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Subject: Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?

Posted by: wweking134
Date: May 02 04

Wrestling is real for me.

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is it fake? yes it is. but who the hell care? it's entertaining so i'll keep on watching as long as it exists.

Reply #121. Dec 03 07, 6:53 PM
Ohhhhhh yaaaaaaaa it is fake. The realest stuff is UFC stuff. That stuff is entertaining and real. I don't know why wrestling is still around, you get better fighting and it's real in UFC.

Reply #122. Dec 16 07, 11:31 AM
It is as fake as George bush having a brain, no one could stand the battering with chairs etc.

Reply #123. Dec 16 07, 12:20 PM
Maniachilles star

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If wrestling wasn't choreographed, it would be attempted murder!

Reply #124. Dec 16 07, 1:36 PM
bassman68 star
Do polar bears wear heavy fur coats?

Reply #125. Dec 16 07, 6:27 PM
Does the Pope want more Catholics? Les

Reply #126. Dec 19 07, 7:04 PM
Shauneef star
Absolutely it's fake and they'll even admit it is "choreographed." There is a law in Louisiana that makes fake wrestling matches illegal (seriously!) Check and see if they ever come down here for a match.

Reply #127. Feb 07 08, 11:54 PM
BaronBatty star
Don't say that to Killer Kowalski unless you want to be eviscerated.

Reply #128. Feb 08 08, 12:41 AM
channe star

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Killer Kowalski? Is he still alive? Or is this a new pale imitation?

Reply #129. Feb 08 08, 3:00 AM
Theres a reason it's called sports entertainment. They are still highly skilled and gifted athletes.

Reply #130. Feb 09 08, 2:41 AM
talentedone star
Absolutely...they would accidently kill each other if not fake.

Reply #131. Feb 09 08, 3:19 AM
gandalfthegrey star
"Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?"


You're kidding, right? It's a soap opera with violence, and the wrestlers act about as well as soap opera actors - badly. Wrestling is amusing at times, but clearly not real.

Reply #132. Feb 10 08, 9:36 AM
Cymruambyth star

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Anyone who thinks that wrestling is real should read Bret Hart's book 'Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling'. Get the facts straight from the horse's mouth!

Reply #133. Feb 20 08, 1:05 PM
their body does take beating but yes its fake but the blood is real

Reply #134. Feb 20 08, 5:30 PM

Saying wrestling's not fake is like saying that Kate Moss needs to loose some weight.

Reply #135. Feb 20 08, 5:39 PM
Cymruambyth star

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I hate to burst your bubble, renochamp, but according to Bret 'The Hitman' Hart only some of the blood is real (cuts inflicted with shards of razors), and very little at that - the gushing type is good old theatrical blood.

Reply #136. Feb 23 08, 12:34 PM
borisanchovy star
Uh HUH. As fake as a four dollar bill.

Reply #137. Feb 23 08, 12:52 PM
slew412 star
Wow. Of course it is fake. It is a soap opera for men! Yes there are times they get hurt but come on if you watch it closely you can see sme of the guys actually cut them selves to look like they just got badly hurt.

Reply #138. Feb 23 08, 1:05 PM
stuthehistoryguy star
"I hate to burst your bubble, renochamp, but according to Bret 'The Hitman' Hart only some of the blood is real (cuts inflicted with shards of razors), and very little at that - the gushing type is good old theatrical blood."

You may want to double-check on that, mate. From EVERYTHING I've read, blood packs are really very rare in pro wrestling - though if they were ever used, it probably would have been in his era. Traditionally, the blood is indeed real, as a glance at practically any wrestler from the 70s' forehead will amply demonstrate. In the 1980s, blading did decrease substantially - in fact, Dusty Rhodes was released by the Crocketts for blading in a match with the Road Warriors. Blading wasn't really replaced by blood packs - the blood (except for "hardway" bleeding, which is accidental) was just generally kept to a minimum.

Reply #139. Feb 23 08, 6:26 PM
Cymruambyth star

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Hey, Stu, I'm just quoting Bret hart and I figure he'd know.

Reply #140. Feb 25 08, 9:42 PM

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