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Subject: Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?

Posted by: wweking134
Date: May 02 04

Wrestling is real for me.

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stuthehistoryguy star
That's odd. Every wrestling autobio I've read (more than I care to admit) talks about blading. That being said, if blood packs ever did predominate, it would have been in the post-Hulk, pre-attitude WWF: very glitzy shows, low on realism, high on characters. Think "Doink the Clown".

Reply #141. Feb 27 08, 1:20 PM
stuthehistoryguy star
Just to show that I'm not completely nuts:

Reply #142. Feb 27 08, 1:24 PM
Blading is much more common than blood packs plus to everyone saying "omg its so fake go watch ufc", all I can say is that of course a lot of the fans know that it's fake and they don't watch it because they think it's real, they watch it because they think it's entertaining.

Reply #143. Feb 27 08, 2:08 PM
jordandog star
I don't think it's fake at all. I would love to write more, but I just won a HUGE amount of money from the Nigerian Lottery (they e-mailed me!) and need to get to the bank for a $5,000 Cashiers Check to send them so I can claim it....Sandy

Reply #144. Feb 27 08, 2:27 PM

player avatar
Good one Sandy, however anyone who thinks wrestling is real won't get that reference.

Reply #145. Feb 27 08, 3:04 PM
stuthehistoryguy star
Anyone who thinks wrestling is real - in the manner you're putting it - wouldn't "get" the left mouse click!

Reply #146. Feb 27 08, 3:20 PM
Ok.. Wrestling is sports ENTERTAINMENT. The outcomes are predetermined. The matches are choreographed to an extent. The damage that these guys do to their bodies is ABSOLUTELY real, and I respect them for the lengths that they go to to entertain their fans.

Reply #147. Feb 27 08, 3:29 PM
Yepp, plain and simple, yes =D.

Reply #148. Feb 27 08, 9:15 PM
yes, i think it is fake

Reply #149. Feb 28 08, 7:07 PM
dfc4385 star

player avatar
Only $5,000? Oh I have supposedly won much more than that!
I can't tell you the number of folks who have died or who are dying who have no next of kin - and I am the chosen one!

Is wrestling fake? WWF? Of course it is!

Reply #150. Feb 28 08, 7:50 PM
Yes, its fake. There was this show called like wrestling secrets exposed.

Reply #151. Mar 01 08, 6:14 PM

player avatar
fake. this is what i think. i don't think it's real because they don't hit the ground like: (thud!) and then, when they slam, they actully put in sound effects to make it look like they got hit hard. but i'm not sure about all the bleeding on the face. pretty gory ;b:)

Reply #152. Apr 22 08, 6:35 PM
YES!Watch BOXING! Boxing used to be the only kind of fighting and I still think it's the best kind.

Reply #153. Apr 22 08, 7:44 PM
Well thought out I'll say. But the punishment the body takes is far from fake.

Reply #154. May 02 08, 10:51 AM
it's staged but i bet it hurts when your slammed to the mat.

Reply #155. May 05 08, 8:42 AM
wwefan18 star
The bodies that the wrestlers take are brutal. The moves are fake, yes. The blood is actually real. The wrestlers cut their foreheads where it bleeds really thick with a razor blade and that is when they bleed.

When they land on the mat, it does hurt because the ring is made of wooden platforms with a very light spring underneath the canvas. There is a microphone underneath the ring that makes the impact sound a lot more painful, but nonetheless, getting slammed on the mat hurts, but if they land on the mat the wrong way, it will injure you to a point where you'll need surgery to get the body part injured repaired.

Yes, wrestling is fake, but also it is real. I study wrestling everyday and I know every trick in the book and how every move is done and how every move is made to not get you hurt. It is very dangerous because accidents do happen, but if you do them the right way, you will not get hurt to the point of surgery, just to the point of getting bruises and cuts and etc. But surgery does happen. Just look at Triple H, Edge, Batista, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Undertaker, Matt Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, Boogeyman, just to name a few. They all had surgery at least once in their professional wrestling career because of an injury by accidentally doing a move incorrectly.

But the wrestlers get paid a bundle. I researched and Triple H makes $2,920,000 per year. That is crazy and he makes a lot. John Cena makes $2,850,000 per year. They are the top two paid WWE Superstars in the company. Don't ask for a link to the Website, as I've found this information in a book I'm subscribed to and I don't know where to get the book, as I've gotten it as an early graduation present from my aunt. Anyways, wrestling is fake, but it is also very, very real.


Reply #156. May 08 08, 4:22 PM
honeybee4 star
It is fake, but it serves it's purpose for those who like that kind of entertainment and exhibitionism.

Reply #157. May 08 08, 5:09 PM
bassman68 star
But, check this out:

Reply #158. May 13 08, 7:35 AM
jordandog star
Whoooa, wonder if a lawsuit was filed over that one?

Reply #159. May 13 08, 7:58 AM
bassman68 star
There, in fact, was a lawsuit, Sandy, resulting in the World Wide Wrestling Federation settling out-of-court for 425,000 dollars. The reporter, ABC NEWS's John Stossel (from the long-running news magazine 20/20) settled for such a relatively low amount because the immediate aftereffects of the assualt---a partial loss of hearing in one of his ears---disappeared after a few days.

Reply #160. May 13 08, 8:32 AM

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