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Subject: Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?

Posted by: wweking134
Date: May 02 04

Wrestling is real for me.

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sherry75 star
Methinks that wrestler has been hit around the head a few times too many - what a plonker.

Reply #161. May 13 08, 9:32 AM
wrestling is as fake as the WMDS that bush used as a reason to go to war in iraq

Reply #162. May 13 08, 9:45 AM
jordandog star
Thanks, bass, and I thought that looked like Stossel from the sideview. I'm glad he got his hearing back after the neanderthal "plonker" hit him. (I like that word plonker);)

Reply #163. May 13 08, 10:03 AM
I have a member of my family who is W.W.E crazy. Now, I know it's not for real, the wrestlers(sporting actors) do a good job of entertaining, that's what they get paid for, not to injure one another. Just like Santa Claus though, I'm not going to burst my youngests bubble, he'll work it out for himself eventually.
I must add, I think the referee's have the hardest part in a whole bout of wrestling. If you watch the ref, he is acting just as hard as the wrestlers.

Reply #164. May 13 08, 1:51 PM
i am a big wwe fan but it is fake go on youtube and you can hear big show tell every one to do.also go to the wiki and check up a wrestlers name to find out his real name.but they are superb athletes.wwe4life!

Reply #165. May 13 08, 2:43 PM
Cymruambyth star

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Surely even the most die-hard WWE fan no longer thinks pro wrestling is for real - well, maybe those under the age of five, but if anyone older than that thought so I'd certainly question their ability to hold down a job, drive a vehicle or use matches under any circumstances.

I agree that most of those wrestlers, both male and female, are in good physical shape, but no more so than the average ballet dancer.

Reply #166. May 13 08, 3:44 PM
jordandog star
Oh, Cym, methinks the remark about the "ballet dancers" will stir a few pots around here!;) Where is good 'ole boy Les Johnson when we need him?

Reply #167. May 13 08, 4:09 PM
I always thought it was kind of basic knowledge that it was fake but then again it isnt all the way fake. They do actually hit each other for some things but in comparison to what they show to be doing. If wrestling was just left to the actual hits that occur it wouldnt really be entertaining

Reply #168. May 13 08, 5:17 PM
wwefan18 star
I agree with you 100 percent. And the weapons are real too, because I was front row seats at Smackdown in Reading, Pennsylvania. Joey Styles came over to me before ECW aired live after Smackdown and asked how I enjoyed the show. I said I loved it. He then told me to feel the steel chair and said Hardcore Holly was going to hit Rob Van Dam in the head with the steel chair. I felt the steel chair and it was complete steel, no joke. And Rob Van Dam got hit with the steel chair by Hardcore Holly and it went through his head into his neck. It looked like it hurt big time. Then, Joey Styles told me to let everyone know, that says wrestling isn't real, that it is in fact real in some aspects. Most of it is fake, yes, but most of it is also real.

The injuries are real, the Suplexes, Body Slams, and other moves that you slam your opponent onto the canvas are real, the steel chairs are real, the blood is real as the superstars use a blade to cut themselves in the forehead, and some other things are real. But I'm not disagreeing though, wrestling is fake, I agree 100 percent. But it is also real.


Reply #169. May 13 08, 5:31 PM
honeybee4 star
I think the matches are choreograped every bit as much as a fine ballet.

Reply #170. May 13 08, 6:24 PM
bassman68 star must be extreeeeeemely difficult being two people at one time, huh? lol, just kidding...I know exactly what you mean, young man. There are some things in wrestling that have to be authentic to lend the level of realistic illusion necessary for the suspension of disbelief that is part of the enjoyment of pro wrestling. And, really, anyone who enjoys a good science fiction or action movie must do the same thing, and with much less convincing impetus for that suspension of disbelief. It is no crme to enjoy wrestling, man, so you go right ahead.

Reply #171. May 13 08, 9:05 PM
bassman68 star
(Hey, Scotty, I just visited your profile page....and, I must say, I do believe pro the WWE owes you a cushy office job, man---or, at the very least, a few bucks.)

Reply #172. May 13 08, 9:10 PM
When I was little, I remember hearing about a wrestler named Chief Wahoo McDaniel going balistic in a bar because someone accused him of that very thing. I do believe that it made the news and might even have ruined his career. He had been a good guy wrestler up until that incident. Do I think wrestling is fake? No, it's very real. But, I do believe it is choreographed and that the end is decided before they ever step into the ring. Too many of them have gotten hurt for it not to be real. But there's real and there's real. Depends on the degree.

Reply #173. May 13 08, 10:19 PM
wwefan18 star
I agree. Wrestling is choreographed. I watched a show on My 9 Network TV (Channel 9 in Pennsylvania). It was about the real and the fake in professioanl wrestling. They said every single match is choreographed (by the way, I knew that ahead of time), and they showed how every move in used to break the fall and how not to get hurt (knew that as well).

I won't go into details about every move and everything that is done the proper way. But I can just say a few things. First being, that when the superstars bleed it is real. Because they use a razor blade to cut open their forehead and it is very sensitive and bleeds a whole lot. Second being, the moves. They showed how to do a "Backbreaker", "Suplex", "Piledriver", show the proper way to fall onto the canvas, show how the superstars talk to one another in the middle of the match and tell each other how to do a certain move and when to do it, they showed how the referee is a major factor in the matches and how the referee tells the wrestlers what to do when they are "aruging" with the referee, and etc.

But I'm not aruging or anything, I'm just stating the facts that I've learned, researched, watched, heard, and know. I research professional wrestling (mainly WWE and TNA), and I study it everyday, approximately five to seven hours a day. I write about it in school when I'm in study hall or not busy with worth, I research it on the computer at home and sometimes in school, only if I'm not busy with work, I watch DVD's and VHS's over and over again. So, I do think that the WWE owes me a desk job or even a ring announcer. lol.

Right now it is 3:55 pm in Pennsylvania. Here is what I will do. I'll name ten WWE superstars, with their stats as fast as I can. And I promise everyone, I'm not researching, reading, or looking at any information. This is from my knowledge. Look at the time below and you'll see how fast I've done it.

1. Triple H: 6'2", 255 pounds, Greenwich, Connecticut, and Pedigree

2. Rey Mysterio: 5'6", 165 pounds, San Diego, California, and Droppin' Da Dime.

3. Undertaker: 6'10.5", 295 pounds, Death Valley, and Tombstone Piledriver.

4. Kane: 7'0", 323 pounds, Parts Unkown (Knoxville, Tennessee), and Chokeslam.

5. Mr. Kennedy: 6'2", 243 pounds, Green Bay, Wisconsin, and The Mic Check

6. Batista: 6'6", 290 pounds, Washington DC, and Batista Bomb.

7. John Cena: 6'2", 248 pounds, West Newbury, Massachusetts, and F-U.

8. Randy Orton: 6'4", 245 pounds, St. Louis, Missouri, and RKO

9. Jeff Hardy: 6'2", 225 pounds, Cameron, North Carolina, and Swanton Bomb.

10. Umaga: 6'4", 350 pounds, The Isle of Samoa, and Samoan Spike.

I do deserve a desk job from the WWE, don't I? lol.


Reply #174. May 14 08, 1:57 PM
You think its real?! How do they go up there and talk every single time without making one mistake? They are obiously hired actors and stuntmen

Reply #175. May 18 08, 4:57 PM
jordandog star
Wow, list of ten in 2 minutes! Fake or not, I'd hire you in a heartbeat for PR, Scotty! Sandy

Reply #176. May 18 08, 5:21 PM

player avatar
I've been saying for a long time that the outcome of every match is known in advance; I've also said that the wrestlers know how to land punches and hit each other with chairs and other things in a way that the other person is not seriously injured.

I was laughed at and put down for saying that the moves are real, although they are choreographed.

Now it seems it's okay to say that the moves are real but choreographed.

Lisa (DakotaNorth)
Chat Board Moderator
Editor: Entertainment and People

Reply #177. May 18 08, 6:35 PM
WWEFAN, I watched that episode too. It was on MyNetworkTV. They also have exposes on magicians too. Yes, to fake blood, the referee hands them a blade to cut themselves. Usually if the plan goes wrong then someone actually gets hurt.

Reply #178. May 18 08, 6:48 PM
kels_76 star

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I started to enjoy watching WWE, especially Raw after getting together with my now fiance. I have known for a long time, even before I became a fan that the results are pre-determined. I don't think it is fake. Like a lot of people, I believe they are real athletes and their injuries are real. It isn't called World Wrestling Entertainment for nothing.

Reply #179. Jun 03 08, 6:37 AM
wwefan18 star
Yeah, DJ. It was on MyNetwork TV. I thought it was interesting. Well, I got to go now. The Press Conference is on about the Million Dollar Mania Giveway. Got to run.


Reply #180. Jun 03 08, 1:00 PM

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