they do without training, there will be a serious injury.

I love the WWE or F. I grew up saying "the Iron Shiek is number one, and America is pewy". Didn't make many friends that way.
I wish they would show that just to children.

Reply #11. May 05 04, 9:54 AM
Hey injunj2003, do you have any advice for getting in the business? I am planning to become a wrestler in a few years and would like some advice. Thanks

Reply #12. May 06 04, 1:17 PM

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"Fact is the human body is very frail.

Drop a 300 lb. man on his head, the odds are very high that his spine will snap a la Christpher Reeve.
Kick anyone, and there will be bruising.
I once jumped on my brother's chest and took the fun out of fighting him."

Fact, a domesticated cat's body is even more frail than a human body. However, you drop a cat from 100 feet in the air, the cat will not die and will only have a fracture in its front legs and a split hard palate.

Fact, a human body can be conditioned to take abuse. Albert Fish, a serial killer of children, used to stick sewing needles into his groin, so far in did he stick the needles that they became imbedded in his scrotum, bladder, and large intestine. There are also people who can pull trucks by their teeth, and their teeth don't fall out. Their are also people who can get stabbed in the head with a knife and suffer no brain damage.

Reply #13. May 07 04, 4:38 AM

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Continued from above:

There was a man who was shot in the back of the head, he didn't know he was shot. He began having severe headaches and when he went to the hospital, he was told that there was a bullet in the back of his head. The man suffered no brain damage.

Fact, the wrestlers can and do get hurt, as we've seen with Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Stone Cold, Triple H, Chris Benoit, Edge, Jazz, and various other wrestlers.

Fact, the wrestlers are conditioned for what they do. They physically work out and endure so much just so they perform the right way.

Yes, pro wrestling became choreographed in the 1930s or 1940s because of one single match where no one was getting pinned and the audience became bored because the match went on for over an hour. However, you seemed to have missed something. Pro wrestling was considered a "sport" up until the late 1970s into the early 1980s. When Vince McMahon bought out his father, he revised the way pro wrestlers are seen to the public. Some may think that what he did to pro wrestling is a crime, but others may think that what he did was great. It's really up to the individual.

Reply #14. May 07 04, 4:47 AM
The moves have to still be done correctly.

Assuming I could lift you, and drop you five feet on your head incorrectly, you might not get up. I think it was a Fox special that said the force of a piledriver is transmitted from the "victim's" shoulders to the "attackers" thighs which keeps the spine from crumpling.

If I arm bar someone, then drop my 200 lbs two feet, not much can happen except a broken joint.
I've heard the nauseating crunch of knees blowing out due to minor excercises.
Then there are the simple stuff like stomping for effect and the open hand rule.

You are right about endurance. Every fall Saturday, I see men smack each other at full speed and get up again. Being able to bench press refrigerators goes along way to protect the body.

I know that can't even take a tumble down the stairs, and I don't want to find out how much damage I can inflict with a spine punch.

Reply #15. May 07 04, 11:32 AM

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You seem to be missing the most important thing...the wrestling moves are CHOREOGRAPHED (choreography means practicing and practicing until the moves flow smoothly, like a dance). The wrestlers CAN and DO get hurt. NO ONE is going to deliberately drop someone on their head the wrong way, or hit someone in their head the wrong on purpose. Accidents happen, and when they do happen, the wrestlers get hurt, sometimes severely.

Reply #16. May 07 04, 2:51 PM
Sorry Dakota

Whats the difference between choreographed and faked? I see us agreeing on everything but euphanisms.

Yeah, you put two people doing anything involving movment and contact, there will be injuries. Simple dynamics, KE=1/2mv^2

In taekwondo, we were supposed to do anything but lightly tap each other, but it didn't man I didn't go to the hospital. Heck, even ballet dancers get torn up. I heard of enough cheerleaders mangling themselves, too.

I still say Iron Shiek number one and America pewy :)

And he was once a "real" wrestler!

Reply #17. May 07 04, 5:40 PM
i think its not fake but its practiced. people getting hurt is real but thats because of something practiced gone wrong.

Reply #18. Jun 09 04, 8:41 PM
one last thing. i just read the thing about cheerleaders... yes cheerleaders get hurt alot! all sports do. our cheerleading squad had every person with a twist/break/bruised sternum/sprain at one point. People will get hurt in any sport even if its practiced and fake!

Reply #19. Jun 09 04, 8:48 PM
I think that wrestling is fake when there in the ring they have to make shore that they don't hurt each other but sometimes they do it may be fake but they have train in the ring and do the real stuff before they get to the wwe or any other wrestling company so wether wrestling is real or fake we all love to watch it boo the bad guys and cheer the good guys it is like a soap opera so just enjoy it.

Reply #20. Jul 06 04, 9:35 PM

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