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Subject: Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?

Posted by: wweking134
Date: May 02 04

Wrestling is real for me.

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I think that wrestling is fake. Like I watched Shane Vs Kurt Angle and you could hear shane telling Kurt the next move he was going to do.

Reply #181. Jun 13 08, 4:21 PM
kels_76 star

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I don't think that is fake, I know the matches have their outcomes before they start TBarber but I think some of the people on there just can't act very well.

Reply #182. Jun 13 08, 8:58 PM
guys its fake but their body takes a beating

Reply #183. Jun 30 08, 7:31 AM
Wrestling is fake because they plan who is going to win, but when injuries happen that can be real.

Reply #184. Aug 10 08, 5:17 PM
Cymruambyth star

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Kels, its called WWE because the World Wildlife Federation won't let them call it WWF (which was the original name - World Wrestling Federation). It cost the WWE quite a bit to change the logos and promotional materials, so I wouldn't say that's it called WWE for nothing!

Reply #185. Sep 14 08, 3:56 PM
Some things in wrestling are fake and some things are real.

Reply #186. Sep 14 08, 4:06 PM
Wrestling isn't fake, they just practice the matches before they go out, but injuries are real because they can mess up even though they know what to do ahead of time.

Reply #187. Sep 16 08, 8:27 PM
runaway_drive star

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I watch Wrestling and it differs between matches.

I love wrestling and saw a match a couple years back that was obviously fake.

I saw a match a couple years back as well but it was perfectly real, because blood was oozing...

Reply #188. Sep 28 08, 9:27 AM
jordandog star
I am really amazed to see 10 pages and almost 200 replies to this 'subject'. I didn't realize there were so many people watching it that are on FT.

Reply #189. Sep 28 08, 9:50 AM
Dead Man Inc
Depends on how you define "fake". The matches and storylines are written, no shoots usually. Most of the moves are so fast that you can't see that they're not realy. They don't put as much pressure on their opponents in submission moves as you think. Takes a real fan to admit this, trust me.

Reply #190. Oct 01 08, 6:38 PM
RedSoxLuver star
Well, I watched a match once and my dad told me that the matches and stuff were scripted. And it also looks fake for me.

Reply #191. Oct 06 08, 5:51 PM
Rob3 star
Of course it's fake - that's why it's in Entertainment and not Sports!

Reply #192. Nov 09 08, 3:32 PM
yeah it fake

Reply #193. Nov 10 08, 12:27 AM
Dee30 star

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What a question. Surely you jest. I thought that everyone
anywhere knew it was all put on. It is so clear to see.

Reply #194. Dec 07 08, 5:32 PM
Wrestling is fake!

The "fighters" get their scripts about 2 hours before the show and practice them then.

IT IS fake

Reply #195. Dec 10 08, 2:20 PM
Schoonie101 star

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Sorry, just have to repeat that there really isn't anything lamer/faker than "pro" wrestling. Pure cheese. I am not the biggest fan but UFC is taking it's place. At least those fights are real. Although I could do without some of the Brazilian Ju-Jitsu where they jump on the ground presenting like a female panda or some such Kama Sutra style. But generally, fighting is pretty top notch. Wrestling? I can see it if you are like 7 or 8 years old or so but beyond that, I just don't know... just really cheesy. I give Brock Lesnar credit for graduating to the real thing. I don't blame him for taking the paycheck pro wrestling offered him but I think even he knew it was time to give his career some legitimacy.

Reply #196. Dec 11 08, 3:01 AM
People watch wrestling for other reasons than they think it's real, in fact I'm sure most know that it is fake but it is still entertaining. I don't watch Lost or Heroes or whatever because I think it's real but I do find them entertaining

Reply #197. Dec 11 08, 4:56 PM
Schoonie101 star

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Perhaps, then, a separate category in the Emmys? :)

Reply #198. Dec 11 08, 10:24 PM
Are we talking about UFC or WWE? Because UFC is real WWE is not.

Reply #199. Dec 13 08, 6:59 PM

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Okay, someone tell me this...if Vince McMahon decided upon waking one day to not have scripts and just let the wrestlers go into the ring and do their thing, then would it be considered real?

Is it only fake because they practice and read lines?

If you go by that, then to me, I would think that American Football is fake, because do the teams not practice the game plan prior to the big match-up? Do they not choreograph game plans in advance? Do they not huddle on the field to discuss amongst themselves which game plan they are going to use?

Hmm..tricky topic.

Reply #200. Dec 13 08, 7:47 PM

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