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Subject: Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?

Posted by: wweking134
Date: May 02 04

Wrestling is real for me.

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It isn't's pre-determined

They already know the outcome of the matches and some of the big spots in matchs(like Ladder and other types of matches) are planned. The blood is real. Just sometimes they use blades to cut themseleves open but even that is rarely used. Injures happen all the time, most recently with Edge tearing his pec muscle.

Outside of the ring is sometimes maybe even tougher. They have it worse than any other pro athlete out there. They are away from their homes and family. They are on the road 250 days of year. They do all the driving. Unlike all of the other sports teams who have thier own buses and planes.

So bottom line...wrestling is no where near fake. It's just planned out. All of the stuff you see them do is real. They really land and they really get hit with objects and everything.

Reply #101. Jul 18 07, 8:48 PM

player avatar
Okay, it's half fake,half real.See,the people don't what they want to do,it's all planned out.

Reply #102. Jul 18 07, 10:12 PM
Some wrestling are real, some are surely fake. You cannot surely say that most are real. The storyline is planned. Go and look in "Howstuffworks", then WWE to find out more about whether it is real or not.

Reply #103. Jul 18 07, 10:45 PM
yes and no

Reply #104. Jul 20 07, 3:45 PM
Wrestling is fake but the major injuries are real.

Reply #105. Jul 20 07, 4:25 PM
Schoonie101 star

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See, that's the thing. Fake/Pre-determined, there is no difference. Why do you think there is such an uproar about the possible fixing of games in the NBA or NFL? Because if it is pre-determined, it is illegitimate. Not to deny the physical nature of what they do, but I consider wrestlers to be more sideshow entertainers than professional athletes.

Reply #106. Jul 21 07, 11:00 AM
Hear hear Schoonie101. I agree 100%

Reply #107. Jul 21 07, 12:29 PM
Professional wrestling is fake. Everything else is real.

Reply #108. Jul 22 07, 12:40 AM
Probably,because they would hit too hard.

Reply #109. Jul 25 07, 9:31 AM
i think its fake, but accidents do happen

Reply #110. Jul 27 07, 11:14 PM
red_stone star

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I think that it is fake and yes accidents can happen. I often tease my hubby by saying he is watching a mans version of general hospital.

Reply #111. Jul 28 07, 12:26 AM
I wouldn't say fake but "not all real"...

Reply #112. Jul 30 07, 3:35 PM
santaslayer star
the only real wrestling is ufc.

Reply #113. Jul 31 07, 10:53 AM
"the only real wrestling is ufc."

And all the amateurs, mate.

Reply #114. Jul 31 07, 11:51 AM
santaslayer star
what does that mean?

Reply #115. Jul 31 07, 3:15 PM
Olympics. College. Amateur wrestling. All totally competitive, totally for real. Some cross-train and go into UFC, some stay in wrestling, but it's all very real.

Reply #116. Jul 31 07, 3:29 PM
santaslayer star
ahh ok I thought you ment amatuer pro wrestling. that stuff is completely fake.

Reply #117. Jul 31 07, 3:31 PM
hovenaut star
Barry Bonds is fake. Wrestling is, uh, choreographed athleticism, scripted for your pleasure.

Reply #118. Aug 05 07, 10:37 PM
In WWE they probably use razor blades for blood.

Reply #119. Dec 03 07, 5:07 PM
lorriem1222 star
Is it fake? Have you ever watched it? It's as fake as the day is long.

Reply #120. Dec 03 07, 5:22 PM

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