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Subject: Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?

Posted by: wweking134
Date: May 02 04

Wrestling is real for me.

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I think that it is. I think that its all figured out and they just do it from there. but I also think that it can go wrong if someone doesnt do it right.

Reply #21. Jul 07 04, 8:14 AM
I think it is very well staged, unless someone gets seriously hurt. I mean, when Kane jumped down on Shawn Michaels, there is no way something like that would have been staged.
Even though wrestling is staged it's great fun to watch because the viewers never know what could happen.

Reply #22. Jul 11 04, 5:37 PM
The Shawn Michaels and Kane was all staged. Shawn Michaels should making is return tonight or sometime in September.

Reply #23. Aug 02 04, 4:00 PM
I really love wrestling but it is fake. The referee gives the wrestlers a little blade so they cut themselves to bleed. The tables are not real. If you put a little force on those tables with your hands they will break. There is a microphone under the ring so the noise will be louder.

Reply #24. Sep 19 04, 8:16 AM
Want to know how it works ?

Go to the website and click on Smash wrestling and ask the almighty wrestling guru anything you want

Reply #25. Sep 23 04, 10:23 AM
The chairs ain't real! Remember when the Rock sat on one backstage. You heard a bang when he sat on it, making it plastic or toyish!

Reply #26. Nov 06 04, 4:15 PM
No; I know it's fake.
I'm sorry to disappoint some of you out there, but if I didn't tell you this way, you would have to learn it the hard way like I did.
First off, if it were real, why would there be so much carefully thought out dialogue involved before and after the matches? People don't just come up with those half-witted lines off the tops of their heads (especially if they are supposed to fight each other).
Second off; watch some of that stuff in slow-motion sometime. If one guy is to punch another guy, he makes sure his fist doesn't get within 3 inches of his opponent's face. A real obvious form of this is when a guy is laying down on the mat, and another guy stomps his left foot on the ground to make a noise and make it sound like he actually kicked the guy with his right foot. It gets old after a while.
And third of all; if that stuff was actually real, Vince would have been fired for making a bad reality TV show (redundancy?) right away.

Reply #27. Nov 06 04, 7:37 PM
It's not fake. It's planned. They really do hit others with chairs and weapons. But when they bleed, they cut themselves with razors so it's easier to bleed, or use bloodballs. They punch where they can take it, and a lot of people get concussions and injuries. It's not fake.

Reply #28. Dec 20 04, 12:53 AM
Seth is right about that, the stomping thing I saw, where they kicked with the right foot and and stomped the left, that's defiently true. Wrestling is all fake and they don't hit each other with chairs and whatever.

Reply #29. Jun 25 05, 12:44 PM
I think it is very fake. My brother watches, but I think it is pretty fake. But that is only my opinion.

Reply #30. Jul 19 05, 8:10 PM
I know wrestling is real. I still watch it! Parts of the matches are choreographed.

Reply #31. Jul 20 05, 10:11 AM
^^Sorry, I meant to put Isn't real

Reply #32. Jul 20 05, 10:18 AM
Some kinds of wrestling is real, but not wwe stuff. i could act better than that!

Reply #33. Aug 21 05, 12:22 PM
I know, I mean come on, the freaky JBL guy put his hands up before the other big guy could hit him with the steal chair. JBL can't act at all. But I'll tell you who's a good actor; Charlie Haas. I have never seen any flaw from Charlie Haas and everything looks real when he fights.

Reply #34. Sep 14 05, 2:45 PM
Theres times it is not real and times it is very real i mean think from the wrestlers point of view they are out there they are trying to make it were it doesn't go wrong and I'd have to say about 99.5% of the time it does but they are very talented don't you think?

Reply #35. Feb 08 06, 11:41 AM
Bottom line is it's all staged. But I bet it still hurts.

Reply #36. Feb 23 06, 11:33 AM
Wresling is planed out but there is always the chance someone gets knocked out and the have to finish it.
Oh yeah, I think it is funny when the wrestlers forget what their next move is.

Reply #37. Mar 18 06, 11:41 PM

Wrestling is SO FAKE it`s not even funny! This is not my OPINION this IS WHAt I know! I KNOW its FAKE so it` doesn`t even matter. POINT BLANK

Reply #38. Apr 01 06, 3:29 PM
To quote Rob Van Dam. "You get in that ring and take one body slam and tell me it's fake, then you shouldn't even watch wrestling". Wrestling is more real then you think. Yes, tables are cut and yes, they use a blade to cut themselves for the blood, but loOk at the moves they do. HOW'S THAT FAKE? The wrestlers are trained a certain way to do moves and they're trained to take pain. The ring has a lot more harder surface then you think and plus, it has tons of metal and wood attatched to the bottom of it, so there's no way in hell that can't hurt. Also people like to think that the chairs are plastic. That's bullshi*. The chairs are a special type of metal that still gives you a good clonk when you gets hit. Run full speed, head first, into a decently thick wall and that's about the equivalant of a chairshot to the head. Wrestling is performed a specail way and it takes a lot of pain to go and compete in one match, let alone a 20 year carrer. Wrestlers don't train for years on end, just for it to be fake, if that was the case then anyone on this site can go to see Vince, sign a contract and have your first match the following day. I dunno why people say it's completly fake, it's not, it's both real and fake.

Reply #39. Apr 02 06, 4:02 AM
I went to wrestling matches when I was a kid. The old school wrestlers like the Von Erichs, "Wahoo" McDaniel, Red Bastien, "Crusher" Staziak, Ivan Putski, Andre The Giant, Jose Lathario, and "Blackjack" Mulligan. It was great entertainment when I was young. Looking back in retrospect it seemed like a mixture of fake and real. They didn't get "down and dirty" in local venues as far as rivalry like they did on T.V. I'm sure a lot of them had a beer together on the bus before they went to the next town. This was in the 70s before wrestling became a corporate market. At one time I had a pretty nice autograph collection from wrestlers. They're long gone. I do remember that being next to Andre The Giant was like being next to the Empire State Building.

Reply #40. Apr 19 06, 1:07 AM

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