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Subject: Do You Think Wrestling Is Fake?

Posted by: wweking134
Date: May 02 04

Wrestling is real for me.

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Schoonie101 star

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No, you are right on one side and way off on the other. If the wrestlers actually fought tooth and nail unscripted, no predetermined outcome, no bad acting (come to think it, Vlade Divac might have made a great pro wrestler), sure, then it would be real.

But comparing that to football? Way, way off. There is a general game plan and plays and scenarios (2 minute drill, red zone defense/offense, etc.) are practiced. However, it is not predetermined in the slightest and in NO way is the outcome of the game choreographed. Coaches may know what kind of defense a team generally employs, how often they blitz, from where, and in what situations. They will formulate plays in order to attempt to exploit that defense. If they do manage to find a hole in that defense, the opposing defensive coach will make adjustments during the game to combat that. However, to suggest the coaches of both teams get together before the game to discuss the outcome and what plays will be run to generate that outcome, that is beyond ludicrous.

Besides, the plays are usually called in from the sideline, not decided by the players in the huddle. Although if a QB sees something, i.e. a hole in the defense or impending blitz when they come to the line, he may call an audible and change the play at the line.

Comparing pro wrestling to football is like comparing Checkers to Chess. It's not even close.

Reply #201. Dec 13 08, 8:16 PM
johnnycat777 star

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This is not a tricky subject. The winners of the matches are determined before they are played out. The moves have to be choreographed carefully. If men this size were really pounding each other, it wouldn't take long before they were all in wheelchairs.

People watch it for the hype, the rivalries, the atmosphere and for the show that these guys put on. The wrestlers are so big now that the action itself is getting boring and slow. Nothing is really on the line because it is all run by a private company and not an official worldwide governing body. It really is a joke.

Reply #202. Jan 01 09, 5:20 PM
I agree with your comment Johnnycat, they'd be crippled fighting this long, much more bleeding and bruises would be present, clearly.
Watching it, not that I do, isn't a bad thing, it's entertainment, for some. But the fact is, it's fake.

Reply #203. Jan 02 09, 4:01 PM

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The older wrestlers, such as Hulk Hogan, Undertaker, Triple H have sustained injuries in their career.

You say that they would be crippled if they were wrestling for real for all of these years? In the same respect, then so would pro football players and pro boxers and major league baseball players.

Just because it's choreographed and has a predetermined outcome, and just because they have storylines, does not mean they are not real athletes. Take away the choreography and storylines and you will see men and women (all of whom are NOT on steroids) who are real athletes.

Reply #204. Jan 03 09, 11:46 AM
johnnycat777 star

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WWE stands for World Wrestling Entertainment. Wrestlers may be athletic, but they are not true athletes. They are entertainers who use half-naked physicality to do it.

True athletes are paid for performance leading directly to winning games and championships. Since wrestling matches are predetermined, the term "athlete" does not apply.

I also think that DakotaNorth is a lttle naive. They are all on steroids, every last one of them, including the owner.

Reply #205. Jan 03 09, 7:07 PM

player avatar
Sorry to disillusion you...DakotaNorth is NOT a little naive. If, as you say, all the wrestlers are on steroids, then I have to question the football players and other athletes of other sports. They're all bulked up too.

Hasn't anyone ever heard of working out and lifting weights? Just because some wrestlers are on steroids, doesn't mean they are ALL on steroids.

Reply #206. Jan 04 09, 8:47 AM
Anton star
Johnnycat777, post when your opinion is right. Better yet, when your opinion has some vague conception of something that is backed up with something. You obviously know nothing about pro wresting. Let us just leave it at that so you don't look worse than you already do.

Reply #207. Jan 04 09, 9:02 AM
Yes.It is proved in this video.

Reply #208. Jan 05 09, 6:02 PM
Schoonie101 star

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Steroids is a whole different debate. Where does one draw the line? Protein supplements? Blood doping? Performance-enhancing drugs/vitamins/supplements are prevalent in every sport. That is not really where you determine what is or is not a sport. Am sure there are a few chess players who have taken speed or some such in their careers - different debate.

Where I consider wrestling not to be a sport is because it is a show, a piece of entertainment akin to As the World Turns. However, that is NOT to see that the participants are not tremendous athletes in their own right. Brock Lesnar more than successfully made the transition to UFC and from what I heard, more than had the ability to make it to the NFL. Just being at that points shows one as a true athlete. They're definitely more athletic than golfers/bowlers for instance. Not even a comparison, actually.

However, I do still maintain that even the athletic standpoint notwithstanding, pro wrestling does not constitute a sport. An exhibition? Most definitely. But because of its predetermined nature, that does disqualify it from being a full-fledged "sport". Nothing wrong with it - it is what it is. If you enjoy it, more power to you!

Reply #209. Jan 10 09, 11:23 PM
Cymruambyth star

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Gad, this thread has more pages than almost any other on all the chat boards.

The simple answer to the question is : Yes, wrestling is fake - it's entertainment, not sport.

However, most of the wrestlers I've known (I used to work for the News and Sports Director of a Calgary TV station who was the voice of pro-wrestling in Western Canada for many years, so I've known more than a few pro wrestlers) are in great physical shape and don't need to rely on steroids, etc. They work out and watch what they eat!

Moreover, despite all the shouting, threats and fake feuds, most wrestlers are genuinely nice guys. Two of the biggest wrestling villains in the 1950s/'60s were Julian and Gene Kiniski and off stage they were pussycats!

Reply #210. Feb 03 09, 12:56 PM
stuthehistoryguy star
I echo the dear lady. The two preeminnent wrestling families in Nebraska were the "Dirty" Duseks (heels) and the Peseks (faces). Most post-kayfabe accounts by wrestlers stress that the Duseks were very good promoters who treated the boys exceptionally well by wrestling standards. On the other hand, there is equal consensus that the Peseks were prima donnas who really didn't do anything for anyone but themselves. I honestly cannot even begin to quote Lou Thesz on Tigerman Jack Pesek - without the expletives, his prose simply makes no sense.

Pro wrestlers work together to create an entertaining match - they are not competing - and part of this process is looking out for the guys they're working with. A wrestler who intentionally hurts someone they're working with (i.e., wrestles stiff in the parlance of the business) will quickly find themselves ostracized. Cases in point: Van Vader (docked from main event status for throwing "potatoes" - hard shots) and Bruiser Brody (murdered in Puerto Rico for refusing to cooperate with a storyline).

Reply #211. Feb 11 09, 11:09 PM
Schoonie101 star

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Marcel Marceau would have made one heck of an interesting wrestler... ;-)

BTW, Stu, just from your description alone, that is exactly why wrestling is not a sport. It is a contrived storyline and just as much of a sport as, say, the set of General Hospital.

Reply #212. Feb 12 09, 12:11 AM
stuthehistoryguy star
It's not a competitive sport, certainly. In a competititive sport, if you have an injury that keeps you from being competitive, you sit. In pro wrestling, they just work around it. There was a show in Omaha where Shari Martel came in that night barely able to put weight on her ankle. Too bad for her - they just taped her up as tight as they could and told her and Debi Combs to go easy on it. Towards the end of his career - including Wrestlemania III - Andre the Giant could barely walk. The guy was in a wheelchair when he wasn't wrestling. Too bad for him - when the lights went up, out he went. Superstar Billy Graham had a hip replacement and could barely walk, but they had him give it a try anyway until it became so unrealistic that they had to give up.

Contrast this with the UFC. If you get knocked out or otherwise injured, the NV commission automatically suspends you from contact training for a set amount of time, and further suspends you from competing for a set time beyond that. Try to push it, and you're proabably banned from the sport.

Now, those who try to say that pro wrestlers aren't by and large athletes...well, that's barely tenable. The core of wrestlers really know what they're doing - or used to, I honestly know next to nothing about the "sport" over the past 15 years or so. That being said, there's been a tier of folks in the business since the 1920s who weren't good competitive wrestlers - "performers". Even these guys knew how to take bumps without getting seriously hurt, but calling them competitive athletes would be pushing it. Hulk Hogan comes to mind - he's quite forthright about admitting that if the Iron Sheik or Harley Race had wanted to have him for lunch, there's not much Hogan could have done about it. By the time you get to matches with Chyna and David Arquette winning championships...well, I don't think I have to finish THAT thought.

Reply #213. Feb 12 09, 6:06 AM
runaway_drive star

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Yes, it may be fake. But i don't watch it to debate.. I watch it because I like that and if there is anything wrong with that, then I may as well jump in a sewer forever.

Reply #214. Feb 23 09, 10:48 AM
BigUncleChester star
I can't actually believe this debate has been going back and forth since May 2004, which was when the original poster started the thread. The original poster hasnt even been seen on FunTrivia since July 2004 but unfortunately he/she left this bomb behind.

Everybody with any sense knows wrestling isnt real in the sense that wrestlers arent punching and kicking lumps out of each other every night or else they would all probably be dead by now BUT the risks that are taken and injuries that have been suffered by wrestlers are very real.

Wrestlers are very hard working talented entertainers and that is why i enjoy watching them every week and have done since 1990.

Hopefully with that being said this crazy debate will just vanish from the chat boards after already hanging around for at least 4 years too long.

WWE Champions Team Leader

Reply #215. Feb 24 09, 5:57 AM
Wrestling is definitely fake. Isn't it obvious? I used to think it was real, but now that I am older, I can tell that it is fake.

Reply #216. Feb 24 09, 9:21 PM
stuthehistoryguy star
Runaway_drive has the best point here. Yes, it's fake. Everybody knows it's fake. That said, it takes skill to do well, and there's not one thing wrong with liking professional wrestling.

Reply #217. Feb 24 09, 10:27 PM
Midget40 star

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My mind boggles that anyone would think it wasn't! I thought it was a joke thread at first.

That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with people enjoying it or following it

Mind you, by the amount of following it has and industry it generates I guess that makes it very 'real' entertainment

But a sport by definition is people competing to win a game which does not happen here as its all planned in advance

That's my humble opinion anyway

Reply #218. Feb 26 09, 12:35 AM
klinews star

player avatar
Its a real as the rest of reality tv.

Reply #219. Mar 04 09, 4:53 PM
Anton star
"It's not a competitive sport, certainly. In a competititive sport, if you have an injury that keeps you from being competitive, you sit. In pro wrestling, they just work around it."

This is absurd. You trying to say that football players don't play through injuries? LMAO

Reply #220. Mar 04 09, 5:14 PM

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